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Category  FINANCE Organ of Promulgation  The State Council Status of Effect  In Force
Date of Promulgation  1998-05-28 Effective Date  1998-05-28  

Circular Concerning Publishing the Second Catalogue of Funds (Surcharges, Fees) to Be Abolished


(Approved by the State Council and promulgated by the Ministry of Finance,

the State Economy and Trade Commission, the State Development Planning
Commission, the Auditing Administration, the Ministry of Supervision and the
State Council Office for Correcting Malpractices in All Trades and Professions
on May 28, 1998)

    To implement the Decision of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee
and the State Council on Curbing Acts of Indiscriminately Levying Fees, Fines
on Enterprises or Transferring Resources from Enterprises in various forms of
Apportionment (Document Zhongfa [1997] No. 14, hereinafter referred to as
"Decision") and to lighten enterprises' burden in real earnest, it has been
decided to publish the second catalogue of funds (including surcharges, fees,
the same below) to be abolished with the approval through rectification by the
State Council Inter-Ministerial Joint Meeting for Lightening Enterprises'
Burden and with the consent of the State Council leaders. We hereby circulate
some points of this matter as follows:

    1. Projects of funds to be abolished in this catalogue include those which
were constituted by relevant departments of the State Council and people's
governments or government departments of provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities directly under the Central Government beyond their terms of
reference but not reported for approval of the State Council or the Ministry
of Finance according to state provisions, or which are not found reasonable
and should be abolished, amounting to 147 items totally (See the Appendix for
the details).

    From the date of promulgation of this Circular, these projects of funds
abolished by publishing should be stopped promptly. Other projects of funds
having been worked out by localities and departments should, if they are
analogous to these abolished by publishing in this Circular, be abolished as
well with reference to the provisions of this Circular.

    2. Each locality and each department are urged according to the
requirements of the Decision to resolutely abolish projects of funds having
been abolished by publishing in this Circular, check them item by item, and
should not refuse the fulfilment on any pretext or in disguised form.
Difficulties after the abolition of projects of funds such as deficiency of
money in undertakings should be properly overcome and tackled by localities
and departments. Citizens, legal persons and other social organizations have
the right to refuse to pay funds having been abolished.

    3. The Office of the State Council Ministry-level Joint Meeting for
Lightening Enterprises' Burden and working organs for lightening enterprises'
burden in province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the
Central Government should organize special forces in exercising inspections on
key projects of funds having been abolished. If there is any project having
not yet been abolished or stopped according to provisions, all earnings
illegally obtained therefrom must be confiscated and handed over to the
Central Treasury; besides, persons-in-charge chiefly responsible and persons
directly responsible in localities or departments concerned shall be
investigated for responsibilities according to provisions.

    4. Each locality and each department must, in strict accordance with the
provisions of the Decision of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee
and the State Council, submit their applications for constituting funds to the
Ministry of Finance that shall examine and decide on the cases in conjunction
with relevant departments. If the fund to be constituted is important, the
case shall be reported to the State Council for approval. Without approval of
the State Council or the Ministry of Finance together with relevant
departments, no fund can be constituted.


                        Projects                       Documents as Basis

                                                            of Levying

    1. Approved by Relevant Departments

       of the State Council
(1)   Salt Industry Production and Development      Jiaqingzi No. (89)805

(2)   Gold Exploitation Fund                        Huangjigong No. (89)282
(3)   Fund for Maintaining Simple Reproduction      Meicaizi No. (85)12

      in Mines
(4)   Education Fund for Real Estate and            Jianjiao No. (94)20

(5)   Education Fund of Ministry of Radio,          Guangfajiaozi No. (94)547

      Film and Television
(6)   Resources Comprehensive Utilization and       Jibanziyuan No. (88)148

      Exploitation Fund
(7)   Traditional Chinese Medicinal Materials       Yiyaoliancaizi No. (83)327

      Development Fund
(8)   Science and Education Fund                    Jiaocaizi No. (87)828

    2. Approved by Governments at Provincial

       Level and Their Departments
(9)   Surcharge for Extra Consumption               Decree Jingzheng No. (92)17
(10)  Technology Markets Development Fund           Decree Jingzheng No. (90)38
(11)  Supplementary Fund for Building Materials     Jingzhengfa No. (89)61

(12)  Development Fee for Advertisement             Jinzhengfa No. (94)56

      Education Undertakings
(13)  Surcharge of Construction Units from          Jincaiyu No. (88)44

      Other Localities
(14)  Gas Production and Development Fund           Jincaiqiyi NO. (90)130
(15)  Installation Fee for New Gas Fittings         Jinjiazhongzi No. (91)160
(16)  Education Prize Fund for Urban Construction   Jinjianjiaozi No. (90)605
(17)  Gold Production and Exploitation Fund         Jizheng No. (94)83
(18)  Installation Fee for Fire Fighting            Jicaizongzi No. (96)17

(19)  Fund for Storing Chemical Fertilizer          Jihuagongzi No. (89)15

      in Winter
(20)  Foreign Trade Regulation Fund                 Jinzhengfa No. (91)54
(21)  Surcharge for Urban Passenger Transport       Jinjianke No. (93)84
(22)  Adjustment Fund for Labour Insurance          Neijianshizi No. (93)550
(23)  Fund for Management of Surveying and          Neijianshizi No. (94)11

      Designing of Construction Projects
(24)  Surcharge of Civil Aviation Passenger         Liaozhengfa No. (93)51

(25)  Surcharge of Waterway Passenger and           Liaozhengfa No. (92)74

      Cargo Transport
(26)  Fund for Development in Construction          Liaojianfa No. (90)100

      Industry by Science and Technology
(27)  Fund for Building Roads and Bridges in        Jishengjiashouhanzi

      Cities                                        No. (95)19
(28)  Gold Exploitation Fund                        Jizhengfa No. (95)33
(29)  Reed growing Fund                             Jijiazi No. (94)63
(30)  Fund for the First Phase of Transformation    Jishengjiamingdian

      and Reconstruction Project in the Jilin       No. (94)14

      Heat and Power Plant
(31)  Fund for Protection and Treatment of          Jijia(94) zhongzi No. 1

      Three Lakes on the Ronghua River
(32)  Fund for Readjusting Price in Salt            Jishengjianongzi No. (93)8

(33)  Fund for Key Electric Power Construction      Heizhengfa No. (91)92

(34)  Fund for Mechanization and Development        Heizhengfa No. (90)63

      through Science and Technology in Mines
(35)  Fund for Readjusting Wholesale Discount       Heicaizongzi No. (87)69
(36)  Capacity Expansion Fee for Construction       Heicaizongzi No. (94)137

      of Roads and Bridges for Motor Vehicles
(37)  Fund for Construction of Hydroelectric        Heijigong No. (93)803

(38)  Drainage Capacity Expansion Fee               Huzhengfa No. (87)70
(39)  Surcharge for Extra Consumption               Hufuban No. (87)142
(40)  Adjustment Fund for Construction              Hufuban No. (91)104

      Enterprises from Other Localities
(41)  Electricity Transmission Fund for Poverty     Suzhengfa No. (94)46

(42)  Technological Progress Fund                   Suzhengfu No. (88)57
(43)  Fund for Construction of Roads across         Suzhengfa No. (91)148

      the River
(44)  Zhenjiang Expressway Construction Fund        Sucaizong No. (94)214
(45)  Suzhou Local Communications Construction      Sucaizong No. (94)210

(46)  Yixing Traffic Infrastructure Construction    Sucaizong No. (94)217

(47)  Wuxi County Road Infrastructure               Sucaizong No. (94)217

      Construction Fund
(48)  Baby Bearing and Breastfeeding Fund for       Sucaizong No. (94)215

      Changzhou Woman Workers
(49)  Surcharge for Local Facilities Construction   Sucaizong No. (94)215

      in Changzhou
(50)  Fund for Transformation Project of            Sucaizong No. (94)215

      Changzhou Railway Station
(51)  Wujin County Traffic Construction Fund        Sucaizong No. (94)215
(52)  Hai'an Agricultural Development Fund          Sucaizong No. (94)219
(53)  Fund for Construction Project of Hai'an       Sucaizong No. (94)219

      Black Road Surface
(54)  Yangzhou Capital Construction Surcharge       Sucaizong No. (94)216
(55)  Xinghua City Highway Construction Fund        Sucaizong No. (94)216
(56)  Surcharge for Additional Vehicles in          Sucaizong No. (94)212

(57)  Fund for Key Communications Construction      Sucaizong No. (94)220

      Projects in Yancheng
(58)  Special Reclamation Fund                      Zhezhengfa No. (93)251
(59)  Expressway Construction Fund                  Zhezhengban No. (90)1
(60)  Small Hydropower Stations Construction        Zheshuizheng No. (95)100

(61)  Adjustment Fund for Agriculture-used          Wanzhengfa No. (92)20

(62)  Scientific and Technological Development      Wanzhengfa No. (92)82

      Fund for Real Estate Development
(63)  Surcharge for Waterway Transport Goods        Wanjiaocai No. (92)156
(64)  Coal Exploitation Fund                        Minzheng(87)zong No. 372
(65)  Fund for Promoting Electricity Generation     Minzheng(91)zong No. 250

      By Electricity Generation
(66)  Loan Repayment Fund for Petroleum Equipment   Minzheng(90)ban No. 46
(67)  Highway Construction Fee for Land             Minzheng(92)zong No. 338

(68)  Local Hydropower Stations Construction Fund   Minzheng(91)zong No. 250
(69)  Tax Sources Development Fund                  Mincaishui(93) No. 108
(70)  Electricity Price Adjustment Fund             Minzheng(88)zong No. 65
(71)  Surcharge of Land Use for Construction        Ganfuling No. (94)39
(72)  Coal Exploitation Fund                        Ganfufa No. (91)40
(73)  Electricity Network Transformation Fund       Ganfufa No. (87)22
(74)  Surcharge of Electricity Fee                  Gancaigongzi No. (79)7
(75)  Small Hydropower Stations Construction Fund   Ganfutingfa No. (89)86
(76)  Construction Fee for Fire Fighting            Ganfufu No. (96)73

(77)  Surcharge on Motor Vehicles                   Ganjiafeizi No. (90)162
(78)  Aquatic Products Development Fund             Luzhengfa No. (88)94
(79)  Urea Adjustment Fund                          Luzhengfa No. (84)17
(80)  Surcharge for Using Electricity               Luzhengfa No. (93)24
(81)  Scientific and Technological Development      (88)Lukejizi No. 54

(82)  Cement Price Adjustment Fund                  Lujiancaijizi No. (92)141
(83)  Export Goods Development Fund                 Lujingmaocai No. (93)23
(84)  Overseas Enterprises Development Fund         Lujingmaocaizi No. (92)84
(85)  Cultural and Artistic Development Fund        Yuzheng No. (93)17
(86)  Gold Production and Exploitation Fund         Yuzheng No. (94)44
(87)  Fund for Exploitation of Bauxite and          Yuzheng No. (90)90

      Refractory Clay Resources
(88)  Scientific Research Development Fund          Ezhengfa No. (86)124
(89)  New Technology Development Fund for           Ecaigongfa No. (90)464

      Agriculture-used Telephone Service
(90)  Risk Fund for Materials Supply Enterprises    Ecaigongfa No. (91)676
(91)  Phosphorus Ore Exploitation Fund              Ecaigongfa No. (90)478
(92)  Surcharge on Waterway Transport Goods         Ejiaocai No. (91)217
(93)  Surcharge on Waterway Passenger Service       Ejiazhongzi No. (94)31
(94)  Chemical Industry Safety Award Fund           Eshihua'an No. (87)16
(95)  Postal Service Construction and               Ewujia No. (92)265

      Development Fund
(96)  Management Risk Fund                          Eyiqing(91)caijiazi No. 31
(97)  (Local) Film Fund                             Ewendian No. (91)143
(98)  Construction Fund                             (94)xiangjiafeizi No. 307
(99)  Water Price Adjustment Fund                   (94)xiangjiafeizi No. 307
(100) Coal Production Safety Fund                   Xiangjiafeizi No. (94)4
(101) State-owned Forestry Price Fund               Xianglinji No. (91)65
(102) Special Fund for Scenic Sites Development     Yuefu No. (94)63
(103) Special Fund for Cultural Development         Yuebanhan No. ()91571
(104) Sanitation Fund for Villages in Guangdong     Yuebanhan No. (92)278

(105) Joint Venture Fund                            (83)yue'erqingqizi No. 99
(106) Tourism Construction and Development Fund     Yueluye No. (88)162 and 290
(107) Installation Fees for New Agriculture-used    Yuejiazhongzi No. (87)231

      Telephone Service
(108) Operation Cost Fund for Chemical Fertilizers  Yuejiazhongzi No. (91)337

      under Centralized Distribution
(109) Electric Power Price Adjustment Fund          Yuejiazhongzi NO. (93)391
(110) Textbook Price Adjustment Fund                Yuexinchubanzi No. (89)102
(111) Fruit development Fund                        Guifa No. (86)20
(112) Development Fund for Mechanization of         Guicainongshizi No. (89)108

      Agriculture                                   and Guinongjibancaizi No.

(113) Surcharge for Water Supply Facilities         Guijianchengzi No. (93)14
(114) Salt Industry Price Adjustment Fund           Guijiaqingzi No. (92)271
(115) Installation Fund for New Agriculture-used    Guijiazhongzi No. (91)53

      Telephone Service
(116) Textbook Price Adjustment Fund                Guijiaqingzi No. (92)78
(117) Petroleum Price Adjustment Fund               Guijiazhongzi No. (92)187
(118) Salt Industry Price Adjustment Fund           Qiongjia Plain Code

                                                    Telegram on June 9, 1992
(119) Development Fund for Mechanization of         Yunzhengfa No. (90)98

(120) Local Coal Capital Construction Fund          Yunzhengfa No. (92)168
(121) Surcharge on Profit-making High-priced        Yunfa No. (94)6

      Cultural and Recreational Facilities
(122) Price Difference Fund for Table Salt          Yunjiahanzi No. (96)17

      Price Adjustment
(123) Salt Industry Price Adjustment Fund           Yunjiagongfa No. (94)144
(124) Loan Repayment Fund for Electric Power        Yunjiagongfa No. (94)28
(125) Development Fund for Mechanization of         Qianfufa No. (91)25

(126) Construction Fund for Electricity Network     Qianfuhan No. (93)2

(127) Surcharge for Agriculture-used Telephone      Qianfu(90)zhuanyi No. 123

(128) Fund for Design Business                      Qianchengshetong No. (88)65
(129) Local Key Construction Projects Fund          Chuanfufa No. (90)11
(130) Tourism Development Fund                      Chuanfufa No. (93)29
(131) Flue-cured Tobacco Risk Fund                  Chuanfufa No. (96)57
(132) Enterprises Support Fund                      Chuanbanfa No. (85)49
(133) Capital Construction Fund for Forest          Chuanbanfa No. (85)49

(134) Settlement Fund for Change of Domicile        Chuanbanfa No. (89)49
(135) Overhaul Fund for Agriculture-used            Chuanjiazi No. (91)158

(136) Silkworm Breed Improvement Fee                Chuanjiazi No. (94)124
(137) (Electric Power) Price Deference Fee          Chuanjiazizhong No. (96)58
(138) Local Hydropower Stations Development Fund    Shanjiazhongfa No. (91)170
(139) Surcharge for Construction of Urban           Shanjiafa No. (93)88

      Transport Facilities
(140) Local Electric Power Construction Fund        Ganjiagong No. (94)161
(141) Floating Fund for Construction of Urban       Ningyoujuzi No. (88)202

      Telephone Service
(142) Fire Fighting Fund                            Xincaiwenzi No. (92)14
(143) Construction Fee for Agriculture-used         Xinjiafeizi No. (92)24 and

      Telephone Service                             No. (96)103
(144) Fire Extinguishing Fund                       Xinjiazhongzi No. (92)73
(145) Fee for Early Stages of Electric Power        Xinjiazhongzi No. (92)115

      Construction Projects
(146) Surcharge for "Madian" Load Repayment         Xinjiazhongzi No. (91)42
(147) Fund for Promoting Agricultural Investment    Xingongliancaizi

      by Cotton Production                          No. (94)238

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