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Laws of the People's Republic of China


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(Approved by the State Council on September 19, 1977)






ISSUE-DATE: 09/19/1977

IMPLEMENT-DATE: 09/19/1977

LENGTH: 10893 words



[Article 1] These rules are prepared on the basis of the provisions of Article 6 of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Regulations of the People's Republic of China.

[Article 2] Definitions:

"Infected person" means a person who is suffering from a quarantinable disease, or who is preliminarily diagnosed by the frontier health and quarantine organization as having been infected with such a disease;

"Suspect" means a person who is considered by the frontier health and quarantine organization as having been exposed to infection of a quarantinable disease and is considered capable of spreading that disease;

"Inspection" means medical examination and sanitary inspection made by the frontier health and quarantine organization;

"Under surveillance" means a person or persons put under surveillance at a special place by the frontier health and quarantine organization for examination and inspection;

"Medical examination on the spot" means a person coming at the designated time to the frontier health and quarantine organization nearby or other medical organization for examination, or to be examined by the frontier health and quarantine organization or other medical organization at the place where he is located;

"Port" means a seaport frequented by ships on international voyages or any port situated on a boundary river;

"Airport" means any airport of entry or departure for international air traffic;

"Railway station" means a railway station at the frontier for trains entering or leaving the frontier to stop;

"Frontier post" means a post on the frontier for road vehicles other than trains, and persons on foot entering or leaving the frontier;

"Ship" means any means of transport on the water;

"Aircraft" means any means of transport in the air;

"Road vehicle" means any means of transport on land;

"Baggage" means the personal effects of a passenger or of a member of communication personnel;

"Day" means an interval of twenty-four hours.

[Article 3] For the purpose of these regulations, the incubation period of a quarantinable disease is:

(1) Plague -- six days;

(2) Cholera -- five days;

(3) Yellow fever -- six days;

(4) Smallpox -- fourteen days;

(5) Typhus -- fourteen days;

(6) Relapsing fever -- eight days.

[Article 4] A ship, an aircraft, a train, or any road vehicle other than a train and any person entering the territory on foot through the land frontier, shall be subject to entry quarantine inspection at the first port, airport, railway station, or frontier post of arrival respectively.

[Article 5] A ship, an aircraft, a train or any road vehicle other than a train going abroad, or any person leaving the territory on foot through the land frontier, shall be subject to departing quarantine inspection at the last port, airport, railway station, or frontier post of departure respectively; but medical examination of the crew members of a foreign ship and sanitary inspection of the ship shall be carried out at the request of the ship's master.

[Article 6] When a quarantinable disease or a suspected quarantinable disease occurs, or a person dies of a cause other than an accident, at a port, an airport, a railway station, or a frontier post, or on board a ship, an aircraft, a train, or any other road vehicle staying thereat, provisional quarantine shall be applied on the spot.

[Article 7] The frontier health and quarantine organization, in finding any infected person, shall immediately put him in isolation, and precautions shall be taken on isolation to prevent any other person from being infected;

The diagnosed case of a quarantinable disease and the suspect shall be admitted and isolated separately.

The period for isolation shall be determined by the organization applying the isolation, according to the result of medical examination.

[Article 8] The frontier health and quarantine organization shall treat any suspect according to provisions contained in part VIII of these Regulations; or, in case of a suspect for whom no treatment provided in Part VIII of these Regulations is appropriate, may apply medical examination on the spot or place him under surveillance or any necessary sanitary measures as the occasion requires, for a period not exceeding the incubation period of the very infectious disease, reckoned from the date on which he left the infected environment.

[Article 9] The frontier health and quarantine organization shall prevent any infected person or suspect from leaving the territory, but shall allow departure of any suspect who has come from abroad and submitted to medical examination on the spot upon his arrival; if he leaves the territory on board a ship, an aircraft, or in a road vehicle, the frontier health and quarantine organization shall notify the person in charge of the ship, the aircraft or the road vehicle, or record the fact on the certificate concerned.

[Article 10] The frontier health and quarantine organization may apply disinfection, disinsecting, or any other necessary sanitary measures to baggage or goods transported into or out of the country which the organization considers to be contaminated or suspected to be contaminated, or which is likely to serve as the vector of a quarantinable disease.

[Article 11] No sanitary measures shall be applied to goods which are in transit through the territory of the People's Republic of China, but which are transported from abroad and shall make no transhipment within its territory, unless any incident of epidemiological significance requires such.

[Article 12] Any person undertaking transportation of a corpse or coffin into or out of the country shall produce to the frontier health and quarantine organization a death certificate or other appropriate certificate, and he is allowed to transport the corpse or coffin into or out of the country only after the frontier health and quarantine organization is satisfied with the certificate and has issued an entry or departure permit to him.

[Article 13] The corpse of a person who died of any cause other than an accident at a port, an airport, a railway station, or a frontier barrier, or on board a ship, an aircraft, a train, or any other road vehicle staying thereat shall not be removed until it has been examined by the frontier health and quarantine organization and a permit issued for its removal into or out of the country.

[Article 14] The frontier health and quarantine organization, when it considers that the human excrements, refuse, waste water, and bilgewater from a ship will contaminate the water of a bay or a river, may prohibit the discharge or removal of the above-mentioned matters in the port or may apply sanitary control over them.

[Article 15] Sanitary conditions shall be maintained at any port, aircraft, railway station, and frontier port, and on board a ship, aircraft, train staying thereat, persons in charge of the above-mentioned places and means of transport shall improve and dispose the unsanitary conditions that are capable of spreading any quarantinable disease; the frontier health and quarantine organization has the right to supervise and to direct the above-mentioned matters.

[Article 16] In the event of an epidemic of a quarantinable disease at home or abroad, the Ministry of Public Health of the People's Republic of China shall immediately report to the State Council of the People's Republic of China for orders to take the following quarantine measures partly or wholly:

(1) To designate the area concerned on the land frontier or on the boundary river as a blockade area;

(2) To subject certain baggage or goods to disinfection and disinsecting before it is to be transported into or out of the country;

(3) To prohibit certain baggage or goods from being transported into or out from the country;

(4) To designate the first port of entry; any ship coming from an infected local area abroad, unless in wreckage or for particular reason, shall not be allowed to enter any other port without being quarantined at the first port of entry;

(5) To designate the first approved airport for landing; any aircraft coming from an infected area abroad, unless in wreckage, shall not be allowed to land at any other airports without being quarantined at the first port for landing.

[Article 17] If an epidemic of pulmonary plague occurs in a country neighboring upon the People's Republic of China by land, and when there is reliable evidence of the transmission of the disease into the territory of the People's Republic of China, the frontier health and quarantine organization, after consultation with the local frontier defense administration or the country or the municipals people's commission, may immediately take joint emergency measures of blockading the frontier communication, and at the same time report immediately by the most rapid means through the Ministry of Public Health and the frontier defense administration to the State Council of the People's Republic of China.

[Article 18] When the frontier health and quarantine organization applies quarantine inspection on a ship, aircraft or road vehicle, the person in charge of the ship, aircraft or road vehicle has the obligation to cooperate as closely as possible.

[Article 19] When the frontier health and quarantine organization officer desires to know the course of the voyage so as to ascertain the state of health of the person to be quarantined, he may examine his voyage certificate.

[Article 20] When the frontier health and quarantine organization is carrying out quarantine inspection at a port, an airport, a railway station, or a frontier post, the relevant organization shall cooperate and provide the necessary premises for office work, medical examination and sanitary treatment.


[Article 21] When a quarantinable disease or a suspected quarantinable disease has been discovered, or a person dies of a cause other than an accident, at a port, airport, a railway station, or a frontier post, or on board a ship, an aircraft, a train, or other means of transport staying thereat, the persons in charge of such port, airport, railway station, or frontier port, or of such a ship, aircraft, train or other means of transport shall notify the frontier health and quarantine organization immediately.

[Article 22] The frontier health and quarantine organization shall notify immediately the local health and preventive administration, when a quarantinable disease or a suspected quarantinable disease has been discovered; in the case of plague, or cholera, or yellow fever or smallpox, it shall also immediately notify the Ministry of Public Health of the People's Republic of China by the most rapid means.

[Article 23] The local health and preventive administration shall notify immediately the frontier health and quarantine organization situated within its jurisdiction, when a quarantinable disease or a suspected quarantinable disease has been discovered within its jurisdiction.

[Article 24] When an epidemic of a quarantinable disease occurs at a certain area within or without the country, the Ministry of Public Health of the People's Republic of China may declare such area an infected area.


[Article 25] Frontier health and quarantine organizations include the health and quarantine offices of the People's Republic of China at its seaport, airport and on the frontier, as well as the outpost quarantine stations of the above-mentioned offices.

The establishment, amalgamation, or withdrawal of the frontier health and quarantine offices shall be reported by the Ministry of Public Health to the State Council of the People's Republic of China for approval; the establishment, amalgamation, or withdrawal of quarantine stations shall be approved by the Ministry of Public Health of the People's Republic of China.

[Article 26] The functions of the frontier health and quarantine organization are:

(1) To report the occurrence, prevalence and termination of quarantinable diseases;

(2) To apply medical examination and sanitary measures to persons to be quarantined;

(3) To apply sanitary inspection and sanitary measures to shops, aircraft, vehicles, baggage and goods to be quarantined;

(4) To examine a port, an airport, a railway station, or a frontier post, or a ship, an aircraft, a train or any other vehicle staying thereat, for rodent and insect vectors of quarantinable disease;

(5) To examine and apply sanitary measures on the corpse of a person who died of any cause other than an accident at a port, an airport, a railway station, or a frontier post, or on board a ship, an aircraft, a train or any other vehicle staying thereat;

(6) To make bacteriological examination and sanitary supervision of the drinking water and food supplied by a port, an airport, a railway station, or a frontier post;

(7) To supervise the preventive and control operations on rodent and insect vectors of a quarantinable disease done by the port, airport, railway station or frontier post authority, and to direct their preventive measures;

(8) To carry out other routine sanitary supervision over a port, an airport, a railway station, or a frontier post, and a ship, an aircraft, a train, or any other vehicle staying thereat;

(9) To apply restriction and control in sanitary respect over a coffin transported into or out of the country;

(10) To issue quarantine certificates;

(11) To carry out other services asigned by the Ministry of Public Health of the People's Republic of China.

[Article 27] The organization, personnel leadership and standards of facilities, as well as the uniforms and marks of the quarantine officers, and the form of quarantine certificates shall be specified by the Ministry of Public Health of the People's Republic of China.


[Article 28] The quarantine of entering ships shall be applied at the quarantine anchorage of a port. The quarantine anchorage shall be designated by the frontier health organization in consultation with the port affairs administration, and shall be reported to the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Communications respectively for reference.

[Article 29] The port affairs administration in charge of the port quarantine shall, prior to the arrival of a ship which is subjected to entry quarantine, inform the frontier health and quarantine organization as early as possible about the following details:

(1) The name and nationality of the ship, and the scheduled time and date of arrival at the quarantine anchorage;

(2) The port of sailing and the last port of call;

(3) The number of crew members and passengers on board the ship.

[Article 30] If during its voyage, a case of quarantinable disease or suspected quarantinable disease is discovered, or a person died of any cause other than an accident on board a ship which is subject to entry quarantine, the master of the ship shall inform by telegram the frontier health and quarantine organization, as early as possible before the scheduled time of arrival of the ship at the quarantine port, of the following:

(1) The name and nationality of the ship, and the scheduled time and date of arrival at the quarantine anchorage;

(2) The port of sailing and the last port of call;

(3) The number of crew members and passengers on board the ship;

(4) The names of the disease or main symptoms, and the number of cases and deaths;

(5) Whether or not the ship has a surgeon on board.

[Article 31] Any ship which is subject to entry quarantine must hang up the quarantine signal, and wait for inspection at the quarantine anchorage. It is not allowed to lower the quarantine signal until an entry pratique has been issued to it by the frontier health and quarantine organization.

The quarantine signal of a ship is in day time to fly on the foremast a signal flag of international code expressed according to the following provisions:

(1) "Q" flag signifies that the ship is not infected, requesting the issuance of an entry pratique;

(2) "QQ" flag signifies that the ship is infected or suspected, requesting immediate quarantine;

In the night time, signal lamps shall be hung perpendicularly on the foremast or other more prominent place:

(1) Three red lamps signify that the ship is not infected, requesting the issuance of an entry pratique;

(2) Four lamps in the order of red, red white, and red signify that the ship is infected or suspected, requesting immediate quarantine.

[Article 33] Except those permitted by the frontier health and quarantine organization, no person is allowed to embark on a ship with the quarantine signal, and no baggage or goods are allowed to be loaded or unloaded, nor another ship is allowed to approached it.

Except in wreckage, no person on board the ship is allowed to disembark without the permission of the frontier health and quarantine organization.

After the ship has been given entry pratique, but if the frontier health and quarantine organization has noted on the pratique sanitary measures or restrictions to which the ship is submitted, even though the quarantine signal has been lowered, it shall still abide by the items noted on the pratique.

[Article 34] The master of a ship which is subject to entry quarantine, upon the embarkation of a frontier quarantine health officer, shall complete and deliver to the frontier health and quarantine organization a Maritime Declaration of Health which shall be signed by the master and counter-signed by the ship's surgeon if one is carried.

[Article 35] The frontier health and quarantine organization, while applying entry quarantine inspection to a ship, may demand the list of crew members and passengers, and examine the Deratting Certificate or Deratting Exemption Certificate, inventory of the holds, journal of voyage and other documents relating to quarantine.

When the frontier and quarantine organization officer desires any further information as to the health conditions on board during the voyage, he may make inquiries of the ship master and the ship's surgeon.

The ship master and the ship's surgeon shall reply in truth to the above-mentioned inquires of the frontier health and quarantine officer organization orally or in written form. A written reply shall be signed by the master and countersigned by the ship's surgeon if one is carried.

[Article 36] After the frontier health and quarantine organization has carried out the inspection on any entering ship, a pratique shall immediately be issued to a healthy ship; if sanitary measures or restrictions shall be applied to the ship, they shall be specified in the pratique; to an infected or suspected ship, besides the port affairs administration being duly informed, and after the specified sanitary measures have been carried out, an entry pratique shall be issued.

[Article 37] The entry inspection of ships shall be carried out during the interval between sunrise and sunset; if the port affairs administration and the frontier health and quarantine organization consider it necessary, or if the master request and there is sufficient light on board the ship, the frontier health and quarantine organization shall also carry out inspection during the interval after sunset and before sunrise.

[Article 38] When a ship coming from abroad, for certain reason, is forced to anchor at a port or at the coast of the People's Republic of China where there is no frontier health and quarantine organization, the ship master shall report by telegram to the nearest frontier health and quarantine organization, or to the nearest local health and preventive administration, or to the port affairs administration, or to the Local People's Commission.

The port affairs administration, or the People's Commission, after receiving such a report, shall immediately transmit it to the nearest frontier health and quarantine organization or the local health and preventive administration.

The frontier health and quarantine organization, or the local health and preventive administration, after receiving such a report, shall immediately send officers to the ship in question for quarantine inspection.

The persons on board the ship, except when the ship is in a condition of wreckage, are not allowed to disembark without the permission of the frontier health and quarantine organization or the local health and preventive administration.

[Article 39] When the frontier health and quarantine organization has found any ship on arrival, which is subject to entry quarantine, to be infected with yellow fever, and there are Aedes aegypti on board, and that the infected person has not been isolated in good time, the ship must submit to the sanitary measures provided for in the Regulations, and shall not be allowed to depart forthwith before the sanitary measures have been completed.

[Article 40] Except in the case as provided for in Article 39, if any ship which is subject to entry quarantine is unwilling to submit to the sanitary treatment provided for in these Regulations, it shall hang up quarantine signal and immediately return to the open sea.

Such a ship under quarantine shall be allowed to take on fuel, water, and stores; baggage and goods, or passengers requesting landing, under the condition that they submit to sanitary measures provided for in these Regulations, shall also be allowed to be unloaded or to disembark.

The frontier health and quarantine organization shall inform the port affairs administration of the above-mentioned condition whenever it occurs.

[Article 41] Before the departure of any ship, which is subject to departing quarantine, the port affairs administration at the port where quarantine inspection is applied shall inform the frontier health and quarantine organization of the following as early as possible:

(1) The name and nationality of the ship, and the scheduled time and date of departure;

(2) The port of destination and the first port of call;

(3) The number of crew members and passengers.

[Article 42] The frontier health and quarantine organization officer, while applying quarantine inspection to a ship, may make inquires of the ship master or the ship's surgeon about the health conditions on board, and the master or the ship's surgeon shall reply in truth to such inquires, he may demand the list of crew members and passengers; he may examine the Deratting Certificate or the Deratting Exemption Certificate, or other documents in relation to quarantine.

[Article 43] Any ship which has been inspected by the frontier health and quarantine organization, except that it has not submitted to sanitary examination and its crew members have not been medically examined, shall be given a pratique for departure either immediately or after the necessary sanitary treatment has been completed, according to the result of examination; if any ship is unable to depart on the scheduled time on account of the sanitary treatment, the port affairs administration shall be informed.


[Article 44] No matter capable of causing any epidemic disease shall be thrown or allowed to fall from an aircraft when it is in flight.

[Article 45] The airstation at the airport where quarantine inspection is applied shall, before the arrival of any aircraft which is subject to entry quarantine, inform the frontier health and quarantine organization of the following as early as possible:

(1) The nationality, the type and distinguishing sign (the number) of the aircraft and the scheduled time of arrival;

(2) The station of departure and the transit station;

(3) The number of its crew members and passengers on board the aircraft.

[Article 46] If a case of quarantinable disease or a suspected quarantinable disease has been found, or a person has died of any cause other than an accident on board an aircraft which is subject to entry quarantine, the pilot in command shall do his best to report by telegram through the airstation to the frontier health and quarantine organization of the following, before the aricraft arrives at the airport:

(1) The nationality, the type and distinguishing sign (the number) of the aircraft and the scheduled time of arrival;

(2) The station of departure and the transit station;

(3) The number of its crew members and the passengers on board the aircraft;

(4) The name of disease or main symptoms, and the number of cases or deaths.

[Article 47] On arrival of any aircraft which is subject to entry quarantine at the airport where quarantine inspection is applied, quarantine officers shall embark the aircraft first for application of quarantine inspection. The pilot in command or the authorized agent must deliver to the frontier health and quarantine organization a General Declaration of Health, passenger manifest, cargo manifest and other sanitary certificates.

No person other than those permitted by the frontier health and quarantine organization shall be allowed to embark or disembark the aircraft, nor are any baggage or goods allowed to be loaded or unloaded, until the quarantine officers complete the inspection.

Any passenger who has passed through the inspection shall produce a quarantine certificate to the quarantine organization in a designated area, and reply to the inquires of the frontier health and quarantine officer orally or in writing. During this period of time, no person is allowed to leave the designated area without the permission of the frontier health and quarantine organization.

[Article 48] After the frontier health and quarantine organization has completed the entry quarantine inspection to any entry aircraft, a notification shall immediately be given to the person who is in charge of the aircraft; if sanitary measures shall be applied to the aircraft, or the aircraft is considered to be infected or suspected with quarantinable disease, a notification of sanitary treatment or restrictions shall immediately be given to the airstation and the person who is in charge of the aircraft; within the specified time for sanitary treatment, no other people are allowed to embark or disembark the aircraft nor any baggage or goods are allowed to be loaded or unloaded.

[Article 49] When an aircraft coming from abroad is, for a certain reason forced to land at an airport or any other place where there is no frontier health and quarantinable organization, the pilot in command or other responsible person shall do his best to report to the nearest frontier health and quarantine organization, or to the nearest local health and preventive administration, or to the airstation, or to the People's Commission.

The airstation or the People's Commission, after receiving such a report, shall immediately transmit it to the nearest frontier health and quarantine organization, or the local health and preventive administration.

The frontier health and quarantine organization, or the local health and preventive administration, after receiving such a report, shall immediately proceed to the aircraft in question for applying quarantine inspection.

Except for the purpose of making report to the organizations provided for in this Article, no person on board the aircraft shall leave the vicinity of the aircraft without the permission of the frontier health and quarantine organization or the local health and preventive administration; nor are baggage and goods allowed to be removed; but when the pilot in command or any other responsible person must take emergency measures for the health and safety of the crew and the passengers, he may not be restricted by this rule.

[Article 50] When, after applying quarantine inspection, the frontier health and quarantine organization considers that an aircraft, which is subject to entry quarantine, is infected with yellow fever, the aircraft must submit to sanitary measures provided for in these Regulations, and shall not be allowed to depart forthwith before the sanitary treatment has been completed.

[Article 51] Except in the case as provided for in Article 50, if any aircraft which is subject to entry quarantine is unwilling to submit to the sanitary treatment provided for in these Regulations, it shall depart immediately from the airport.

Such an aircraft while in quarantine shall nevertheless be permitted to take on fuel, water and stores; baggage and goods, or passengers requesting to leave the aircraft, under the condition that they submit to sanitary measures provided for in these Regulations shall also be allowed to unloaded the baggages and goods or to disembark by the frontier health and quarantine organization.

The frontier health and quarantine organization shall inform the airstation of the above-mentioned condition whenever it occurs.

[Article 52] Before the departure of any aircraft which is subject to departure quarantine, the airstation at the airport where quarantine inspection is applied shall deliver a General Declaration, passenger manifest and goods manifest to the frontier health and quarantine organization as early as possible, and inform the frontier health and quarantine organization the following:

(1) The nationality, the type and the distinguishing sign (the number) of the aircraft, and the scheduled time of taking flight;

(2) The transit station and the station of destination;

(3) The number of crew members and passengers.

[Article 53] After the frontier health and quarantine organization has completed the departure quarantine inspection, if any aircraft is unable to take flight on the scheduled time on account of the sanitary treatment, the airstation shall be informed.

[Article 54] The frontier health and quarantine organization, while applying quarantine inspection to an aircraft, may make inquires to the pilot in command (or other responsible person) about the health conditions on board.

The pilot in command or other responsible person shall reply in truth to such inquires.


[Article 55] Before the arrival of a train bound to receive entry quarantine, the master of the station at which quarantine inspection is carried out shall notify beforehand the frontier health organization as early as possible of the following:

(1) The number of the train;

(2) The scheduled time of arrival;

(3) The station of departure;

(4) The number and the nationality of the passengers;

(5) The list of train composition.

[Article 56] Before the departure of a train bound to receive departure quarantine, the master of the station at which quarantine inspection is carried shall notify the frontier health and quarantine organization as early as possible of the following:

(1) The number of the train;

(2) The scheduled time of departure;

(3) The station of destination;

(4) The number and the nationality of the passengers;

(5) The list of train composition.

[Article 57] Any train bound to receive entry quarantine, on arrival at the station at which quarantine inspection is carried out, the master of the train and other responsible person shall report to the frontier health and quarantine organization on the health conditions of the people in the train, either orally or in a written form; and shall reply in truth to the inquiries of the frontier health and quarantine officer about the sanitary condition of the train.

[Article 58] If, during the journey, a quarantiable disease is discovered or suspected, or a person dies of any cause other than an accident on board a train bound to receive entry or departure quarantine, the master of the train shall, on arrival of the train at the station for quarantine inspection, notify immediately the frontier health and quarantine organization of the information.

[Article 59] On arrival of a train bound to receive entry quarantine at the station for quarantine inspection, before the quarantine inspection is carried out by the frontier health and quarantine organization, no person is allowed to get on or off the train except those permitted by the frontier health and quarantine organization; nor any baggage or goods to be loaded or discharged.

[Article 60] When the frontier health and quarantine organization has found any case of quarantinable disease in the train which is subject to entry or departure quarantine inspection, or the train is unable to start on the scheduled time on account of sanitary treatment, the master of the station shall be informed; if it is inconvenient for the frontier health and quarantine organization to apply sanitary treatment to the train at the platform where it is parked, the station master shall choose within the station an appropriate place for this purpose.

[Article 61] Any other road vehicles or travellers entering or leaving a land frontier, subject to entry or departure quarantine, shall receive entry or departure quarantine inspection in a place designated by the frontier health and quarantine organization; and they are not allowed to leave the designated place without the permission of the frontier health and quarantine organization.

[Article 62] Any other road vehicles and travellers entering or leaving a land frontier, that are subject to entry quarantine, shall declare their health condition to the frontier health and quarantine organization either orally or in a writter form; the frontier health and quarantine organization may make medical examination of the persons and sanitary inspection to the baggage and other effects in order to determine whether they are infected with quarantinable disease.

[Article 63] When the frontier health and quarantine organization has found any case of yellow fever in a train or other road vehicle which is subject to entry quarantine, or any traveller entering the frontier on foot to be infected with yellow fever, they must submit to sanitary measures provided for in these Regulations, and shall not be allowed to depart forthwith before the sanitary treatment has been completed.

[Article 64] Except in the case as provided in Article 63, if any train, other road vehicle or traveller entering the frontier on foot, that is subject to entry quarantine, is unwilling to submit to the sanitary treatment provided for in these Regulations, it shall immediately leave the frontier of our country.

Such a train or road vehicle under quarantine shall be allowed to take on fuel, water and stores; baggage and goods, or passengers requesting to leave the vehicle, under the condition that they submit to sanitary treatment provided for in these Regulations, shall also be allowed to be unloaded or to disembark by the frontier health and quaranting organization.

The frontier health and quarantine organization shall inform the responsible person of the station and other department concerned of the above-mentioned condition whenever it occurs.


[Article 65] Disinfection, disinsecting and deratting shall be so carried out by the personnel of the frontier health and quarantine organization as:

(1) Not to cause injury to any person's health;

(2) Not to produce any deleterious effect on the structure of a ship, an aircraft, or a road vehicle, or on its operating equipment;

(3) To avoid all risk of fire;

(4) To avoid any undue damage to baggage or goods.

[Article 66] The frontier health and quarantine organization shall not repeat any sanitary measure which has been applied at a previous port, airport or railway station, unless:

(1) After the departure of a ship, an aircraft or a train from the port, airport or railway station where the measures were applied, an incident of epidemiological significance has occured in that port, airport or railway station or on board the ship, aircraft or train, and further application of any such measure is thus needed;

(2) The frontier health and quarantine organization has reason to believe that the sanitary measures so applied at a previous port, airport or railway station were not practically effective.

[Article 67] When the treatment of a quarantinable disease is being made for a ship or an aircraft making an inland voyage, any person, disembarking or not, who, in the opinion of the frontier health and quarantine organization, should be subjected to surveillance or medical examination on the spot, shall be submitted, without discrimination, to the regulations in part VIII concerning persons disembarking.

[Article 68] Any person subjected to surveillance shall accept the treatment at the place designated by the frontier health and quarantine organization; but the person may be placed under surveillance on board a ship with permission of the frontier health and quarantine organization under the following conditions:

(1) The master requires the member(s) of the crew to the thus treated in the ship; or

(2) The passenger himself, with the master's permission, requires to be thus treated in the ship and there is a surgeon with facilities for disinfection on board the ship.

[Article 69] If symptoms indicative of a quarantinable disease appear in a person during the period of surveillance, the frontier health and quarantine organization shall immediately place him in isolation; other persons under surveillance in contact with him shall be subjected to the necessary sanitary measures; their period of surveillance shall be recounted from the time the sanitary measures as completed.

[Article 70] The frontier health and quarantine organization shall issue to the person subjected to medical examination on the spot a record of surveillance for that purpose, and the person shall fill in the record of surveillance; if necessary, the record of surveillance may be issued to him after he has given a written pledge for fulfilling the medical examination on the spot; related details in his travelling certificates may also be recorded and kept for reference.

[Article 71] The person subjected to medical examination on the spot shall, carrying the record of surveillance with him, accept the medical examination at the time and place designated by the frontier health and quarantine organization; if the result of medical examination on the spot is "healthy", he shall return the record of surveillance to the frontier health and quarantine organization when the period of medical examination on the spot expires.

[Article 72] When a frontier health and quarantine organization, a sanitary epidemilological station and other medical institution visited by a person subjected to medical examination on the spot, it shall treat him as an emergency case and give him free medical examination, the results of which shall be noted down in the record of surveillance.

If he is found to be infected by a quarantinable disease or suspected, necessary sanitary measures shall be adopted immediately; the record of surveillance shall be taken back from him and kept for reference; the local health and preventive administration and the frontier health and quarantine organization which has issued the record of surveillance shall be informed of this situation.

[Article 73] The frontier health and quarantine organization shall by the most rapid means notify its counterpart at the place where the person being subjected to medical examination on the spot is to make a stop, or the local health and preventive administration, of the person's name, sex, nationality, the title and number of the person's travelling certificate, address, the place where the person comes from, the cause of medical examination on the spot and when the period begins and expires.

The frontier health and quarantine organization or the local health and preventive administration and medical institution being notified of the above-mentioned information, shall promptly inquire into the health state of the person subjected to medical examination on the spot or take necessary measures.

[Article 74] Mail, newspapers, books, and other printed matter shall not be subject to any sanitary measure.

Postal parcels shall be subject to sanitary measures if they contain:

(1) Matters which, according to paragraph (2) in Article 16 of these Regulations, should be disinfected and or

(2) Fish, shellfish, fruit, vegetables or beverages transported from a cholera-endemic area and the frontier health and quarantine organization considers it necessary to subject them to disinfection; or

(3) Any other matter which, according to a provisional rule by the Ministry of Public Health of the People's Republic of China, should be subject to sanitary measures.

[Article 75] The master of any ship for international voyages shall, at an interval of six months, apply to the frontier health and quarantine organization for regular inspection of the ship so as to see that the ship is free from rats; the frontier health and quarantine organization shall apply to the ship a deratting or exempt it from such a treatment according to the result of the inspection; and it shall issue to the ship a Deratting Certificate or a Deratting Exemption Certificate respectively, which shall be valid for a period of six months reckoned from the date of issue.

[Article 76] To a ship making voyages between coastal ports, or on a boundary river the frontier health and quarantine organization may apply inspection as to see or inquire about whether it is free from rats; it shall supervise and direct the ship administration to carry out the prevention or eradication of rats.

[Article 77] When the frontier health and quarantine organization considers it necessary to apply to a deratting to a ship for international voyages by means of fumigation, if the Deratting Certificate or the Deratting Exemption Certificate of the ship is still valid, the frontier health and quarantine organization shall notify the master of the reasons for such treatment, except that the ship is infected or suspected with plague.

[Article 78] The inspection or the deratting of a ship shall be carried out when the holds are as empty as possible. If, for some reasons, the inspection or the deratting by means of fumigation cannot be carried out at the designated time, and the ship is proceeding to a port where measures of such kind would be facilitated, the frontier health and quarantine organization may permit the existing Deratting Certificate or Deratting Exemption Certificate to be valid for a month longer and make a note to that effect on the existing certificate.

[Article 79] The frontier health and quarantine organization may issue a Deratting Exemption Certificate if it is satisfied that the number of rodents on board is negligible after an inspection has been carried out on the following conditions:

(1) The holds are empty; or

(2) The holds contain only ballast or other material, unattractive to rodents, of such a nature or so disposed as to make a thorough inspection possible.

A Deratting Exemption Certificate may be issued for an oil-tanker with full holds.

[Article 80] The frontier health and quarantine organization may hold the master of a ship anchoring at a port responsible for the application of the following measures:

(1) Effective rat proofing boards or other such facilities shall be used on the ropes;

(2) If not necessary, ladders and gangboards shall not be set up; if they must be set up at night, lamps with high intensity shall be used.

(3) If dead rats are discovered or rodents are caught on board, they shall be referred to the frontier health and quarantine organization for examination.

[Article 81] For the purpose of these Regulations, the valid immunization periods of vaccination are as follows:

(1) Cholera: six months reckoned from the sixth day after vaccination; or six months reckoned from the date of revaccination made within six months of the previous vaccination;

(2) Yellow fever: ten years reckoned from the tenth day after vaccination; or ten years reckoned from the date of revaccination made within ten years of the previous vaccination;

(3) Smallpox: three years reckoned from the eighth day after the first successful vaccination; or three years reckoned from the date of revaccination.

[Article 82] The Ministry of Public Health of the People's Republic of China, if necessary, may establish a rule requiring any person from a foreign country or a foreign area, on entering the territory, to produce to the frontier health and quarantine organization a valid certificate of vaccination against cholera or one against smallpox, or both at the same time.

The frontier health and quarantine organization may subject any person unable to produce a valid certificate of vaccination against cholera to medical examination on the spot or surveillance, for a period of not more than five days reckoned from the date of his last exposure to an infected environment.

The frontier health and quarantine organization may vaccinate a person unable to produce a valid certificate of vaccination against smallpox unless he is sufficiently protected by a previous attack of smallpox and has visible scars; medical examination on the spot may be applied to a person who refuses to be vaccinated, for a period of fourteen days reckoned from the date (if he enters the territory on board a ship, an aircraft or a train) of his departure from the last port, airport or railway station, or from the date (if he enters the territory by land) or arrival.



[Article 83] A ship or an aircraft on arrival shall be regarded as infected if:

(1) It has a case of human plague on board; or

(2) A plague-infected rodent is found on board; or

(3) A case of human plague has occurred on board six days after embarkation.

[Article 84] A ship on arrival shall be regarded as suspected if:

(1) It has no case of human plague on board, but such a case has occurred on board within the first six days after embarkation; or

(2) There is evidence of an abnormal mortality among rodents on board, of which the cause is not yet known.

[Article 85] On arrival of an infected ship or aircraft, the following sanitary measures shall be applied:

(1) Isolation of any infected person;

(2) Disinsecting of any suspect and medical examination on the spot, for a period of not more than six days reckoned from the date of arrival; surveillance for a like period may be applied to any suspect disembarking; during this period, no member of crew on board the ship, except that it is for his duty and is permitted by the frontier health and quarantine organization, shall be allowed to disembark;

(3) Disinsecting and, if necessary, disinfection of any baggage, any used article of the infected person or suspect and any other article which the frontier health and quarantine organization has reason to believe to be contaminated;

(4) Disinsecting and, if necessary, disinfection of any part of the ship or aircraft having been occupied by an infected person and any part which the frontier health and quarantine organization has reason to suspect to be contaminated;

(5) If there are infected rodents on board a ship or an aircraft, it shall be deratted; if there are rodents on board a ship, it shall also be deratted when the frontier health and quarantine organization deems it necessary; the above-mentioned deratting may be carried out, if necessary, in quarantine. Before the holds are emptied for a complete deratting, one or more preliminary derattings of a ship with the cargo in situ, or during its unloading, shall be carried out. If a complete deratting cannot be secured because only part of the cargo is due to be unloaded, this part of cargo shall be unloaded on condition that proper measures are taken to prevent the escape of rodents, or the ship is placed in quarantine.

(6) The unloading of the ship shall be carried out under observation of the frontier health and quarantine organization and precautions shall be taken to prevent the unloading staff from being infected. If necessary, medical examination on the spot or surveillance, for a period of not more than six days reckoned from the date the unloading ended, may be applied to the unloading staff members.

[Article 86] A suspected ship shall be subject to the sanitary measures provided for from paragraph (2) to (6) inclusive in Article 85 of these Regulations.

[Article 87] To a healthy ship or aircraft, but one which has come from a plague-infected local area, if the frontier health and quarantine organization considers it necessary, the following sanitary measures may be applied:

(1) Placing under medical examination on the spot or under surveillance of any suspect who embarks, for a period of not more than six days, reckoned from the date on which the ship or aircraft left the infected local area. During this period, no member of the crew on board the ship, except that it is for his duty and is permitted by the frontier health and quarantine organization, shall be allowed to disembark;

(2) Deratting of the ship or aircraft in exception cases.

[Article 88] If no arrival of a train or a road vehicle a case of human plague is discovered, the following sanitary measures shall be applied:

(1) Application of the measures provided for in paragraphs (1), (3), (4), and (6) in Article 85 of these Regulations;

(2) Disinsecting of any suspect and placing him under medical examination on the spot or surveillance, for a period of not more than six days reckoned from the date of arrival;

(3) If necessary, deratting of the train or road vehicle.


[Article 89] A ship shall be regarded as infected if, on arrival, it has a case of cholera on board during a period of five days before arrival.

A Ship shall be regarded as suspected if a case of cholera has occured on board during the voyage, but a fresh case has not occured during a period of five days before arrival.

[Article 90] An aircraft shall be regarded as infected if, no arrival, it has a case of cholera on board.

An aircraft shall be regarded as suspected if a case of cholera has occured on board during the voyage but the case has disembarked before arrival of the aircraft.

[Article 91] On arrival of an infected ship or aircraft, the following sanitary measures shall be applied:

(1) Isolation of an infected person;

(2) Surveillance of any passenger or member of the communication personnel who disembarks, for a period of not more than five days reckoned from the date of disembarkation; medical examination on the spot for a like period to those who produce valid certificates of vaccination against cholera. During a period of five days reckoned from the date of arrival, no member of the crew on board the ship, except that it is for his duty and is permitted by the frontier health and quarantine organization shall be allowed to disembark;

(3) Disinfection of any baggage, any other used article of an infected person or a suspect, and any article or food, which is considered by the frontier health and quarantine organization to be contaminated;

(4) Disinfection of any part of the ship or aircraft having been occupied by an infected person and any part which is considered by the frontier health and quarantine organization to be contaminated;

(5) Removal, after disinfection, of contaminated drinking water or any drinking water suspected by the frontier health and quarantine organization to be contaminated; sanitary drinking water shall not be replaced until the containers are disinfected;

(6) Buman excreta, waste water, waste, matter and bilgewater taken on in an infected area shall not be discharged or unloaded without previous disinfection;

(7) The unloading of the ship shall be carried out under observation of the frontier health and quarantine organization and precautions shall be taken to prevent the unloading staff from being infected. If necessary, medical examination on the spot or surveillance, for a period of not more than five days reckoned from the date of the unloading ended, may be applied to the unloading staff members.

[Article 92] The following sanitary measures shall be applied to a suspect ship or aircraft:

(1) Application of the measures provided for from paragraphs (3) to (7) inclusive in Article 91 of these Regulations;

(2) Medical examination on the spot for a period of not more than five days, reckoned from the date of arrival, shall be applied to any passenger or member of the communication personnel, who disembarks; during this period, no member of the crew on board the ship, except that it is for his duty and is permitted by the frontier health and quarantine organization, shall be allowed to disembark; surveillance, for a period of not more than five days reckoned from the date of leaving the infected area, may also be applied to any passenger or member of the communication personnel who, on disembarking the aircraft, is unable to produce a valid certificate of vaccination against cholera.

[Article 93] To a healthy ship or aircraft, but one which has come from a cholera/endemic area, if the frontier health and quarantine organization considers it necessary, the following sanitary measures may be applied:

(1) Application of the measures provided for in paragraphs (5) and (6) in Article 91 of these Regulations;

(2) Medical examination on the spot, for a period of not more than five days reckoned from the date of leaving an infected area, may be applied to any passenger or member of the communication personnel who disembarks; during this period, no member of the crew on board the ship, except that it is for his duty and is permitted by the frontier health and quarantine organization, shall be allowed to disembark; surveillance for a like period may also be applied to any passenger or member of the communication personnel who, on disembarking, is unable to produce a valid certificate of vaccination against cholera.

[Article 94] On arrival of a train or a road vehicle, which has on board a case of cholera, the following sanitary measures shall be applied:

(1) Application of the measures provided for in paragraphs (1), (3), (4), (5) and (7) in Article 91 of these Regulations;

(2) Surveillance of any suspect for a period of not more than five days reckoned from the date of arrival; medical examination on the spot for a like period may be applied to any suspect who produces a valid certificate of vaccination against cholera.

[Article 95] On arrival of an infected or suspected ship or aircraft, of a train or a road vehicle on which a case of cholera has been discovered, or of a ship, an aircraft, a train, or a road vehicle coming from an infected area, disinsecting may be applied when the frontier health and quarantine organization deems it necessary. Any fish, shellfish, fruit, vegetables or beverages, being carried on board the above-mentioned ship, aircraft, train, shall not be unloaded without the permission of the frontier health and quarantine organization, unless such foods or beverages are packed in sealed containers and the frontier health and quarantine organization has no reason to believe that they are contaminated. If such food or beverage is unloaded, arrangements, according to the frontier health and quarantine organization, shall be made for its safe disposal.


[Article 96] Any person coming from an infected local area, on entering the territory, shall produce a valid certificate of vaccination against yellow fever to the frontier health and quarantine organization.

The frontier health and quarantine organization may place under surveillance a person who is unable to produce a valid certificate of vaccination against yellow fever, until a period of six days reckoned from the date of his leaving the infected environment has elapsed, or until his certificate becomes valid, whichever occurs first.

[Article 97] On arrival, an aircraft coming from an infected local area shall produce to the frontier health and quarantine organization a certificate demonstrating that mosquito eradication by insecticide had been carried out immediately before it took off from that area.

[Article 98] On arrival, a ship shall be regarded as infected if it has a case of yellow fever on board, or if a case has occurred on board during the voyage.

A ship shall be regarded as suspected if it has left an infected local area less than six days before arrival, or, if arriving within thirty days of leaving such an area, and Aedes aegypti or other vectors of yellow fever are found on board.

[Article 99] On arrival, an aircraft shall be regarded as infected if it has a case of yellow fever on board.

An aircraft shall be regarded as suspected if, on arrival, it is unable to produce a certificate of disinsecting specified in Article 97, or, if the frontier health and quarantine organization is not satisfied with the certificate and finds live mosquitoes on board.

[Article 100] The following sanitary measures shall be applied to an infected ship or aircraft:

(1) Isolation of any infected person;

(2) Measures provided for in Article 96 of these Regulations shall be applied to any passenger or member of the communication personnel who, on disembarking, is unable to produce a valid certificate of vaccination against yellow fever,

(3) Complete extermination of any Aedes aegypti and other vectors of yellow fever on board; the ship shall, until it has been disinsected, be required to keep at least four hundred meters from land and other ships;

(4) The unloading of the ship shall be carried out after it is disinsected; if the ship is unloaded before it is disinsected, the unloading shall be carried out under observation of the frontier health and quarantine organization and precautions shall be taken to prevent the unloading staff from being infected; if necessary, surveillance for a period of six days, reckoned from the date the unloading ended, may be applied to the unloading staff members.

[Article 101] A suspected ship or aircraft shall be subject to the sanitary measures provided for from paragraph (2) to (4) inclusive in Article 100 of these Regulations.

[Article 102] If the frontier health and quarantine organization considers it necessary, the sanitary measures provided for in paragraph (3) in Article 100 of these Regulations, may be applied to a healthy ship or aircraft, but which has come from a yellow-fever-endemic area.

[Article 103] On arrival of a train on which a case of yellow fever has been discovered, or which has come from a yellow-fever-infected local area, the sanitary measures provided for in paragraphs (1) and (4) in Article 100 of these Regulations shall be applied; thorough mosquito extermination shall be carried out throughout the train and the sanitary measures provided for in Article 96 shall be applied to any passenger or member of the communication personnel who is unable to produce a valid certificate of vaccination against yellow fever.


[Article 104] A person coming from an smallpox-infected area, who has left the infected local area less than fourteen days before his entering the territory, shall on arrival produce to the frontier health and quarantine organization a valid certificate of vaccination against smallpox, except that he is sufficiently protected by a previous attack of that disease and has visible scars.

The frontier health and quarantine organization may apply vaccination to any person who is unable to produce such a certificate, or medical examination on the spot, or vaccination followed by medical examination on the spot; surveillance may be applied to those who refuse to be vaccinated; the period of medical examination on the spot or surveillance shall not be more than fourteen days, reckoned from the date of his departure from the infected local area.

[Article 105] A ship or an aircraft shall be regarded as infected if, on arrival, it has a case of smallpox on board, or if such a case has occurred on board during the voyage.

[Article 106] The following sanitary measures shall be applied to an infected ship or aircraft:

(1) Isolation of any infected person;

(2) To offer preventive vaccination to any passenger or member of the communication personnel who is not sufficiently protected against smallpox, and apply vaccination to those who are willing to accept it;

(3) Surveillance and medical examination on the spot for any passenger or member of the communication personnel who disembarks; in determining the period of surveillance or medical examination on the spot, the frontier health and quarantine organization may take into account the previous vaccinations of the individual and possibility of his having been exposed to infection; but the period shall not be more than fourteen days, reckoned from the date of arrival;

(4) Disinfection of any baggage, any other used article of an infected person or suspect, and any article which is considered by the frontier health and quarantine organization to be contaminated;

(5) Disinfection of any part of the ship or aircraft having been occupied by an infected person and any part which is considered by the frontier health and quarantine organization to be contaminated.

[Article 107] On arrival of a train or a road vehicle having on board a case of smallpox, the sanitary measures provided for in paragraphs (1), (2), (4) and (5) in Article 106 of these Regulation shall be applied; surveillance and medical examination on the spot may be applied to any passenger or member of the communication personnel; in determining the period of surveillance or medical examination on the spot; the frontier health and quarantine organization may take into account the previous vaccination of the individual and possibility of his having been exposed to infection; but the period shall not be more than fourteen days, reckoned from the date of arrival.


[Article 108] On arrival of a ship, an aircraft, or a train, which has on board a case of typhus or relapsing fever, the following sanitary measures shall be applied:

(1) Isolation of the infected person;

(2) Disinsecting of any suspect, medical examination on the spot may be applied to any suspect, for a period not exceeding the incubation period of the respective infectious disease, reckoned from the date of arrival;

(3) Disinsecting, and if necessary, disinfection of the clothes, baggages of an infected person or a suspect, and any other article likely to spread typhus or relapsing fever;

(4) Disinsecting, if necessary, disinfection of any part of the ship, the aircraft, or of the train, having been occupied by an infected person and any part which is considered by the frontier health and quarantine organization to be contaminated.


[Article 109] Without distinction between national and foreign ships, aircraft, trains, road vehicles, communication personnel and passengers, the following measures, which the frontier health and quarantine organization applies in accordance with these Regulations, shall be free of charge:

(1) Inspection of any ship, aircraft, train, road vehicle, member of the communication personnel, passenger, baggage or goods;

(2) Medical treatment, care, communications and hospitalization provided for persons (not including those under surveillance on board a ship) in isolation or under surveillance;

(3) Disinfection and disinsecting of the communication personnel, passengers and their baggages;

(4) Any vaccination of a person entering the territory and any certificate thereof.

[Article 110] When the frontier health and quarantine organization applies any sanitary measures other than those provided for in Article 109, charge shall be made according to the actual cost of the service rendered and the same amount of fees shall be levied without distinction between national and foreign ships, aircraft, train, road vehicles, owners of the goods or their authorized agent as well as communication personnel and passengers.

Provisions concerning charges for sanitary measures shall be specified by the Ministry of Public Health of the People's Republic of China.

On levying a charge for sanitary measures, the frontier health and quarantine organization shall give the payer an official receipt.

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