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行政長官 何厚鏵



辦公室代主任 白麗嫻


(Document Ref.: CPMV/2007/66, of 29 October 2007)


Instructed by my Government, I have the honor to submit to Your Excellency the Instruments of Acceptance of the People's Republic of China for the Fourth Agreement to Extend the 1987 Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology done in Vienna on 22 June 2006 (hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”), and to state, on behalf of the Government of the People's Republic of China, the following:

In accordance with the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, the Government of the People's Republic of China decides that the Agreement applies to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China









Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology

Whereas it is a function of the International Atomic Energy Agency (hereinafter referred to as the “Agency”) to encourage and assist research on, and the development and practical application of, atomic energy for peaceful uses, which function can be fulfilled by furthering co-operation among its Member States and by assisting them in their national atomic energy programmes;

Whereas the Governments Parties to this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Governments Parties”) recognize that, within their national atomic energy programmes, there exist areas of common interest wherein mutual co-operation can promote the more efficient utilization of available resources; and

Whereas, under the auspices of the Agency, the Governments Parties desire to enter into a Regional Agreement to encourage such co-operative activities;

Now, therefore, it is agreed as follows:

Article I

The Governments Parties undertake, in co-operation with each other and the Agency, to promote and co-ordinate co-operative research, development and training projects in nuclear science and technology through their appropriate national institutions.

Article II

1. There shall be a meeting of representatives of the Governments Parties (hereinafter referred to as the “Meeting of Representatives”) to be convened by the Agency. The Meeting of Representatives shall be held as required and, at least, once every year. Each representative may be accompanied by alternates, experts and advisers.

2. The Meeting of Representatives shall have the authority:

(a) To determine a programme of activities and to establish priorities therefore;

(b) To consider and approve the co-operative projects proposed in accordance with paragraph 1 of article III;

(c) To review the implementation of the co-operative projects established in accordance with paragraph 2 of article III;

(d) To co-ordinate the activities of the project committees established in accordance with article VI;

(e) To consider the annual report submitted by the Agency pursuant to paragraph 4 of article VII; and

(f) To consider any other matters related to or connected with the promotion and co-ordination of co-operative projects for the purposes of this Agreement as set forth in article I.

Article III

1. Any Government Party may submit a written proposal for a co-operative project to the Agency, which shall, upon receipt thereof, notify the other Governments Parties of such proposal. The proposal shall specify, in particular, the nature and objectives of the proposed co-operative project and the means of implementing it. At the request of a Government Party, the Agency may assist hi the preparation of a proposal for a co-operative project.

2. In approving a co-operative project pursuant to paragraph 2 (b) of article II, the Meeting of Representatives shall specify:

(a) The nature and objectives of the co-operative project;

(b) The related programme of research, development and training;

(c) The means of implementing the co-operative project and verifying the achievement of project objectives; and

(d) Other relevant details as deemed appropriate.

Article IV

1. Any Government Party may participate in co-operative project established in accordance with article III, by means of a notification of participation to the Agency, which shall notify the other Governments Parties of such participation.

2. Subject to paragraph 2 of article VII, the implementation of each co-operative project established in accordance with article III may start after receipt by the Agency of the third notification of participation in the co-operative project.

Article V

1. Each Government participating in a co-operative project in accordance with article IV (hereinafter referred to as “Participating Government”) shall implement the portion of the co-operative project assigned to it in accordance with paragraph 3 (b) of article VI. In particular, each Participating Government, subject to its domestic laws and regulations, shall:

(i) Make available the necessary scientific and technical facilities and personnel for the implementation of the co-operative project; and

(ii) Take all reasonable and appropriate steps for the acceptance of scientists, engineers or technical experts designated by the other Participating Governments or by the Agency to work at designated installations, and for the assignment of scientists, engineers or technical experts to work at installations designated by the other Participating Governments for the purpose of implementing the co-operative project.

2. Each Participating Government shall submit to the Agency an annual report on the implementation of the portion of the co-operative project assigned to it, including any information it deems appropriate for the purposes of this Agreement.

3. Each Participating Government, subject to its domestic laws and regulations and in accordance with its respective budgetary appropriations, shall contribute, financially or otherwise, to the effective implementation of the co-operative project and shall notify annually the Agency of any such contribution.

Article VI

1. There shall be established a project committee for each co-operative project.

2. The project committee shall consist of one representative from each Participating Government and one representative from the Agency. They may be accompanied by advisers.

3. The functions of the project committee shall be:

(a) To determine details for the implementation of each co-operative project in accordance with its objectives;

(b) To establish and amend, as necessary, the portion of the co-operative project to be assigned to each Participating Government, subject to the consent of that Government;

(c) To supervise the implementation of the co-operative project; and

(d) To make recommendations to the Participating Governments and to the Agency with respect to the co-operative project, and to keep under review the implementation of such recommendations.

4. The project committee shall meet as required and, at least, once every year.

Article VII

1. The Agency shall perform secretariat duties under this Agreement.

2. Subject to available resources, the Agency shall endeavour to support co-operative projects established in accordance with article III by means of technical assistance and its other programmes. Any such assistance shall be provided, mutatis mutandis, in accordance with the principles, rules and procedures governing the provision of technical assistance by the Agency.

3. On the basis of recommendations made by the project committee for a co-operative project pursuant to paragraph 3 (d) of article VI and in consultation with the project committee, the Agency shall:

(a) Establish annually a schedule of work and modalities for the implementation of the co-operative project;

(b) Allocate among the Participating Governments the contribution made in accordance with paragraph 3 of article V and paragraph 1 of article VIII;

(c) Consider the annual reports submitted by the Participating Governments on the implementation of their portions of the co-operative project pursuant to paragraph 2 of article V;

(d) Assist the Participating Governments in the exchange of information and in compiling, publishing and distributing reports on the co-operative project, as appropriate; and

(e) Provide scientific and administrative support for the meetings of the project committee.

4. On the basis of the annual reports submitted by the Participating Governments pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article V and in consultation with them, the Agency shall prepare annually an overall report on the activities carried out under this Agreement, with particular reference to the implementation of the co-operative projects established in accordance with Article III, and submit it to the Meeting of Representatives.

Article VIII

1. With the consent of the Meeting of Representatives, the Agency may invite any Member State other than the Participating Governments or appropriate international organizations to contribute financially or otherwise to, or to participate in, a co-operative project. The Agency shall inform the Participating Governments of any such contributions or participation.

2. The Agency shall administer the contributions made pursuant to paragraph 3 of article V and paragraph 1 of this Article for the purposes of this Agreement, in accordance with its financial regulations and other applicable rules. The Agency shall keep separate records and accounts for each such contribution.

Article IX

1. In accordance with its applicable laws and regulations, each Government Party shall ensure that the Agency's safety standards and measures relevant to a co-operative project are applied to its implementation.

2. Each Government Party undertakes that any assistance provided to it under this Agreement shall be used only for peaceful purposes, in accordance with the Statute of the Agency.

3. Neither the Agency nor any Government or appropriate international organization making contributions pursuant to paragraph 3 of article V or paragraph 1 of article VIII shall be held responsible towards the Participating Governments or any person claiming through them for the safe implementation of a co-operative project.

Article X

Any Government Party to this Agreement and the Agency may, where appropriate and in consultation with each other, make co-operative arrangements with appropriate international organizations for the promotion and development of cooperative projects in the areas covered by this Agreement.

Article XI

Any dispute which may arise with respect to the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall be settled through consultations between the parties concerned, with a view to the settlement of the dispute by negotiation or by any other peaceful means of settling disputes acceptable to them.

Article XII

Any Member State of the Agency in the area of South Asia, South East Asia and the Pacific or the Far East according to the Statute of the Agency may become a Party to this Agreement by notifying its acceptance thereof to the Director General of the Agency.

Article XIII

1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon receipt by the Director General of the Agency of the second notification of acceptance in accordance with article XII. In the event such notification is received by the Director General of the Agency prior to the expiration of the Regional Co-operative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology of 1972, as extended in 1977 and in 1982, this Agreement shall enter into force on the date of expiration of the said Agreement. With respect to Governments accepting this Agreement thereafter, it shall enter into force on the date of receipt by the Director General of the Agency of the notification of such acceptance.

2. This Agreement shall continue in force for a period of five years from the date of its entry into force.

3. The co-operative projects established under the Regional Co-operative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology of 1972, as extended in 1977 and in 1982, which are being implemented as of the date of entry into force of this Agreement, shall be considered as co-operative projects under this Agreement.

DONE in Vienna, on the second day of February 1987, in the English language.









1. 應有締約政府的代表大會(以下稱“代表大會”),會議由機構主持召開。代表大會應該應請求舉行,但每年至少要舉行一次。每位代表可由幾名副代表、專家和顧問隨同。

2. 代表大會應有權:

(a) 決定活動計劃並確定計劃的重點項目;

(b) 審議和核准按照第三條第1款提議的合作項目;

(c) 檢查按照第三條第2款確定的合作項目執行情況;

(d) 協調按照第六條設立的項目委員會的活動;

(e) 審議機構根據第七條第4款提交的年度報告;和

(f) 審議與促進和協調本協定第一條所述合作項目有關或有聯繫的其他事項。


1. 任何締約政府可向機構提交合作項目的書面建議,機構一經收到建議應立即把該建議通知其他締約政府。建議應當詳細說明特別是所提議的合作項目的性質和目標以及執行的方法。機構應任一締約政府請求,可幫助編寫合作項目的建議。

2. 代表大會在根據第二條第2(b)款核准一合作項目時應詳細說明:

(a) 該合作項目的性質和目標;

(b) 有關的研究、發展和培訓計劃;

(c) 執行該合作項目和核查項目目標實現情況的方法;和

(d) 代表大會認為合適的其他有關細節。


1. 任何締約政府可參加按照第三條確定的合作項目,但要通知機構。機構應將該締約政府的參加通知其他締約政府。

2. 在不違反第七條第2款的條件下,按照第三條確定的每一合作項目都可在機構收到參加此合作項目的第三份通知以後開始執行。


1. 按照第四條,參加合作項目的每個政府(以下稱“參加政府”),應該執行按第六條第3(b)款分給它的那部分合作項目。特別是,每個參加政府在不違反本國的法律和規章的條件下應:



2. 每個參加政府應當每年向機構提交關於分配給它的那部分合作項目執行情況報告,包括它認為符合本協定的任何情況。

3. 每個參加政府在不違反本國的法律和規章的條件下並根據其各項預算撥款應當為有效執行合作項目提供財政或其他捐助,同時每年應把這種捐助通知機構。


1. 每個合作項目應當設立一個項目委員會。

2. 項目委員會應當由每個參加政府的一名代表和機構的一名代表組成。代表可由幾名顧問隨同。

3. 項目委員會的職責是:

(a) 按照每個合作項目的目標詳細制定執行該項目的方案;

(b) 確定並在必要時修改分配給每個參加政府的那部分合作項目,但要經該政府同意;

(c) 管理該合作項目的執行;和

(d) 向各參加政府並且向機構就該合作項目提出建議,同時不斷檢查這些建議的落實情況。

4. 項目委員會應該應請求召開會議,並且至少每年要召開一次會議。


l. 機構應當按本協定履行秘書處的職責。

2. 機構根據可得資源的情況,應通過技術援助和機構的其他計劃盡力支助按第三條確定的合作項目。任何這類援助應按照指導機構提供技術援助的原則、規定和程序(在細節上已作必要的修改)來提供。

3. 機構在合作項目的項目委員會按照第六條第3(d)款所提出的建議的基礎上,並經同項目委員會協商後應:






4. 機構在各參加政府按照第五條第2款提交的年度報告的基礎上,並經同它們協商後,應每年編製一份關於按本協定開展的活動特別是關於按照第三條確定的合作項目執行情況的綜合報告,同時應將此報告提交代表大會。


1. 機構在經代表大會同意的情況下可邀請參加政府以外的任何成員國或合適的國際組織對合作項目提供財政或其他捐助,或參加合作項目。機構應將任何這類捐助或參加情況通知各參加政府。

2. 機構應按照其財務條例和其他適用的規則為本協定管理根據第五條第3款和本條第1款作的捐助。機構應單獨保存每一這類捐助的記錄和帳目。


1. 每個締約政府按照各自適用的法律和條例應保證運用與合作項目有關的機構的安全標準和措施來執行該項目。

2. 每個締約政府都應承諾,按照機構《規約》,根據本協定向其提供的任何援助應當僅用於和平目的。

3. 無論是機構還是按第五條第三款或第八條第一款提供捐助的任何政府或合適的國際組織,對參加政府或通過參加政府提出要求的任何個人在安全執行合作項目方面概不負責。








1. 機構總幹事一經收到第二份按照第十二條提交的接受通知,本協定應立即生效。如果機構總幹事在1977年延期並於1982年再次延期的1972年核科學技術研究、發展培訓地區合作協定期滿之前收到接受通知,則本協定應於上述協定期滿之日開始生效。對於此後接受本協定的政府,本協定應於機構總幹事收到接受通知之日生效。

2. 本協定自生效之日起五年始終有效。

3. 根據1977年延期,1982年再次延期的1972年核科學技術研究、發展和培訓地區合作協定而確定的合作項目,至本協定生效之日仍在執行者,應視作本協定的合作項目。


Fourth Agreement to Extend the 1987 Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology (RCA)

Whereas the Governments of Australia, Bangladesh, the People's Republic of China, India, Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam (hereinafter referred to as “the Governments Parties”) are parties to the Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology, 1987 (hereinafter referred to as the “1987 Regional Cooperative Agreement”) which entered into force on 12 June 1987, was extended on 12 June 1992, then on 12 June 1997, and then on 12 June 2002, and is to remain in force for a period of five years from that date;

Whereas the 1987 Regional Cooperative Agreement, extended on 12 June 1992 then on 12 June 1997 and then on 12 June 2002, is due to expire on 11 June 2007;

Whereas the Governments Parties desire to extend the 1987 Regional Cooperative Agreement with effect from the date of its expiry for a further five-year period in view of its usefulness in providing a regional framework for initiating cooperative projects and coordinated research programming between interested Member States;

Now, therefore, it is agreed as follows:

Article 1

Extension of the 1987 Regional Cooperative Agreement

The 1987 Regional Cooperative Agreement shall continue in force for a further period of five years with effect from 12 June 2007. Unless otherwise agreed, all arrangements made in implementation of the 1987 Regional Cooperative Agreement shall also continue in force during the extended period.

Article 2

Entry into force

1. Any Government Party to the 1987 Regional Cooperative Agreement and any Government of any Member State of the International Atomic Energy Agency (hereinafter referred to as the “Agency”) referred to in Article XII of the 1987 Regional Cooperative Agreement may become a Party to this Extension Agreement by notifying its acceptance thereof to the Director General of the Agency.

2. This Extension Agreement shall enter into force on the date of receipt by the Director General of the Agency of the second notification of acceptance. With respect to a Government accepting the Agreement thereafter, it shall enter into force on the date of receipt by the Director General of the Agency of the notification of such acceptance.

DONE in Vienna, on the 22nd day of June 2006, in the English language.











1. 1987年地區合作協定的任一參加國政府及國際原子能機構(以下簡稱“機構”)任一成員國政府根據1987年地區合作協定第12條在向機構總幹事通知其接受後,均可成為本協定的成員國。

2. 延長協定自機構總幹事收到第2份接受通知書之日起生效。對任一接受該協定的政府而言,協定自機構總幹事收到接受通知書之日起生效。


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