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行政長官 何厚鏵


(Done at Geneva on 25 June 1998)



HAVING DECIDED to adopt an Agreement to Establish a Process for Promoting the Development of global technical regulations ensuring high levels of safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and anti-theft performance of Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or be used on Wheeled Vehicles;

HAVING DECIDED that such process shall also promote the harmonization of existing technical regulations, recognizing the right of subnational, national and regional authorities to adopt and maintain technical regulations in the areas of health, safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and anti-theft performance that are more stringent than those established at the global level;

HAVING AUTHORIZATION to enter into such an Agreement under paragraph 1 (a) of the Terms of Reference of the UN/ECE and Chapter XIII of the Rules of Procedure of the UN/ECE, Rule 50;

RECOGNIZING that this Agreement does not prejudice the rights and obligations of a Contracting Party under existing international agreements on health, safety and environmental protection;

RECOGNIZING that this Agreement does not prejudice the rights and obligations of a Contracting Party under the agreements under the World Trade Organization (WTO), including the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), and intending to establish global technical regulations under this agreement, as a basis for their technical regulations in a manner consistent with these agreements;

INTENDING that Contracting Parties to this Agreement use the global technical regulations established under this Agreement as a basis for their technical regulations;

RECOGNIZING the importance to public health, safety and welfare of continuously improving and seeking high levels of safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and anti-theft performance of wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles, and the potential value to international trade, consumer choice and product affordability of increasing convergences in existing and future technical regulations and their related standards;

RECOGNIZING that governments have the right to seek and implement improvements in the level of health, safety and environmental protection, and to determine whether the global technical regulations established under this Agreement are suitable for their needs;

RECOGNIZING the important harmonization work already carried out under the 1958 Agreement;

RECOGNIZING the interest and expertise in different geographic regions regarding safety, environmental, energy and anti-theft problems and methods of solving those problems, and the value of that interest and expertise in developing global technical regulations to aid in achieving those improvements and in minimizing divergences;

DESIRING to promote the adoption of established global technical regulations in developing countries, taking into account the special issues and circumstances for those countries, and in particular the least developed of them;

DESIRING that the technical regulations applied by the Contracting Parties be given due consideration through transparent procedures in developing global technical regulations, and that such consideration include comparative analyses of benefits and cost effectiveness;

RECOGNIZING that establishing global technical regulations providing high levels of protection will encourage individual countries to conclude that those Regulations will provide the protection and performance needed within their jurisdiction;

RECOGNIZING the impact of the quality of vehicle fuels on the performance of vehicle environmental controls, human health, and fuel efficiency; and

RECOGNIZING that the use of transparent procedures is of particular importance in developing global technical regulations under this Agreement and that this development process must be compatible with the regulatory development processes of the Contracting Parties to this Agreement;

HAVE AGREED as follows:



1.1. The purpose of this Agreement is:

1.1.1. To establish a global process by which Contracting Parties from all regions of the world can jointly develop global technical regulations regarding the safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency, and anti-theft performance of wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles;

1.1.2. To ensure that, in developing global technical regulations, due and objective consideration is given to the existing technical regulations of Contracting Parties, and to the UN/ECE Regulations;

1.1.3. To ensure that objective consideration is given to the analysis of best available technology, relative benefits and cost effectiveness as appropriate in developing global technical regulations;

1.1.4. To ensure that the procedures used in developing global technical regulations are transparent;

1.1.5. To achieve high levels of safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency, and anti-theft performance within the global community, and to ensure that actions under this Agreement do not promote, or result in, a lowering of these levels within the jurisdiction of Contracting Parties, including the subnational level;

1.1.6. To reduce technical barriers to international trade through harmonizing existing technical regulations of Contracting Parties, and UN/ECE Regulations, and developing new global technical regulations governing safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and anti-theft performance of wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles, consistent with the achievement of high levels of safety and environment protection and the other above-stated purposes; and

1.1.7. To ensure that, where alternative levels of stringency are needed to facilitate the regulatory activities of certain countries, in particular developing countries, such needs are taken into consideration in developing and establishing global technical regulations.

1.2. This Agreement is to operate in parallel with the 1958 Agreement, without affecting the institutional autonomy of either Agreement.



2.1. Countries that are members of the Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE), regional economic integration organizations that are set up by ECE member countries and countries that are admitted to the ECE in a consultative capacity in accordance with paragraph 8 of the ECE's Terms of Reference, may become Contracting Parties to this Agreement.

2.2. Countries that are members of the United Nations and that participate in certain activities of the ECE in accordance with paragraph 11 of the ECE's Terms of Reference, and regional economic integration organizations set up by such countries, may become Contracting Parties to this Agreement.

2.3. Any specialized agency and any organization, including intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations, that have been granted consultative status by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, may participate in that capacity in the deliberations of any Working Party during consideration of any matter of particular concern to that agency or organization.



3.1. The representatives of Contracting Parties shall constitute the Executive Committee of this Agreement and shall meet at least annually in that capacity.

3.2. The Rules of Procedure of the Executive Committee are set forth in Annex B to this Agreement.

3.3. The Executive Committee shall:

3.3.1. be responsible for the implementation of this Agreement, including the setting of priorities for activity under this Agreement;

3.3.2. consider all recommendations and reports by Working Parties regarding the establishment of global technical regulations under this Agreement; and

3.3.3. fulfill such other functions as may be appropriate under this Agreement.

3.4. The Executive Committee shall have the final authority to decide whether to list regulations in the Compendium of Candidate global technical regulations and to establish global technical regulations under this Agreement.

3.5. The Executive Committee shall, in discharging its functions, use information from all relevant sources when the Committee deems it appropriate to do so.



4.1. To be listed under Article 5 or established under Article 6, a technical regulation shall meet the following criteria:

4.1.1. provide a clear description of the wheeled vehicles, equipment and/or parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles and which are subject to the regulation.

4.1.2. contain requirements that: provide for high levels of safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency or anti-theft performance; and wherever appropriate, are expressed in terms of performance instead of design characteristics.

4.1.3. include: the test method by which compliance with the regulation is to be demonstrated; for regulations to be listed under Article 5, where appropriate, a clear description of approval or certification markings and/or labels requisite for type approval and conformity of production or for manufacturer self-certification requirements; and if applicable, a recommended minimum period of lead time, based upon considerations of reasonableness and practicability, that a Contracting Party should provide before requiring compliance.

4.2. A global technical regulation may specify alternative non-global levels of stringency or performance, and appropriate test procedures, where needed to facilitate the regulatory activities of certain countries, in particular developing countries.



5.1. A compendium of technical regulations of Contracting Parties other than UN/ECE Regulations that are candidates for harmonization or adoption as global technical regulations (to be known as the Compendium of Candidates) shall be created and maintained.

5.2. Listing technical regulations in the Compendium of Candidates

Any Contracting Party may submit a request to the Executive Committee for the listing in the Compendium of Candidates of any technical regulation that such Contracting Party has applied, is applying or has adopted for future application.

5.2.1. The request specified in paragraph 5.2. shall contain: a copy of such regulation; any available technical documentation supporting such regulation, including documentation concerning best available technology, relative benefits, and cost effectiveness; and the identification of any known existing or imminent relevant international voluntary standards.

5.2.2. The Executive Committee shall consider all requests that satisfy the requirements of Article 4 and paragraph 5.2.1. of this Article. The technical regulation shall be listed in the Compendium of Candidates if supported by an affirmative vote in accordance with paragraph 7.1. of Article 7 of Annex B. The documentation submitted with the request for that regulation shall be appended to the listed technical regulation.

5.2.3. The requested regulation shall be considered to be listed by the Secretary-General on the date on which it is supported by an affirmative vote under paragraph 5.2.2. of this Article.

5.3. Removing listed technical regulations from the Compendium of Candidates

A listed technical regulation shall be removed from the Compendium of Candidates either:

5.3.1. upon the establishment in the Global Registry of a global technical regulation embodying product requirements addressing the same elements of performance or design characteristics as the listed technical regulation;

5.3.2. at the end of the 5-year period following the regulation's listing under this Article, and at the end of each subsequent 5-year period, unless the Executive Committee reaffirms, by an affirmative vote in accordance with paragraph 7.1. of Article 7 of Annex B, the listing of the technical regulation in the Compendium of Candidates; or

5.3.3. in response to a written request from the Contracting Party at whose request the technical regulation was originally listed. Such request shall include the bases for the removal of the regulation.

5.4. Availability of documents

All documents considered by the Executive Committee under this Article shall be publicly available.



6.1. A registry shall be created and maintained for the global technical regulations developed and established under this Article. The registry shall be known as the Global Registry.

6.2. Establishing global technical regulations in the Global Registry through harmonization of existing regulations

A Contracting Party may submit a proposal to develop a harmonized global technical regulation concerning elements of performance or design characteristics addressed either by technical regulations listed in the Compendium of Candidates, or by any UN/ECE Regulations, or both.

6.2.1. The proposal specified in paragraph 6.2. shall contain: an explanation of the objective of the proposed global technical regulation. a narrative description or, if available, the draft text of the proposed global technical regulation; available documentation that may facilitate the analysis of the issues to be addressed in the report required by paragraph of this Article; a list of all technical regulations in the Compendium of Candidates, and any UN/ECE Regulations, that address the same elements of performance or design characteristics to be addressed by the proposed global technical regulation; and the identification of any known existing relevant international voluntary standards.

6.2.2. Each proposal specified in paragraph 6.2.1. of this Article shall be submitted to the Executive Committee.

6.2.3. The Executive Committee shall not refer to any Working Party any proposal that it determines does not satisfy the requirements of Article 4 and paragraph 6.2.1. of this Article. It may refer all other proposals to an appropriate Working Party.

6.2.4. In response to a proposal referred to it for developing a global technical regulation through harmonization, the Working Party shall use transparent procedures to: develop recommendations regarding a global technical regulation by: giving consideration to the objective of the proposed global technical regulation and the need for establishing alternative levels of stringency or performance; reviewing all technical regulations that are listed in the Compendium of Candidates, and any UN/ECE Regulations, that address the same elements of performance; reviewing any documentation that is appended to the regulations specified in paragraph of this Article; reviewing any available assessments of functional equivalence relevant to the consideration of the proposed global technical regulation, including assessments of related standards; verifying whether the global technical regulation under development satisfies the stated objective of the regulation and the criteria in Article 4; and giving due consideration to the possibility of the technical regulation being established under the 1958 Agreement. submit to the Executive Committee: a written report that presents its recommendation regarding the global technical regulation, includes all technical data and information that were considered in the development of its recommendation, describes its consideration of the information specified in paragraph of this Article, and sets forth the rationale for its recommendations, including an explanation for rejecting any alternative regulatory requirements and approaches considered; and the text of any recommended global technical regulation.

6.2.5. The Executive Committee shall, using transparent procedures: determine whether the recommendations regarding the global technical regulation, and the report are based upon a sufficient and thorough performance of the activities specified in paragraph of this Article. If the Executive Committee determines that the recommendations, report and/or the text of the recommended global technical regulation, if any, are inadequate, it shall return the regulation and report to the Working Party for revision or additional work. consider the establishment of a recommended global technical regulation in accordance with the procedures set forth in paragraph 7.2. of Article 7 of Annex B. A consensus vote by the Executive Committee in favour of the regulation shall establish the Regulation in the Global Registry.

6.2.6. The global technical regulation shall be considered to be established in the Global Registry on the date of the consensus vote by the Executive Committee in favour of the regulation.

6.2.7. The Secretariat shall, upon the establishment of a global technical regulation by the Executive Committee, append copies of all relevant documentation, including the proposal submitted pursuant to paragraph 6.2.1. of this Article and the recommendations and report required by paragraph of this Article, to that regulation.

6.3. Establishing new global technical regulations in the Global Registry

A Contracting Party may submit a proposal to develop a new global technical regulation concerning elements of performance or design characteristics not addressed by technical regulations in the Compendium of Candidates or UN/ECE Regulations.

6.3.1. The proposal specified in paragraph 6.3. shall contain: an explanation of the objective of the proposed new global technical regulation, based on objective data to the extent possible; a narrative description or, if available, the draft text of the proposed new global technical regulation; any available documentation that may facilitate the analysis of the issues to be addressed in the report required by paragraph of this Article; and the identification of any known existing relevant international voluntary standards.

6.3.2. Each proposal specified in paragraph 6.3.1. of this Article shall be submitted to the Executive Committee.

6.3.3. The Executive Committee shall not refer to any Working Party any proposal that it determines does not satisfy the requirements of Article 4 and paragraph 6.3.1. of this Article. It may refer all other proposals to an appropriate Working Party.

6.3.4. In response to a proposal referred to it for developing a new global technical regulation, the Working Party shall use transparent procedures to: develop recommendations regarding a new global technical regulation by: giving consideration to the objective of the proposed new global technical regulation and the need for establishing alternative levels of stringency or performance; considering technical feasibility; considering economic feasibility; examining benefits, including those of any alternative regulatory requirements and approaches considered; comparing potential cost effectiveness of the recommended regulation to that of the alternative regulatory requirements and approaches considered; verifying whether the new global technical regulation under development satisfies the stated objective of the Regulation and the criteria in Article 4; and giving due consideration to the possibility of the technical regulation being established under the 1958 Agreement. submit to the Executive Committee: a written report that presents its recommendation regarding the new global technical regulation, includes all technical data and information that were considered in the development of its recommendation, describes its consideration of the information specified in paragraph of this Article, and sets forth the rationale for its recommendations, including an explanation for rejecting any alternative regulatory requirements and approaches considered; and the text of any recommended new global technical regulation.

6.3.5. The Executive Committee shall, using transparent procedures: determine whether the recommendations regarding the new global technical regulation and the report are based upon a sufficient and thorough performance of the activities specified in paragraph of this Article. If the Executive Committee determines that the recommendations, report and/or the text of the recommended new global technical regulation, if any, are inadequate, it shall return the regulation and report to the Working Party for revision or additional work. consider the establishment of a recommended new global technical regulation in accordance with the procedures set forth in paragraph 7.2. of Article 7 of Annex B. A consensus vote by the Executive Committee in favour of the regulation shall establish the Regulation in the Global Registry.

6.3.6. The global technical regulation shall be considered to be established in the Global Registry on the date of the consensus vote by the Executive Committee in favour of the regulation.

6.3.7. The Secretariat shall, upon the establishment of a new global technical regulation by the Executive Committee, append copies of all relevant documentation, including the proposal submitted pursuant to paragraph 6.3.1. of this Article and the recommendations and report required by paragraph of this Article, to that Regulation.

6.4. Amending established global technical regulations

The process for amending any global technical regulation established in the Global Registry under this Article shall be the procedures specified in paragraph 6.3. of this Article for establishing a new global technical regulation in the Global Registry.

6.5. Availability of documents

All documents considered or generated by the Working Party in recommending global technical regulations under this Article shall be publicly available.



7.1. A Contracting Party that votes in favour of establishing a global technical regulation under Article 6 of this Agreement shall be obligated to submit the technical Regulation to the process used by that Contracting Party to adopt such a technical Regulation into its own laws or regulations and shall seek to make a final decision expeditiously.

7.2. A Contracting Party that adopts an established global technical regulation into its own laws or regulations shall notify the Secretary-General in writing of the date on which it will begin applying that Regulation. The notification shall be provided within 60 days after its decision to adopt the Regulation. If the established global technical regulation contains more than one level of stringency or performance, the notification shall specify which of those levels of stringency or performance is selected by the Contracting Party.

7.3. A Contracting Party that is specified in paragraph 7.1. of this Article and that decides not to adopt the established global technical regulation into its own laws or regulations, shall notify the Secretary-General in writing of its decision and the basis for its decision. The notification shall be provided within sixty (60) days after its decision.

7.4. A Contracting Party that is specified in paragraph 7.1. of this Article and that has not, by the end of the one-year period after the date of the establishment of the Regulation in the Global Registry, either adopted that technical regulation or decided not to adopt the Regulation into its own laws or regulations, shall provide a report on the status of the Regulation in its domestic process. A status report shall be submitted for each subsequent one-year period if neither of those actions has been taken by the end of that period. Each report required by this paragraph shall:

7.4.1 include a description of the steps taken during the past year to submit the Regulation and make a final decision and an indication of the anticipated date of such a decision; and

7.4.2. be submitted to the Secretary-General not later than 60 days after the end of the one-year period for which the report is submitted.

7.5. A Contracting Party that accepts products that comply with an established global technical regulation without adopting that Regulation into its own laws or regulations shall notify the Secretary-General in writing of the date on which it began to accept such products. The Contracting Party shall provide the notification within sixty (60) days after the beginning of such acceptance. If the established global technical regulation contains more than one level of stringency or performance, the notification shall specify which of those levels of stringency or performance is selected by the Contracting Party.

7.6. A Contracting Party that has adopted into its own laws or regulations an established global technical regulation may decide to rescind or amend the adopted Regulation. Prior to making that decision, the Contracting Party shall notify the Secretary-General in writing of its intent and the reasons for considering that action. This notice provision shall also apply to a Contracting Party that has accepted products under paragraph 7.5. and that intends to cease accepting such products. The Contracting Party shall notify the Secretary-General of its decision to adopt any amended or new regulation within 60 days after that decision. Upon request, the Contracting Party shall promptly provide copies of such amended or new regulation to other Contracting Parties.



8.1. Questions concerning the provisions of an established global technical regulation shall be referred to the Executive Committee for resolution.

8.2. Issues between two or more Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall, so far as possible, be resolved through consultation or negotiation between or among them. Where this process fails to resolve the issues, the Contracting Parties concerned may agree to request the Executive Committee to resolve the issue as provided in paragraph 7.3. of Article 7 of Annex B.



9.1. Countries and regional economic integration organizations specified in Article 2 may become Contracting Parties to this Agreement by either:

9.1.1. signature without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or approval;

9.1.2. signature subject to ratification, acceptance or approval, followed by ratification, acceptance or approval;

9.1.3. acceptance; or

9.1.4. accession.

9.2. The instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General.

9.3 Upon becoming a Contracting Party:

9.3.1. after this Agreement has entered into force, each country or regional integration organization shall give notification in accordance with Article 7 as to which, if any, global technical regulation(s) established pursuant to Article 6 it will adopt, and as to any decision to accept products that comply with any of those global technical regulations, without adopting those Regulations into its own laws or regulations. If the established global technical regulation contains more than one level of stringency or performance, the notification shall specify which of those levels of stringency or performance is adopted or accepted by the Contracting Party.

9.3.2. each regional economic integration organization shall declare in matters within its competence that its Member States have transferred powers in fields covered by this Agreement, including the power to make binding decisions on their Member States.

9.4. Regional economic integration organizations that are Contracting Parties shall cease being Contracting Parties when they lose the powers declared in accordance with paragraph 9.3.2. of this Article and shall inform the Secretary-General thereof.



10.1. This Agreement shall be open for signature beginning 25 June 1998.

10.2. This Agreement shall remain open for signature until its entry into force.



11.1. This Agreement and its Annexes, which constitute integral parts of the Agreement, shall enter into force on the thirtieth (30) day following the date on which a minimum of five (5) countries and/or regional economic integration organizations have become Contracting Parties pursuant to Article 9. This minimum of five (5) must include the European Community, Japan, and the United States of America.

11.2. If, however, paragraph 11.1 of this Article is not satisfied fifteen (15) months after the date specified in paragraph 10.1., then this Agreement and its Annexes, which constitute integral parts of the Agreement, shall enter into force on the thirtieth (30) day following the date on which a minimum of eight (8) countries and/or regional economic integration organizations have become Contracting Parties pursuant to Article 9. Such date of entry into force shall not be earlier than sixteen (16) months after the date specified in paragraph 10.1. At least one (1) of these eight (8) must be either the European Community, Japan or the United States of America.

11.3. For any country or regional economic integration organization that becomes a Contracting Party to the Agreement after its entry into force, this Agreement shall enter into force sixty (60) days after the date that such country or regional economic integration organization deposits its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.



12.1. A Contracting Party may withdraw from this Agreement by notifying the Secretary-General in writing.

12.2. Withdrawal from this Agreement by any Contracting Party shall take effect one year after the date on which the Secretary-General receives notification pursuant to paragraph 12.1. of this Article.



13.1. A Contracting Party may propose amendments to this Agreement and the Annexes to this Agreement. Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Secretary-General, who shall transmit them to all Contracting Parties.

13.2. A proposed amendment transmitted in accordance with paragraph 13.1. of this Article shall be considered by the Executive Committee at its next scheduled meeting.

13.3. If there is a consensus vote in favour of the amendment by the Contracting Parties present and voting, it shall be communicated by the Executive Committee to the Secretary-General who shall then circulate the amendment to all Contracting Parties.

13.4. An amendment circulated under paragraph 13.3. of this Article shall be deemed to be accepted by all Contracting Parties if no Contracting Party expresses an objection within a period of six (6) months after the date of such circulation. If no such objection has been expressed, the amendment shall enter into force for all Contracting Parties three (3) months after the expiry of the period of the six (6) months referred in this paragraph.

13.5 The Secretary-General shall, as soon as possible, notify all Contracting Parties whether an objection to the proposed amendment has been expressed. If such objection has been expressed, the amendment shall be deemed not to have been accepted, and shall be of no effect whatever.



The Depositary of this Agreement shall be the Secretary-General of the United Nations. In addition to other depositary functions, the Secretary-General shall, as soon as possible, notify the Contracting Parties of:

14.1. the listing or removing of technical regulations under Article 5.

14.2. the establishing or amending of global technical regulations under Article 6.

14.3. notifications received in accordance with Article 7.

14.4. signatures, acceptances, and accessions in accordance with Articles 9 and 10.

14.5. notifications received in accordance with Article 9.

14.6. the dates on which this Agreement shall enter into force for Contracting Parties in accordance with Article 11.

14.7. notifications of withdrawal from this Agreement received in accordance with Article 12.

14.8. the date of entry into force of any amendment to this Agreement in accordance with Article 13.

14.9. notifications received in accordance with Article 15 regarding territories.



15.1. This Agreement shall extend to the territory or territories of a Contracting Party for whose international relations such Contracting Party is responsible, unless the Contracting Party otherwise specifies, prior to entry into force of the agreement for that Contracting Party.

15.2. Any Contracting Party may denounce this Agreement separately for any such territory or territories in accordance with Article 12.



The Secretariat of this Agreement shall be the Executive Secretary of the UN/ECE. The Executive Secretary shall carry out the following secretariat functions:

16.1. the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Working Parties;

16.2. transmit to the Contracting Parties reports and other information received in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement; and

16.3. discharge the functions assigned by the Executive Committee.



For the purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply:

1. With regard to the global technical regulations developed under this Agreement, the term "accept" means the action by a Contracting Party of allowing the entry of products that comply with a global technical regulation into its market without having adopted that global technical regulation into its respective laws and regulations.

2. With regard to the global technical regulations developed under this Agreement, the term "adopt" means the promulgation of a global technical regulation into the laws and regulations of a Contracting Party.

3. With regard to the global technical regulations developed under this Agreement, the term "apply" means the action of requiring compliance with a global technical regulation by a Contracting Party as of a certain date; in other words, the effective date of the regulation within a Contracting Party's jurisdiction.

4. The term "Article" means an article of this Agreement.

5. The term "consensus vote" means a vote on a matter in which no Contracting Party present and voting objects to the matter in accordance with paragraph 7.2. of Article 7 of Annex B.

6. The term "Contracting Party" means any country, or regional economic integration organization, that is a Contracting Party to this Agreement.

7. The term "equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles" means equipment or parts whose characteristics have a bearing on safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency, or anti-theft performance. Such equipment and parts include, but are not limited to, exhaust systems, tyres, engines, acoustic shields, anti-theft alarms, warning devices, and child restraint systems.

8. The term "established global technical regulation" means a global technical regulation that has been placed on the Global Registry in accordance with this Agreement.

9. The term "listed technical regulation" means a national or regional technical regulation that has been placed on the Compendium of Candidates in accordance with this Agreement.

10. The term "manufacturer self-certification" means a Contracting Party's legal requirement that a manufacturer of wheeled vehicles, equipment and/or parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles must certify that each vehicle, item of equipment or part that the manufacturer introduces into commerce satisfies specific technical requirements.

11. The term "regional economic integration organization" means an organization which is constituted by, and composed of, sovereign countries, and which has competence in respect of matters covered by this Agreement, including the authority to make decisions binding on all of its Member Countries in respect of those matters.

12. The term "Secretary-General" means the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

13. The term "transparent procedures" means procedures designed to promote the public awareness of and participation in the regulatory development process under this Agreement. They shall include the publication of:

(1) notices of meetings of the Working Parties and of the Executive Committee; and

(2) working and final documents.

They shall also include the opportunity to have views and arguments represented at:

(1) meetings of Working Parties through organizations granted consultative status; and

(2) meetings of Working Parties and of the Executive Committee through pre-meeting consulting with representatives of Contracting Parties.

14. The term "type approval" means written approval of a Contracting Party (or competent authority designated by a Contracting Party) that a vehicle and/or any item of equipment and/or part that can be fitted and/or be used on a vehicle, satisfies specific technical requirements, and is used as a precondition to the introduction of the vehicle, equipment or part into commerce.

15. The term "UN/ECE Regulations" means United Nations/Economic Commission for Europe Regulations adopted under the 1958 Agreement.

16. The term "Working Party" means a specialized technical subsidiary body under the ECE whose function is to develop recommendations regarding the establishment of harmonized or new global technical regulations for inclusion in the Global Registry and to consider amendments to the global technical regulations established in the Global Registry.

17. The term "1958 Agreement" means the Agreement concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be fitted and/or be used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions.



Article 1

Membership in the Executive Committee shall be limited to Contracting Parties.

Article 2

All Contracting Parties shall be members of the Executive Committee.

Article 3

3.1. Except as provided in paragraph 3.2. of this Article, each Contracting Party shall have one vote.

3.2. If a regional economic integration organization and one or more of its Member States are Contracting Parties to this Agreement, the regional economic integration organization shall, in matters within its competence, exercise its right to vote with a number of votes equal to the number of its Member States that are Contracting Parties to this Agreement. Such an organization shall not exercise its right to vote if any of its Member States exercises its right, and vice versa.

Article 4

In order to cast its own vote, a Contracting Party shall be present. A Contracting Party need not be present for the casting of a vote by its regional economic integration organization.

Article 5

5.1. A quorum consisting of not less than half of all the Contracting Parties shall be present for the taking of a vote.

5.2. For purposes of determining a quorum under this Article, and determining the number of Contracting Parties needed to constitute one-third of the Contracting Parties present and voting under paragraph 7.1. of Article 7 of this Annex, a regional economic integration organization and its Member States shall be counted as one Contracting Party.

Article 6

6.1. The Executive Committee shall, at its first session each calendar year, elect a Chairman and Vice-Chairman from its membership. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be elected by a two-thirds affirmative vote of all Contracting Parties present and voting.

6.2. Neither the Chairman, nor the Vice-Chairman, shall come from the same Contracting Party more than two years in succession. In any year, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall not come from the same Contracting Party.

Article 7

7.1. A national or regional regulation shall be listed in the Compendium of Candidates by an affirmative vote of either at least one-third of the Contracting Parties present and voting (as defined in Article 5.2. of this Annex), or one-third of the total number of votes cast, whichever is more favourable to achieving an affirmative vote. In either case, the one-third shall include the vote of either the European Community, Japan or the United States, if any of them are Contracting Parties.

7.2. Establishing a global technical regulation in the Global Registry, amending an established global technical regulation and amending this Agreement shall be by a consensus vote of the Contracting Parties present and voting. A present and voting Contracting Party that objects to a matter for which a consensus vote is necessary for adoption shall provide a written explanation of its objection to the Secretary-General within sixty (60) days from the date of the vote. If such Contracting Party fails to provide such explanation during that period, it shall be considered as having voted in favour of the matter on which the vote was taken. If all Contracting Parties that objected to the matter so fail, the vote on the matter shall be considered to have been a consensus vote in favour of the matter by all persons present and voting. In that event, the date of the vote shall be considered to be the first day after that 60-day period.

7.3. All other matters requiring resolution may, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, be resolved by the voting process set forth in paragraph 7.2. of this Article.

Article 8

Contracting Parties that abstain from voting are considered as not voting.

Article 9

The Executive Secretary shall convene the Executive Committee whenever a vote is required to be taken under Article 5, 6 or 13 of this Agreement or whenever necessary to conduct activities under this Agreement.







有權根據UN/ECE參考條款 I(a)條和UN/ECE法令50中程序法令XIII章的規定加入此協定書;


承認本協定書並不損害世界貿易組織(WTO)中各項協定書,包括貿易技術壁壘協議(TBT)各締約方的權利和義務,並計劃在本協定書的框架下制定全球性技術法規,作為符合上述 WTO 協定書要求的各締約方技術法規的基礎。












第 1 條


1.1 本協定書的目的為

1.1.1 建立一個全球性的規程,使得全世界所有區域的締約方通過此規程都能就輪式車輛、可安裝和/或用於輪式車輛的裝備和部件的安全、環境保護、節能和防盜性能方面共同制定全球性的技術法規;

1.1.2 確保在制定全球性技術法規時,對現有締約方的技術法規和UN/ECE法規給予適當和客觀的考慮;

1.1.3 確保制定全球性技術法規時,對適用的最佳技術、有關的利益和成本效益的分析進行客觀的考慮;

1.1.4 確保全球性技術法規制定過程的透明性;

1.1.5 達到全球範圍內安全、環境保護、節能和防盜性能的高水準;確保按本協定書的行動不會加劇或導致各締約方法律管轄範圍內(包括國家所屬地區)上述水準的下降;

1.1.6 在達到安全、環境保護、節能和防盜性能高水準的同時,通過在輪式車輛、可安裝和 / 或用於輪式車輛的裝備和部件的安全、環境保護、節能和防盜性能方面協調現有締約方的技術法規和UN / ECE法規並制定新的全球性技術法規,減少國際貿易的技術壁壘;

1.1.7 確保制定和建立的全球性技術法規的嚴格性方面要考慮某些國家,尤其是發展中國家對其他嚴格程度的需求,以便利這些國家的技術法規工作。

1.2 本協定書與原《1958年協定書》並存運作,兩者的運作獨立性不受影響。

第 2 條


2.1 歐洲經濟委員會(ECE)成員國,按ECE參考條款第 8 條的規定以顧問身份參加 ECE 的國家;由 ECE 成員國組成的區域經濟一體化組織,都可以成為本協定書的締約方。

2.2 作為聯合國成員並按ECE參考條款第11條的規定參加ECE某些活動的國家;以及由這類國家組成的區域經濟一體化組織可以成為本協定書的締約方。

2.3 已被聯合國經濟及社會理事會授予顧問地位的任何特殊的機構、組織,包括政府與非政府組織,都能以此顧問身份按照這些機構或組織特別感興趣的事項參加工作組的工作。

第 3 條


3.1 由本協定書各締約方的代表組成本協定書的執行委員會,該委員會至少每年召開一次會議。

3.2 執行委員會的組成和規程條例在本協定書附件 B 中予以規定。

3.3 執行委員會應:


3.3.2 審查工作組提交的有關按本協定書制定全球性技術法規的所有建議和報告;

3.3.3 完成其他合乎本協定書規定的工作。

3.4 執行委員會具有決定是否將技術法規列入候選全球性技術法規綱要及根據本協定書的條款制定全球性技術法規的最終權力。

3.5 執行委員會為了履行其職責在其認為合適時,應利用來自所有有關渠道的信息資料。

第 4 條


4.1. 列入第 5 條及按第 6 條制定的技術法規應符合如下準則。

4.1.1 對技術法規中所涉及的輪式車輛、可安裝和 / 或用於輪式車輛的裝備和部件要有清晰的描述。

4.1.2 包括如下要求: 規定安全、環境保護、節約能源或防盜性能的高水準; 盡可能地只規定性能要求,而對設計特性則不作說明或規定。

4.1.3 包括: 表示符合該法規的試驗方法; 適當時對於按本協定書第 5 條列入的技術法規,對型式批准或製造廠自我認證要求或生產一致性所必需標誌和 / 或標記的清晰描述;及 在適當的情況下,在合理和切合實際的考慮的基礎上,對達不到技術法規要求的締約方可規定一個達到法規要求的最短過渡期限。

4.2 為了促進某些國家,特別是發展中國家的法規工作,全球性技術法規中可以規定替代性的、非全球性的嚴格性或性能的替代水準,以及適當的試驗規程。

第 5 條


5.1 應建立和保持一個可被協調或採納為全球性技術法規的締約方技術法規(UN/ECE法規除外)的綱要(稱之為候選綱要)。

5.2 將技術法規列入候選綱要

5.2.1 任何締約方都可向執行委員會提交要求,將該締約方已經採用、正在採用或已採納將要實施的技術法規,列入候選綱要,這個要求應包括: 要求列入候選綱要中的技術法規的文本,和 支持該技術法規的任何可獲得的技術文件,包括有關最佳可用技術、有關的利益和成本效益的文件。 任何已知現有或即將出台的有關國際志願性標準的目錄。

5.2.2 執行委員會應考慮所有滿足第 4 條及本條5.2.1段的要求。如果按照附件 B 第 7 條中 7.1 段規定獲得肯定票的支持,則該技術法規應列入候選綱要中,與要求同時遞交的文件應附在所列入的技術法規之後。

5.2.3 應由秘書長在要求列入候選綱要的技術法規按本條5.2.3段規定獲肯定票支持的日期將該技術法規列入候選綱要中。

5.3 從候選綱要中刪除所列入的技術法規


5.3.1 一個與列入候選綱要中技術法規在產品要求上具有相同性能或設計特性要素的全球性技術法規已被建立在全球註冊中。

5.3.2 技術法規按本條規定列入候選綱要後的 5 年期結束時,或任何一個隨後的5年期結束時,除非執行委員會以附件 B 第 7 條 7.1 段中規定的肯定投票,再次確認支持保留此技術法規在候選綱要中,或有

5.3.3 最初要求列入候選綱要的締約方要求刪除的書面要求,此要求應包括刪除此法規的依據。

5.4 文件的可獲得性


第 6 條


6.1 應建立和保持按本條規定制定和建立起來的全球性技術法規的註冊,該註冊被稱之為全球註冊。

6.2 通過協調現有的法規,在全球註冊中建立全球性技術法規。

締約方可以針對已列入候選綱要中的技術法規或 / 和任何 UN / ECE 法規中已規定的性能要素或設計特性提出制定一協調性全球技術法規的提案。

6.2.1 該提案應包括: 對所提議的全球性技術法規的目的的解釋; 對提議的全球性技術法規的敘述性描述,或如條件允許,該法規的文本內容; 為便利開展對本條 段所要求的報告中所述議題的分析工作,所需要的文件; 與所提議的全球性技術法規具有相同的性能或設計特性要素的所有被列入候選綱要中的技術法規和UN/ECE法規的目錄; 任何已知的現有的有關國際志願性標準的目錄。

6.2.2 本條第 6.2.1 段中規定的每一提案都必須提交執行委員會進行考慮。

6.2.3 執行委員會不得將其認為不符合第 4 條和本條第 6.2.1 段規定的提案送交工作組,對符合第 4 條和本條第 6.2.1 段規定的提案送交有關工作組。

6.2.4 對於由執行委員會送交的,旨在通過協調制定全球性技術法規的提案,工作組應採用公開的規程進行以下工作: 通過以下方式,制定出針對這一全球性技術法規的建議書: 對所提出的全球性技術法規的目的和制定嚴格性或性能替代水準的必要性進行考慮; 檢查所有具有相同的性能要素,已被列入候選綱要中的技術法規和 UN / ECE 法規; 檢查附在本條第 段規定的法規後面的所有文件; 檢查與所提議的全球性技術法規有關的任何可用的功能等同性評估,包括相應標準的評估; 驗證制定中的全球性技術法規是否滿足所述的法規目的和第 4 條的準則;並 對在《1958年協定書》框架下制定該技術法規的可能性給予適當的考慮。 向執行委員會提交如下報告和文本: 說明針對此全球性技術法規所作的建議的書面報告,該報告包括在作出其建議時所考慮的所有技術數據和資料,描述了對本條 段所規定的資料的考慮,闡明其建議的基本原理,包括對拒絕任何可替代法規要求和所考慮的處理方法的解釋; 所建議的全球性技術法規的文本。

6.2.5 執行委員會應以公開的方式 決定報告和針對全球性技術法規的建議是否完全、徹底地按照本條 段所規定的方式制定出來的。如果執行委員會認為建議、報告和/或所建議的全球性技術法規的文本不完全,應將法規和報告退回工作組進行修訂或進行額外的工作。 按照附件 B 第 7 條 7.2 段中規定的程序考慮建立所建議的全球性技術法規。該法規一旦獲得執行委員會的一致通過,即成為全球性技術法規,建立在全球註冊中。

6.2.6 執行委員會一致通過該法規的日期即為在全球註冊中建立一個全球性技術法規的日期。

6.2.7 在由執行委員會制定全球性技術法規時,秘書處應將所有有關文件,包括按照本條第 6.2.1 段提交的提案和本條 段所要求的建議和報告附於該法規後。

6.3 在全球註冊中建立新的技術法規。

締約方可以就候選綱要中的技術法規或 UN / ECE 法規沒有提到的性能或設計特性要素,提議制定一項新的全球性技術法規。

6.3.1 該提案應包括: 對所提出新全球性技術法規的目的的解釋,該解釋盡可能基於客觀數據。 對所提出新全球性技術法規的敘述性描述,或在可能情況下,所提出新技術法規的文本。 為便利開展對本條 段所要求的報告中所述議題的分析工作,所需要的文件。 任何已知的現有的有關國際志願性標準的目錄。

6.3.2 本條第 6.3.1 段中規定的每一個提案都應提交給執行委員會進行考慮。

6.3.3 執行委員會不得將其認為不符合第 4 條和本條第 6.3.1 段規定的提案送交工作組,對符合第 4 條和本條第 6.3.1 段規定的提案送交有關工作組。

6.3.4 對於由執行委員會送交的、制定新的全球性技術法規的提案,工作組應採用公開的規程進行以下工作: 通過以下方式,制定出針對這一新的全球性技術法規的建議書: 對所提出的新的全球性技術法規的目的和制定嚴格性或性能替代水準的必要性進行考慮; 考慮其技術可行性; 考慮其經濟可行性; 檢查技術法規,包括替代性法規要求和實施方式的利益; 將所提出的法規和替代性法規要求和實施方式之間的潛在成本效益進行比較; 驗證制定中的新的全球性技術法規是否滿足所述的法規目的和第4條的準則;並 對在《1958年協定書》框架下制定該技術法規的可能性給予適當的考慮。 向執行委員會提交如下報告和文本: 說明針對此新的全球性技術法規所作的建議的書面報告,該報告包括在作出其建議時所考慮的所有技術數據和資料,描述了按本條 段規定所作的考慮,闡明其建議的基本原理,包括對拒絕任何可替代法規要求和所考慮的處理方法的解釋; 所建議的新全球性技術法規的文本。

6.3.5 執行委員會應以公開的方式 決定報告和針對此新的全球性技術法規的建議是否完全、徹底地按照本條 段所規定的方式制定出來的。如果執行委員會認為建議、報告和/或所建議的全球性技術法規的文本不完全,應將法規和報告退回工作組進行修訂或進行額外的工作。 按照附件 B 第 7 條 7.2 段中規定的程序考慮建立所建議的新全球性技術法規。該法規一旦獲得執行委員會的一致通過,即成為全球性技術法規,建立在全球註冊中。

6.3.6 執行委員會一致通過該法規的日期即為在全球註冊中建立一個全球性技術法規的日期。

6.3.7 在由執行委員會制定全球性技術法規時,秘書處應將所有有關文件,包括按照本條第6.3.1段提交的提案和本條6.段所要求的建議和報告附於該法規後。

6.4 修訂已制定的全球性技術法規


6.5 文件的可獲得性


第 7 條


7.1 投票贊成按照第 6 條的規定建立全球性技術法規的締約方有義務將該法規引入按各自國家或地區所使用的規程,以便在其自身的法律或法規中採用該法規,各締約方應爭取迅速作出最終決定。

7.2 每一將已建立的全球性技術法規引入自身法律或法規的締約方,都應將其開始採用該法規的日期以書面形式通知秘書長,該通知應在其採用該法規之日後的 60 天內提供。如果已建立的全球性技術法規包括一個以上的嚴格性或性能水平,此通知中應說明該締約方所採用的嚴格性或性能水平。

7.3 符合本條 7.1 段規定且決定不將已建立的全球性技術法規引入自身的法律或法規的締約方,應將其決定和此決定的依據以書面形式通知秘書長,該通知應在作出此決定後 60 天內提供。

7.4 符合本條 7.1 段規定,且在法規建立在全球註冊之日後的一年期結束時,未採用該技術法規或決定不將此法規引入自身的法律或法規中的締約方,應提供一份該法規在其國內規程中的狀況的報告。在以後的每一個一年期結束時,如果仍未採用該技術法規或決定不將此法規引入自身的法律或法規中,都應提供一份狀況報告。本段所要求的狀況報告都應:

7.4.1. 包括對過去一年中為將此法規引入自身法律、法規及作出最終決定所採取的步驟的描述,並指出作出此決定的預定日期;

7.4.2 在不晚於一年期結束後的 60 天內提交給秘書長。

7.5 每一在自身的法律或法規中不採用全球性技術法規,但承認符合此法規的產品的締約方,都應將其開始承認此類產品的日期以書面形式通知秘書長。締約方應在開始接受此產品後的 60 天內提供此通知。如果該全球性技術法規包含一個以上的嚴格性或性能水平,該通知中應說明締約方所接受的嚴格性或性能水平。

7.6 符合本條 7.1 段規定,且已將一已建立的全球性技術法規引入自身法律或法規的締約方可以決定廢除或修訂已採用的法規。在作出這一決定之前,締約方應將採取這一行動的意圖和理由以書面形式通知秘書長。這條規定同樣適用於原已接受按 7.5 段規定的產品,現打算停止採用這類產品的締約方。締約方如果決定採用任何修訂法規或新法規,則應在其作出決定後的60天內通知秘書長。如果有要求,該締約方應立即向其他的締約方提供上述已修訂法規或新法規的文本。

第 8 條


8.1 有關已建立的全球性技術法規的條款的問題應提交給執行委員會解決。

8.2 兩個或多個締約方之間有關本協定書的解釋或實施的議題應盡可能地通過彼此之間的協商解決。如果這樣仍不能解決這些議題,締約方可以要求執行委員會按照附件 B 7.3 段中的規定解決議題。

第 9 條


9.1 通過以下方式,第 2 條規定的國家或區域經濟一體化組織可成為本協定書的締約方:

9.1.1 作為批准、接受或認可的無保留簽字;

9.1.2 批准、接受或認可後的正式的批准、接受或認可簽字;或

9.1.3 接受;或

9.1.4 登記入冊。

9.2 批准、接受、認可和登記入冊的文件都應留存秘書長而生效。

9.3 在已成為締約方後:

9.3.1 每一國家或區域經濟一體化組織都應在本協定書生效後,按照第 7 條規定通知其將採用哪些按第 6 條建立的全球性技術法規,以及不將某些全球性技術法規引入自身的法律或法規中,但卻接受符合這些法規的產品的決定。如果已建立的全球性技術法規包含一個以上的嚴格性或性能水平,通知中還應說明該締約方所採用或接受的嚴格性或性能水平。

9.3.2 每一個區域經濟一體化組織應宣佈其成員已按第2條規定將此協定書範圍內的權力,包括對成員作出約束性決定的權力予以委託。

9.4 作為締約方的區域經濟一體化組織在其喪失了本條9.3.2段所宣佈的權力時,應終止其成為締約方,並應將此情況通知秘書長。

第 10 條


10.1 本協定書自1998年6月25日起開始進行公開簽署。

10.2 本協定書保持公開簽署狀態,直至其生效。



11.1 本協定書以及作為本協定書整體部分的附件應在至少有 5 個國家和 / 或區域經濟一體化組織按第 9 條規定成為締約方之後的30天開始生效。這5個國家和/或區域經濟一體化組織的名額中,必須包括歐盟、日本和美國。

11.2 如果在10.1段中規定的日期後 15 個月內,11.1 段中的條件不能得到滿足,則本協定書以及作為本協定書整體部分的附件應在至少有8個國家和/或區域經濟一體化組織按第 9 條規定成為締約方後 30 天生效,這一生效日不得早於第 10.1 段規定日期後的 16 個月。這 8 個國家和/或區域經濟一體化組織中至少有一個是歐盟、日本或美國。

11.3 在本協定書生效後,對於任何成為本協定書締約方的國家或經濟一體化組織,本協定書在這些國家或區域經濟一體化組織內的生效日期應為其交存批准、接受、認可或登記入冊文件之日 60 天後。

第 12 條


12.1 締約方可以通過以書面形式通知秘書長而退出本協定書。

12.2 任何締約方從本協定書的退出應在秘書長收到本條 12.1 段規定的通知書之日一年後開始生效。



13.1 締約方可以對本協定書及其本協定書的附件提出修正本。所提出的修正本應提交秘書長,再由秘書長送交所有的締約方。

13.2 按本條 13.1 段提交的修正本提案應在執行委員會計劃安排的下一屆會議上進行考慮。

13.3 如果獲得出席會議並參與投票的締約方對修正本的一致同意投票,執行委員會應將該修正本送交秘書長,再由秘書長將此修正本分發給所有的締約方。

13.4 按本條 13.3 段分發的修正本,如果在其分發之日後 6 個月內沒有締約方提出反對意見,則應視為該修正本被所有的締約方所接受。該修正本在本條所述的 6 個月期滿後的 3 個月後,在所有的締約方生效。

13.5 秘書長應盡快將是否對所提出的修正本有反對意見的情況通知所有締約方,如果對該修正本有反對意見,則該修正本應被視為未被接受,不具有任何效力。

第 14 條



14.1 按第 5 條列入候選綱要或從候選綱要中刪除技術法規的情況;

14.2 按第 6 條規定建立或修訂全球性技術法規的情況;

14.3 按第 7 條規定所收到的通知;

14.4 符合第 9 條和第10條的簽字、接受和登記入冊;

14.5 按第 9 條規定所收到的通知;

14.6 本協定書按照第 11 條的規定在締約方生效的日期;

14.7 按第 12 條規定所收到的退出本協定書的通知;

14.8 按第 13 條規定本協定書任何修正本生效的日期;

14.9 按第 15 條規定所收到的有關領土的通知。

第 15 條


15.1 本協定書在某一締約方生效,即表示應擴展到其國際關係由該締約方負責的所有領土上,除非該締約方在加入本協定書前另有規定。

15.2 任何締約方都可以根據第 12 條規定單獨針對上述領土的任何部分宣佈退出本協定書。




16.1 準備執行委員會會議和工作組會議。

16.2 根據本協定書的規定向締約方送交所收到的報告和其他資料。

16.3 開展執行委員會分配的工作。




1. 對於按本協定書制定的全球性技術法規,“接受”是指締約方未將某一全球性技術法規引入自身相應的法律和法規中,但允許符合該全球性技術法規的產品進入其市場的措施。

2. 對於按本協定書制定的全球性技術法規,“採用”是指締約方將某一全球性技術法規引入自身法律、法規中予以公佈。

3. 對於按本協定書制定的全球性技術法規,“實施”是指締約方從某一日期開始要求符合某一全球性技術法規的措施,換句話說,即為該法規在該締約國內產生法律效力。

4. “條”指的是本協定書的某一條款。

5. “一致同意投票”指的是按照附件 B 第7條 7.2 段,沒有締約方對某一事項表示反對並投反對票。

6. “締約方”指的是任何一個成為本協定書成員的國家或經濟一體化組織。

7. “可安裝於和/或用於輪式車輛的裝備和部件”指的是其特性與安全、環保、節能或防盜性能有關的裝備或部件,這類裝備和部件包括(但不限於)排氣系統、輪胎、發動機、隔音裝置、防盜報警、警告信號裝置和兒童約束系統。

8. “已建立的全球技術法規”指的是按本協定書的規定已列入全球註冊中的某一全球性技術法規。

9. “所列入的技術法規”指的是按本協定書的規定已經列入候選綱要中的某一國家或區域技術法規。

10. “製造商自我認證”指的是某一締約方的法律要求,即要求輪式車輛、可安裝於和 / 或用於輪式車輛的裝備和部件的製造商必須對其上市的每一車輛、裝備或部件證明其滿足特定的技術要求。

11. “區域經濟一體化組織”指的是主權國家組成的組織,該組織在本協定書所涵蓋的範圍內具有相應的權力,包括有權在這些方面對其所有成員國做出約束性決定。

12. “秘書長”指的是聯合國秘書長。

13. “透明規程”指的是在按本協定書所述的法規制定過程中用以促進公眾了解程度及公眾參與的過程,它包括如下文件的公開:






14. “型式認證”指的是由某一締約方(或由某一締約方所指定的有關當局)對某一輪式車輛和 / 或任何可安裝於和/或用於輪式車輛的裝備和部件滿足特定技術法規要求所作的書面批准,該書面批准是將該車輛、裝備或部件投入市場的一個先決條件。

15. “UN / ECE 法規”指的是按照《1958年協定書》而採用的聯合國歐洲經濟委員會法規。

16. “工作組”指的是ECE下屬的一個特定技術組織,其工作職能為就全球註冊中建立已協調或新的全球技術法規制定建議,並考慮對已建立在全球註冊中的全球性技術法規作出修訂。

17. “《1958年協定書》”指《關於對輪式車輛、可安裝於和/或用於輪式車輛的裝備和部件採用統一技術規定,以及相互承認基於這些規定所作批准的條件的協定書》。








3.1 除了本條中 3.2 規定的情況,每一締約方應有一個投票席位。

3.2 如果某一區域經濟一體化組織和該組織的一個或一個以上的成員國為本協定書的締約方,則該區域經濟一體化組織對其權力範圍內的事務行使投票權力時,其投票席位等於成為本協定書締約方的該組織成員國的數量。如果該組織中任何成員國行使了其投票權力的話,該組織將不得行使投票權力,這種要求反過來也是成立的。




5.1 投票表決時的法定要求是應有不少於半數的締約方參加投票。

5.2 在計算本條所述的參加投票的締約方的法定數量時,以及計算構成本附件第7條7.1段所述出席並參加投票的締約方1/3數量時,區域經濟一體化組織及其成員國應計為一個締約方。


6.1 在每年舉行的第一次會議中,執行委員會應從其成員中選舉出一名主席和副主席,執行委員會的主席和副主席的選舉應該獲得所有參加投票的締約方三分之二贊成票。

6.2 無論是主席還是副主席都不應該連續兩年以上來自於同一締約方,在任何一年期內,主席和副主席都不得來自於同一締約方。


7.1 應在參加投票的締約方至少 1/3 投贊成票(見本附件5.2段規定)或總投票數的 1/3 贊成票的條件下(視何種情況更易達到),某一國家或地區的法規列入候選綱要中。三分之一的贊成票中應包括日本、歐盟或美國三方之一的贊成票,如果這三個國家和組織都是締約方的話。

7.2 必須在參加投票的締約方一致同意的情況下,方能在全球註冊中建立一個全球性技術法規、修改已建立的全球性技術法規,及修改本協定書。參加投票且反對某一需要一致贊成票的事項的締約方應在投票之日起六十天內向秘書長提交一份有關解釋反對原因的書面報告。在這一期間未能提交書面解釋報告的話,則視為該締約方對此事項投的是贊成票,如果所有反對這一事項的締約方都未能提交解釋報告,則視為該事項已獲得參加投票的締約方的一致同意,在這種情況下,一致同意的日期為上述 60 天期間後的第一天。

7.3 所有其他要求表決的事務,由執行委員會決定,可以按本條 7.2 中規定的投票程序來加以解決。





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