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Laws of the People's Republic of China


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Date of Promulgation  1994-05-16 Effective Date  1994-05-16  

A Catalogue of Foreign-related Regulations Promulgated before the End of 1993 and Annulled by the State Council (Note)

(Promulgated by Decree No.154 of the State Council of the People's

Republic of China on May 16, 1994)

    I. A Catalogue of Regulations Promulgated Before the End of 1993 Which
Are Annulled or Have Become Invalid Automatically (3 Pieces)

Serial        Title           Organ and Date                  Comments
Number                        of Promulgation

1      Regulations of the    Promulgated on      The Standardization Law of         People's Republic     July 31, 1979       the People's Republic of         of China on           by the State        China was adopted and

        Standardization       Council             promulgated on December 29,

                                                  1988 by the Fifth Meeting

                                                  of the Standing Committee

                                                  of the Seventh National

                                                  People's Congress. The Law

                                                  of the People's Republic of                                                   China on Product Quality

                                                  was adopted and promulgated

                                                  on February 22, 1993 by the

                                                  30th Meeting of the

                                                  Standing Committee of the

                                                  Seventh National People's

2      Rules for             Approved on         Replaced by the Regulations

        Implementation of     December 10,        for Implementation of the

        the Individual        1980 by the         Individual Income Tax Law

        Income Tax Law of     State Council,      of the People's Republic of         the People's          promulgated         China which were promulgated

        Republic of China     on December 14,     on January 28, 1994 by the

                              1980 by the         State Council

                              Ministry of                               Finance
3      Interim Measures      Approved on         Provisions, formulated to

        for the               December 15,        suit the circumstances at

        Administration of     1984 by the         that time, have become

        Petty Trade in        State Council,      invalid automatically

        the Border Areas      promulgated on

                              December 20,

                              1984 by the

                              Ministry of                               Foreign Economic

                              Relations and


    II. A Catalogue of Regulations Which Have Been Annulled by Laws or
Regulations Promulgated from 1986 to 1993 (25 Pieces)

Serial       Title             Organ and Date              Comments
Number                         of Promulgation

1      Provisions of the      Promulgated on      Annulled by the Provisions

        People's Republic      November 18,        of the General Customs

        of China on the        1976 by the         Administration of the

        Administration of      State Council       People's Republic of China

        the Import and                             on the Administration of         Export of Articles                         the Import and Export of         by Foreign                                 Articles by Foreign

        Diplomatic Missions                        Diplomatic Missions and

        and Diplomats in                           Their Personnel in China

        China                                      which were approved on

                                                   October 31, 1986 by the

                                                   State Council and

                                                   promulgated on December 1,

                                                   1986 by the General

                                                   Customs Administration
2      Provisional Customs   Promulgated on       Annulled by the Customs

        Law of the            April 18, 1951       Law of the People's

        People's  Republic    by the Government    Republic of China which

        of China              Administration       was adopted and promulgated

                              Council              on January 22, 1987 by the

                                                   Standing Committee of the

                                                   National People's Congress
3      Provisions for the    Promulgated on       Annulled by the Measures

        Administration of     September 13,        for the Control of         Narcotic Drugs        1978 by the          Narcotic Drugs which were

                              State Council        promulgated on

                                                   November 28, 1987 by the

                                                   State Council
4      Interim Measures      Approved on          Annulled by the Measures

        of the Bank of        March 13, 1981       of the Bank of China

        China for             by the State         Concerning the Granting of         Granting Loans        Council,             Loans to Enterprises with

        to Chinese-Foreign    promulgated by       Foreign Investment which

        Equity Joint          the Bank of          were approved on April 7,

        Ventures              China                1987 by the State Council

                                                   and promulgated on

                                                   April 24, 1987 by the Bank

                                                   of China
5      Interim Regulations   Promulgated on       Annulled by the

        on Control of         February 6,          Regulations on Control of

        Advertisements        1982 by the          Advertisements which were

                              State Council        promulgated on October 26,

                                                   1987 by the State Council
6      Interim Regulations   Promulgated on       Annulled by the Regulations

        on Control of         on August 6,         of the People's Republic

        Prices                1982 by the          of China on Control of                               State Council        Prices which were

                                                   promulgated on

                                                   September 11, 1987 by the

                                                   State Council
7      Measures for          Approved on          Annulled by the Rules for

        Examination and       August 26, 1985      the Implementation of the

        Approval of           by the State         Regulations of the People's

        Technology-           Council,             Republic of China on

        Introduction          promulgated on       Administration of         Contracts             September 18,        Technology-Introduction

                              1985 by the          Contracts which were

                              Ministry of          approved on December 30,

                              Foreign Economic     1987 by the State Council

                              Relations and        and promulgated on

                              Trade                January 20, 1988 by the

                                                   Ministry of Foreign

                                                   Economic Relations and

8      Regulations for       Promulgated on       Annulled by the Regulations

        Controlling the       July 26, 1980        of the People's Republic of         Registration of       by the State         China for Controlling the

        Chinese-Foreign       Council              Registration of Enterprises

        Equity Joint                               as Legal Persons which were

        Ventures                                   promulgated on June 3,

                                                   1988 by the State Council
9      Regulations for       Promulgated on       Annulled by the Regulations

        Controlling the       August 9, 1982       of the People's Republic of         Registration of       by the State         China for Controlling the

        Industrial and        Council              Registration of Enterprises

        Commercial                                 as Legal Persons which were

        Enterprises                                promulgated on June 3,

                                                   1988 by the State Council
10     Rules for the         Promulgated on       Annulled by the Rules for

        Implementation of     March 10, 1983       Implementation of the

        the Trademark Law     by the State         Trademark Law of the

        of the People's       Council              People's Republic of China

        Republic of China                          which were amended on

                                                   January 3, 1988 with the

                                                   approval of the State

                                                   Council and promulgated on

                                                   January 13, 1988 by the

                                                   State Administration for

                                                   Industry and Commerce
11     Interim Provisions    Approved on          Annulled by the Regulations

        for Controlling the   August 14, 1985      of the People's Republic of         Registration of       by the State         China for Controlling the

        Companies             Council,             Registration of Enterprises

                              promulgated on       as Legal Persons which were

                              August 25, 1985      promulgated on June 3, 1988

                              by the State         by the State Council


                              for Industry

                              and Commerce
12     Regulations           Promulgated on       Annulled by the Interim

        Concerning            April 24, 1951       Provisions Concerning

        Compulsory            by the Financial     Compensation for Bodily

        Insurance Against     and Economic         Injury of Passengers in

        Accidental Injury     Commission of        Domestic Air Transport

        for Air Passengers    the Government       which were promulgated on

                              Administration       February 20, 1989 by

                              Council              Decree No.28 of the State

                                                   Council of the People's

                                                   Republic of China
13     Regulations on        Promulgated on       Annulled by the City

        City Planning         January 5, 1984      Planning Law of the

                              by the State         People's Republic of China

                              Council              which was adopted and

                                                   promulgated on

                                                   December 26, 1989 by the

                                                   Standing Committee of the

                                                   National People's Congress
14     Regulations of the    Promulgated on       Annulled by the Law of         People's Republic     January 28,          People's Republic of China

        of China on the       1984 by the          on Import and Export

        Inspection of         State Council        Commodity Inspection which

        Import and Export                          was adopted and promulgated

        Commodities                                on February 21, 1989 by the

                                                   Standing Committee of the

                                                   National People's Congress
15     Interim Provisions    Promulgated on       Annulled by the Regulations

        Concerning            March 9, 1981        Concerning Foreign

        Resident              by the State         Journalists and Permanent

        Correspondents        Council              Offices of Foreign News

        of Foreign News                            Agencies which were

        Agencies                                   promulgated on January 19,

                                                   1990 by the State Council
16     Rules for the         Approved on          Annulled by the Rules for

        Implementation of     December 10, 1980    the Implementation of the

        the Income Tax Law    by the State         Income Tax Law of the

        of the People's       Council,             People's Republic of China

        Republic of China     promulgated on       for Enterprises with

        Concerning Chinese-   December 14, 1980    Foreign Investment and

        Foreign Equity        by the Ministry of   Foreign Enterprises which

        Joint Ventures        Finance              were promulgated on

                                                   June 30, 1991 by the State

17     Rules for the         Approved on          Annulled by the Rules for

        Implementation of     February 17, 1982    the Implementation of the

        the Income Tax Law    by the State         Income Tax Law of the

        of the People's       Council,             People's Republic of China

        Republic of China     promulgated on       For Enterprises with

        for Foreign           February 21, 1982    Foreign Investment and

        Enterprises           by the Ministry of   Foreign Enterprises which

                              Finance              were promulgated on

                                                   June 30, 1991 by the State

18     Regulations of the    Promulgated on       Annulled by the Law of the

        People's Republic     June 4, 1982 by      People's Republic of China

        of China on the       State Council        on the Entry and Exit

        Quarantine of                              Animal and Plant Quarantine

        Imported and                               which was adopted and

        Exported Animals                           promulgated on October 30,

        and Plants                                 1991 by the Standing

                                                   Committee of the National

                                                   People's Congress
19     Regulations on        Promulgated on       Annulled by the Law of the

        Tobacco Monopoly      September 23,        People Republic of China

                              1983 by the          on Tobacco Monopoly which

                              State Council        was adopted and promulgated

                                                   on June 29, 1991 by the

                                                   Standing Committee of the

                                                   National People's Congress
20     Interim Provisions    Approved on          Annulled by the Provisions

        on the Registration   May 23, 1985         on Administration of         of Names of           by the State         Enterprise Name

        Industrial and        Council,             Registration which were

        Commercial            promulgated on       approved on May 6, 1991 by

        Enterprises           June 15, 1985        the State Council and

                              by the State         promulgated on July 22,

                              Administration       1991 by the State

                              for Industry and     Administration for Industry

                              Commerce             and Commerce
21     Interim Provisions    Approved on          Annulled by the Regulations

        on Patent Agency      September 4,         on Patent Commissioning

                              1985 by the          which were promulgated on

                              State Council,       March 4, 1991 by the State

                              promulgated on       Council

                              September 12,

                              1985 by the

                              Patent Office of                               People's Republic

                              of China
22     Interim Regulations   Promulgated on       Annulled by the Law of the

        of the People's       April 21, 1986       People's Republic of China

        Republic of China     by the State         on the Administration of         on the                Council              Tax Collection which was

        Administration                             adopted and promulgated on

        of Tax Collection                          September 4, 1992 by the

                                                   Standing Committee of the

                                                   National People's Congress
23     Measures of the       Promulgated on       Annulled by the Measures

        People's Republic     March 6, 1951        of the People's Republic

        of China for          by the Government    of China for Control

        Prohibition Against   Administration       Carrying the State Currency

        Taking the State      Council of the       into and out of China which

        Currency into and     Central People's     were promulgated on

        out of China          Government           January 20, 1993 by Decree

                                                   No.108 of the State Council

                                                   of the People's Republic of                                                    China
24     Regulations of        Promulgated on       Annulled by the Law of the

        the People's          July 3, 1986         People's Republic of China

        Republic of China     by the State         on Certified Public

        on Certified          Council              Accountants which was

        Public Accountants                         promulgated on October 31,

                                                   1993 by Order No.13 of the

                                                   President of the People's

                                                   Republic of China
25     Interim Regulations   Promulgated on       Annulled by the Decision

        of the People's       September 25,        of the Standing Committee

        Republic of China     1986 by the          of the National People's

        on Individual         State Council        Congress on Amending the

        Income Regulation                          Individual Income Tax Law

        Tax                                        of the People's Republic

                                                   of China which was

                                                   promulgated on October 31,

                                                   1993 by Order No.12 of the

                                                   President of the People's

                                                   Republic of China

    Note: The present Catalogue is extracted from Appendices to the Decision
of the State Council on Annulling Certain Regulations Promulgated by the End
of 1993 which was promulgated on May 16, 1994 by Decree No.154 of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China. - The Editor

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