査調 7―1
Large Enterprise Examination Division 7-1
官際 3―1
International Operations Division 3-1
官協 1―16
Office for Mutual Agreements 1-16
課法 6―7
Corporate Taxation Division 6-7
June 1, 2001 (latest amendment: Oct.22,2008)
Regional Commissioners, Regional Taxation Bureaus
Regional Commissioner, Okinawa Regional Taxation Office
Commissioner, National Tax Agency
The following rules have been
established in regard to the operation of transfer pricing and shall be
followed from this date
The "Commissioner's Directive on
Procedures for the Confirmation of Transfer Pricing Methodologies to
Determine the Arm's Length
Price (Administrative Guidelines)" issued on
October 25, 1999 (Document ID: Large Enterprise Examination Division
8-1, etc.) is
hereby repealed.
This Directive is to establish
guidelines for operations related to Article 66-4 of the Act on Special
Measures concerning Taxation
("Special Provisions for Taxation on
Transactions with Foreign Affiliates") and aims at the proper and smooth
enforcement of transfer
pricing taxation.
第1章 定義及び基本方針
Chapter 1. Definitions and Basic Policies
(Definition of Terms)
1- 1 この事務運営指針において、次に掲げる用語の意義は、それぞれ次に定めるところによる。
1-1 In this Directive, the meaning of the following terms shall be as prescribed in the respective items:
(1)法 法人税法をいう。
(1) The Act: The Corporation Tax Act
(2)措置法 租税特別措置法をいう。
(2) ASMT: Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation
(3)基本通達 法人税基本通達をいう。
(3) CTA Directive: Commissioner's Directive on Interpretation of the Act
(4)措置法通達 租税特別措置法関係通達(法人税編)をいう。
(4) ASMT Directive: Commissioner's Directive on Interpretation of the ASMT
(5)移転価格税制 措置法第66条の4の規定(第3項を除く。)をいう。
(5) Transfer pricing taxation: The provisions of Article 66-4 of the ASMT (excluding paragraph (3))
(6)連結法人 法第2条第12号の7の4に規定する連結法人をいう。
(6) Consolidated corporation: A consolidated corporation as prescribed in item (xii)-7-4 of Article 2 of the Act
(7)連結親法人 法第2条第12号の7の2に規定する連結親法人をいう。
(7) Consolidated parent corporation: A consolidated parent corporation as prescribed in item (xii)-7-2 of Article 2 of the Act
(8)確定申告書 法第2条第31号に規定する確定申告書及びこれに添付することとされている書類をいう。
(8) Final return form: A final return
form as prescribed in item (xxxi) of Article 2 of the Act and the
documents attached thereto
(9)事業年度 法第13条に規定する事業年度をいう。
(9) Business year: A business year as prescribed in Article 13 of the Act
(10)連結事業年度 法第15条の2に規定する連結事業年度をいう。
(10) Consolidated business year: A consolidated business year as prescribed in Article 15-2 of the Act
(11)国外関連者 措置法第66条の4第1項及び第68条の88第1項に規定する国外関連者をいう。
(11) Foreign affiliate: A foreign
affiliate as prescribed in Article 66-4, paragraph (1) and Article
68-88, paragraph (1) of the
(12)国外関連取引 措置法第66条の4第1項及び第68条の88第1項に規定する国外関連取引をいう。
(12) Transaction with a foreign
affiliate: A transaction with a foreign affiliate as prescribed in
Article 66-4, paragraph (1) and
Article 68-88, paragraph (1) of the ASMT
(13)独立企業間価格 措置法第66条の4第1項に規定する独立企業間価格をいう。
(13) Arm's length price: The arm's length price as prescribed in Article 66-4, paragraph (1) of the ASMT
(14)独立企業間価格の算定方法 措置法第66条の4第2項に規定する独立企業間価格の算定方法をいう。
(14) Transfer pricing methodologies
to determine the arm's length price: Transfer pricing methodologies to
determine the arm's length
price as prescribed in Article 66-4,
paragraph (2) of the ASMT
(15)非関連者 措置法第66条の4第1項に規定する特殊の関係にない者をいう。
(15) Non-affiliate: A person who has
no "special relationships," as prescribed in Article 66-4, paragraph (1)
of the ASMT, with
the subject corporation
(16)比較対象取引 措置法通達66の4(2)-1に規定する比較対象取引をいう。
(16) Comparable transactions: Comparable transactions as prescribed in ASMT Directive 66-4(2)-1
(17)利益分割法 措置法施行令第39条の12第8項第1号に掲げる方法をいう。
(17) Profit split method: The profit
split method listed in Article 39-12, paragraph (8), item (i) of the
Order for the Enforcement
of the ASMT
(18)取引単位営業利益法 措置法施行令第39条の12第8項第2号から第4号に掲げる方法をいう。
(18) Transactional net margin method:
A transactional net margin method listed in Article 39-12, paragraph
(8), items (ii) to (iv)
inclusive of the Order for Enforcement of the
(19)無形資産 措置法通達66の4(2)-3の(8)に規定する無形資産をいう。
(19) Intangible property: Intangible property as prescribed in ASMT Directive 66-4 (2)-3-(8)
(20)租税条約 我が国が締結した所得に対する租税に関する二重課税の回避又は脱税の防止のための条約をいう。
(20) Tax treaties: Treaties that
Japan has concluded in order to prevent double taxation or fiscal
evasion with respect to taxes
on income
(21)租税条約実施特例法 租税条約の実施に伴う所得税法、法人税法及び地方税法の特例等に関する法律をいう。
(21) Act on Special Provisions for
the Enforcement of Tax Treaties: The Act on Special Provisions of the
Income Tax Act, the Corporation
Tax Act, and the Local Tax Act, in
Accordance with the Enforcement of Tax Treaties
(22)相互協議 租税条約の規定に基づく我が国の権限ある当局と外国の権限ある当局との協議をいう。
(22) Mutual agreement: An agreement
between the competent authority of Japan and the competent authority of a
foreign country pursuant
to the provisions of a tax treaty
(23)事前確認 税務署長又は国税局長が、法人が採用する最も合理的と認められる独立企業間価格の算定方法及びその具体的内容等(以下「独立企業間価格の算定方法等」という。)について確認を行うことをいう。
(23) APA: The confirmation made by a
District Director of a Tax Office or a Regional Commissioner of a
Regional Taxation Bureau
with regard to transfer pricing methodologies
(hereinafter referred to as "TPM") to determine the arm's length price
and the specific
details thereof which are found to be the most
reasonable for a corporation to adopt
(24)事前確認審査 局担当課が行う事前確認の申出に係る審査をいう。
(24) APA review: The review of a request for an APA conducted by the RTB division in charge
(25)事前相談 事前確認を受けようとする法人が、事前確認の申出前に、事前確認を申し出ようとする独立企業間価格の算定方法等について局担当課(必要に応じて庁担当課及び庁相互協議室を含む。)と行う相談(代理人を通じた匿名の相談を含む。)をいう。
(25) Pre-filing consultation: A
consultation that a corporation intending to request an APA has with the
RTB division in charge
(including, where necessary, the NTA division in
charge and NTA Office for Mutual Agreements) with regard to transfer
pricing methodologies
to determine the arm's length price prior to
filing a request for an APA (including anonymous consultations through
an agent)
(26)局担当課 国税局課税第二部(金沢、高松及び熊本国税局にあっては、課
(26) RTB division in charge: The
Corporation Taxation Division of the Second Taxation Department of a
Regional Taxation Bureau (Taxation
Department in the cases of the
Kanazawa, Takamatsu, and Kumamoto Regional Taxation Bureaus) and the
Corporation Taxation Division
of the Okinawa Regional Taxation Office
(hereinafter referred to as "RTB Corporation Taxation Divisions") or the
Advance Pricing
Arrangement Division of the First Large Enterprise
Examination Department of the Tokyo and Osaka Regional Taxation Bureaus,
International Examination of Large Enterprises Division of the
Large Enterprise Examination Department of the Nagoya Regional Taxation
Bureau, the International Examination of Large Enterprises Division of
the Large Enterprise Examination and Criminal Investigation
of the Kanto-Shin-Etsu Regional Taxation Bureau, the Management Division
(Large Enterprise Examination) of the Large
Enterprise Examination and
Criminal Investigation Department of the Sapporo, Sendai, Kanazawa,
Hiroshima, Takamatsu, Fukuoka, and
Kumamoto Regional Taxation Bureaus,
and the Large Enterprise Examination Division of the Okinawa Regional
Taxation Office (hereinafter
referred to as "RTB Large Enterprise
Examination Divisions")
(27)庁担当課 国税庁課税部法人課税課又は国税庁調査査察部調査課をいう。
(27) NTA division in charge: The
Corporation Taxation Division of the Taxation Department of the National
Tax Agency, or the Large
Enterprise Examination Division of the Large
Enterprise Examination and Criminal Investigation Department of the
National Tax
(28)庁相互協議室 国税庁長官官房国際業務課相互協議室をいう。
(28) NTA Office for Mutual
Agreements: The Office for Mutual Agreements of the Commissioner's
Secretariat of the National Tax Agency
(29)連結指針 平成17年4月28日付査調7-4ほか3課共同「連結法人に係る移転価格事務運営要領の制定について」(事務運営指針)をいう。
(29) Commissioner's Directive on
OTPCC: "Commissioner's Directive on the Operation of Transfer Pricing
with regard to Consolidated
Corporations" (Issued on Apr. 28, 2005)
(Document ID: Large Enterprise Examination Division 7-4, etc.)
(Basic Policy)
1-2 移転価格税制に係る事務については、この税制が独立企業原則に基づいていることに配意し、適正に行っていく必要がある。
1-2 Affairs concerning transfer
pricing taxation must be properly managed, taking into consideration the
fact that this taxation
system is based on the arm's length principle.
For this reason, such affairs shall operate in accordance with the basic policies listed as follows:
(1) Whether the prices fixed for a
corporation's transactions with a foreign affiliate are equal to the
prices normally fixed for
uncontrolled transactions shall be closely
examined. In cases where any problem is found in the transactions,
efforts shall be
made to widely collect information regarding the market
and the business for an appropriate examination as to the selection of
pricing methodologies and comparable transactions, and adjustment for
(2) To ensure the predictability of
the corporation and to realize proper and smooth enforcement of transfer
pricing taxation, the
APA process shall be conducted in cases where a
request for an APA regarding the TPM is submitted by the corporation,
based on
the content of a mutual agreement relating to the request for
the APA, if there is any such agreement.
(3) To eliminate international double
taxation caused by transfer pricing taxation, it is important for the
tax authorities of each
country to share an understanding of transfer
pricing. Therefore, an examination or an APA review shall be conducted
in an appropriate
manner by referring to the OECD Transfer Pricing
Guidelines as necessary.
(Use of Reference Case Studies)
1-3 別冊「移転価格税制の適用に当たっての参考事例集」は、一定の前提条件を置いた設例に基づいて移転価格税制上の取扱いを取りまとめたものである。
1-3 The "Reference Case Studies on
Application of Transfer Pricing Taxation" (supplement) describes the tax
treatment of transfer
pricing illustrated by examples based on certain
This shall be referred to in order to
assist the proper administrative affairs of transfer pricing taxation
while being mindful
of a possibility that there exist other cases as
well as those described in the Case Studies that, though similar, may be
differently for the purposes of transfer pricing taxation due
to being based on different preconditions.
第2章 調査
Chapter 2. Examination
(Examination Policy)
2-1 調査に当たっては、移転価格税制上の問題の有無を的確に判断するために、例えば次の事項に配意して国外関連取引を検討することとする。
2-1 When examining transactions with a
foreign affiliate, the following points shall be taken into account, in
order to correctly
ascertain whether any problem exists in the
transaction under transfer pricing taxation.
In the examination process, each case
shall be examined not perfunctorily but carefully, bearing in mind the
circumstances of each
(1)法人の国外関連取引に係る売上総利益率又は営業利益率等(以下「利益率等」という。) が、同様の市場で法人が非関連者と行う取引のうち、規模、取引段階その他の内容が類似する取引に係る利益率等に比べて過少となっていないか。
(1) Whether or not the gross profit
margin or operating margin (hereinafter referred to as "profit margin,
etc.") derived from the
corporation's transactions with a foreign
affiliate is excessively low, compared with other transactions conducted
by the corporation
with non-affiliates in a similar market and which
are similar in transaction volume, transaction level, and other
(2) Whether or not the profit margin,
etc. derived from the corporation's transactions with a foreign
affiliate is excessively low,
compared with the profit margin, etc. of
other corporations, who are non-affiliates engaged in the same category
of business that
is similar in transaction volume, transaction level,
and other respects.
(3) Whether or not the corporation's
profit derived from transactions with a foreign affiliate is relatively
low, compared with
the foreign affiliate's profit derived from the
transactions, in the light of the function performed or risks assumed by
the corporation
or the foreign affiliate with respect to such
transactions with a foreign affiliate.
(Points to Consider when Conducting Examinations)
2-2 国外関連取引の検討は、確定申告書及び調査等により収集した資料等を基に行う。
2-2 Transactions with a foreign
affiliate shall be examined on the basis of final return forms and other
materials or data collected
through examinations.
Prior to the determination of the
arm's length price, examinations shall be conducted from various angles,
bearing in mind the circumstances
of each transaction, by methods
including the following, in order to determine whether there exist any
problems regarding transfer
pricing taxation and to ensure that the
examinations are conducted effectively.
(1) Verifying whether or not the
profit margin, etc. of transactions with a foreign affiliate that are
subject to the examination
are within the range of the profit margin,
etc. of plural uncontrolled transactions in the same category of
business and are substantially
similar to the corporation's transactions
with a foreign affiliate in transaction volume, transaction level, and
other respects
(hereinafter referred to as "transactions deemed to be
potential comparable transactions").
(2) In cases where it is considered
to be inappropriate to examine prices of inventory assets, etc. relating
to transactions with
a foreign affiliate based only on the information
for each relevant business year or consolidated business year due to
changes in prices reflecting changes in public demand,
product lifecycle, or other such factors, using the average value of the
consideration or the profit margin, etc. for the transactions with a
foreign affiliate or transactions deemed to be potentially
transactions during a reasonable length of time before and after the
business year or consolidated business year.
(Examination of Attachment of Form 17-(3))
2-3 国外関連取引を行う法人が、その確定申告書に「国外関連者に関する明細
2-3 In cases where a corporation that
conducts any transaction with the foreign affiliate fails to attach an
"Information on Foreign
affiliates" form (Form 17-(3)) to its final
return form or to provide sufficient information in Form 17-(3), the
corporation shall
be urged to submit the Form or to revise the
information provided, and endeavor to obtain more accurate information
on the particulars
of the transactions with a foreign affiliate.
(Documents to Be Inspected at the Time of Examination)
2-4 調査においては、例えば次に掲げる書類又は帳簿その他の資料(以下「書類等」という。)から国外関連取引の実態を的確に把握し、移転価格税制上の問題があるかどうかを判断する。
2-4 In the examination, whether there
is any problem in transfer pricing taxation shall be ascertained by
obtaining information
on the actual circumstances of the transactions
with foreign affiliates from documents, books and records, and other
(hereinafter referred to as "documents"), such as:
(1) Documents that describe the capital relationship and the business details of the corporation and each foreign affiliate:
イ 法人及び関連会社間の資本及び取引関係を記載した書類等
(a) Documents stating the capital and business relationships between the corporation and its affiliated companies;
ロ 法人及び国外関連者の沿革及び主要株主の変遷を記載した書類等
(b) Documents stating the career
histories of and any changes in major shareholders of the corporation
and the foreign affiliate;
ハ 法人にあっては有価証券報告書又は計算書類その他事業内容を記載した報告書等、国外関連者にあってはそれらに相当する報告書等
(c) Securities reports or financial
statements and other reports on the details of business with respect to
the corporation, and
corresponding reports for the foreign affiliate;
ニ 法人及び国外関連者の主な取扱品目及びその取引金額並びに販売市場及びその規模を記載した書類等
(d) Documents listing the major
product lines of the corporation and the foreign affiliate, and the
transaction prices, selling
markets, and market sizes of each product;
ホ 法人及び国外関連者の事業別の業績、事業の特色、各事業年度の特異事項等その事業の内容を記載した書類等
(e) Documents containing the
results and characteristics of each business, the special circumstances
of each business year, and
other details of the business of the
corporation and the foreign affiliate.
(2) Documents used by the corporation for the determination of the arm's length price:
イ 法人が採用した比較対象取引の選定過程及び当該比較対象取引の明細を記載した書類等
(a) Documents containing the
selection process of comparable transactions adopted by the corporation
and the details of the comparable
ロ 法人が複数の取引を一の取引として独立企業間価格の算定を行った場合、その基となった個別の取引の内容を記載した書類等
(b) In cases where the corporation
determines the arm's length price regarding more than one transaction as
a single transaction,
documents reporting the details of each original
transaction on the basis of which the calculation is made;
ハ 法人がその独立企業間価格の算定方法を採用した理由を記載した書類その他法人が独立企業間価格算定の際に作成した書類等
(c) Documents containing the
reasons for adoption of the transfer pricing methodologies to determine
the arm's length price and
any other document prepared by the
corporation for determining the arm's length price;
ニ 比較対象取引について差異の調整を行った場合、その調整方法及びその理由を記載した書類等
(d) Documents containing the
adjustment method and reasons for adjustments, if differences are
adjusted with respect to comparable
(3) Documents containing the details of transactions with foreign affiliates:
イ 契約書又は契約内容を記載した書類等
(a) Contracts or documents containing the content of contracts;
ロ 価格の設定方法及び法人と国外関連者との価格交渉の内容を記載した書類等
(b) Documents containing the
pricing methodologies and the details of price negotiations between the
corporation and the foreign
ハ 国外関連取引に係る法人又は国外関連者の事業戦略の内容を記載した書類等
(c) Documents containing the
details of the business strategies of the corporation or the foreign
affiliate with regard to the
transactions with a foreign affiliate;
ニ 国外関連取引に係る法人及び国外関連者の損益状況を記載した書類等
(d) Documents containing the
statement of profits and losses of the corporation and the foreign
affiliate with regard to the transactions
with a foreign affiliate;
ホ 国外関連取引について法人及び国外関連者が果たした機能又は負担したリスクを記載した書類等
(e) Documents containing the
functions performed or risks assumed by the corporation and the foreign
affiliate with respect to
the transactions with a foreign affiliate;
ヘ 国外関連取引を行う際に法人又は国外関連者が使用した無形資産の内容を記載した書類等
(f) Documents containing the
details of the intangible property used by the corporation or the
foreign affiliate for conducting
the transactions with a foreign
ト 国外関連取引に係る棚卸資産等に関する市場について行われた分析等に係る書類等
(g) Documents regarding the
analysis of the market of the inventory assets, etc. relating to the
transactions with a foreign affiliate;
チ 国外関連取引に係る棚卸資産等の内容を記載した書類等
(h) Documents containing the details of inventory assets, etc. relating to the transactions with a foreign affiliate;
リ 国外関連取引と密接に関連する他の取引の有無及びその内容を記載した書類等
(i) Documents stating whether there
are any other transactions closely connected with the transactions with
a foreign affiliate,
and containing the details of such transactions,
if any exist.
(4) Other documents
イ 法人及び国外関連者の経理処理基準の詳細を記載したマニュアル等
(a) Manuals, etc. containing the details of the accounting standards of the corporation and the foreign affiliate;
ロ 外国税務当局による国外関連者に対する移転価格調査又は事前確認の内容を記載した書類等
(b) Documents containing the
details of the transfer pricing examinations or the APA conducted with
regard to the foreign affiliate
by foreign tax authorities;
ハ 移転価格税制に相当する外国の制度にあって同制度の実効性を担保するために適正な資料作成を求める規定(いわゆるドキュメンテーション・ルール)に従って国外関連者が書類等を準備している場合の当該書類等
(c) If the foreign affiliate, under
the system of a foreign country corresponding to transfer pricing
taxation, has prepared any
document pursuant to the rules that require
the preparation of proper documents for supporting the effectiveness of
the system
(referred to as "Documentation Rules"), then the documents so
ニ その他必要と認められる書類等
(d) Other documents as deemed necessary.
(Points to Note in Applying the
Presumption Provisions or the Provisions for Inquiry and Inspection to
Third Parties in the Same
2-5 法人に対し措置法第66条の4第7項((推定規定))に規定する書類若
((同業者に対する質問検査規定)) の規定を適用することができるのであるが、これらの規定の適用に当たっては、次の事項に配意する。
2-5 In cases where a corporation is
requested to present or submit documents, books, or copies thereof
prescribed in Article 66-4,
paragraph (7) ("Presumption Provisions") of
the ASMT (hereinafter referred to as "documents prescribed in paragraph
(7)" in 2-5),
and the corporation fails to present or submit such
documents prescribed in paragraph (7) without delay, the provisions of
same paragraph or paragraph (9) ("Provisions for Inquiry and
Inspection to Third Parties in the Same Business") of the same Article
are applicable. In applying these provisions, the following points shall
be noted:
(1) When requesting the corporation
to present or submit the documents prescribed in paragraph (7),
explanation shall be given to
the corporation that if it fails to
present or submit these documents without delay, paragraph (7) or
paragraph(9) of Article 66-4
of the ASMT is applicable; and the fact
that the explanation has been given and how the documents are presented
or submitted by
the corporation after such explanation shall be
(2) Whether the corporation has
presented or submitted the documents prescribed in paragraph (7) without
delay shall be judged in
light of the period ordinarily required for
preparing the submission or presentation of such documents.
合には、法第163条 ((職員の守秘義務規定)) の規定に留意するとともに、当該説明を行った事実を記録する。
(3) In cases where any uncontrolled
transaction (meaning uncontrolled transaction prescribed in ASMT
Directive 66-4(2)-1; the same
shall apply hereinafter) recognized by
applying the provisions of Article 66-4, paragraph (9) of the ASMT is
selected as a comparable
transaction, explanation shall be given to the
corporation about the conditions of such selection, the content of the
transaction, and the method of adjustment for differences.
When the explanation is made, attention shall be paid to the provisions
of Article 163 ("Confidentiality of Staff") of the Act and the fact that
the explanation has been given shall be recorded.
(Loan Transactions)
2-6 金銭の貸借取引について調査を行う場合には、次の点に留意する。
2-6 The following points shall be noted when examining loan transactions:
(1) Loans to which CTA Directive
9-4-2 ("Regarding Loans Without Interest for Reconstructing a
Subsidiary, etc.") is applicable
shall also be treated as legitimate
transactions under transfer pricing taxation.
(2) In cases where the maturity date
of a transaction with a foreign affiliate is unknown, the period of the
loan shall be reasonably
calculated in light of the purpose of the loan.
(Examination of Loan Transactions through Methods other than Those Prescribed in ASMT Directive 66-4(6)-4)
2-7 法人及び国外関連者がともに業として金銭の貸付け又は出資を行っていな
2-7 In conducting examinations on
lending and borrowing activities between a corporation and a foreign
affiliate, in cases where
neither party is engaged in lending or
investment activities in the course of trade and also where none of the
methods prescribed
in ASMT Directive 66-4(6)-4 are applicable, whether
or not the interest rate applied to the lending or borrowing is
shall be examined by regarding the interest rate, calculated
as follows, as the arm's length interest rate:
(1) The interest rate that would
normally be applied to a loan, assuming that the lender involved in the
transaction with the foreign
affiliate made the loan from a
non-affiliated bank under similar conditions in terms of currency,
borrowing date, and borrowing
(2) The interest rate that would
normally be earned on the funds involved in the transaction with the
foreign affiliate, assuming
that they were invested in government
securities or the like under similar conditions in terms of currency,
transaction date, and
transaction period (excluding cases where the
interest rate listed in (1) is applicable).
(注) (1)に掲げる利率を適用する場合においては、国外関連取引の貸手における銀行等からの実際の借入れが、(1)で規定する同様の状況の下での借入れに該当するときには、当該国外関連取引とひも付き関係にあるかどうかを問わないことに留意する。
(Note) In cases where the interest
rate listed in (1) is applicable, and the loan actually provided by a
bank, etc. to the lender
in the transaction with the foreign affiliate
falls under the category of a loan made under similar conditions as
prescribed in
(1), it shall be noted that whether the loan has a
conditional relationship with the transaction with the foreign affiliate
of no relevance.
(Provision of Services)
2-8 役務提供について調査を行う場合には、次の点に留意する。
2-8 The following points shall be noted when examining the provision of services:
(1) In some cases, the consideration
for the use of intangible property is not included in the price for the
provision of services,
even though the intangible property is used for
providing services.
(注) 無形資産が役務提供を行う際に使用されているかどうかについて調査を行
(Note) In cases where whether any
intangible property is used for providing services is being examined,
the provision of services
and use of intangible property shall be noted
as being conceptually distinct. Examinations shall be conducted
regarding such matters
as whether the service provider uses the
intangible property listed in ASMT Directive 66-4(2)-3-(8) when
providing services, and
what impact the provision of services has on the
activities and functions of the service recipient.
(2) In some cases, services are
provided in conjunction with the transfer, etc. of tangible assets or
intangible property, and the
value of the consideration related to the
provision of services is included in the price of the transfer, etc. of
such assets.
(Treatment of Intra-Group Services)
(1) In cases where a corporation
performs the following activities regarding management, finance,
business, and administration for
a foreign affiliate, whether the
activities are deemed to be the provision of services shall be judged on
the basis of whether
the activities have economic or commercial value
for the foreign affiliate.
Specifically, it shall be judged on
the basis of whether it can be deemed that a non-affiliate under similar
circumstances as the
foreign affiliate pays another non-affiliate to do
the same activities on its behalf, or the foreign affiliate would need
to perform
the same activities for itself if the corporation did not
perform the activities:
イ 企画又は調整
(a) Planning and/or coordination;
ロ 予算の作成又は管理
(b) Budgeting and/or budgetary control;
ハ 会計、税務又は法務
(c) Accounting, tax, and/or legal services;
ニ 債権の管理又は回収
(d) Management and/or calling of credit;
ホ 情報通信システムの運用、保守又は管理
(e) Operation, maintenance, and/or management of computer networks;
へ キャッシュフロー又は支払能力の管理
(f) Supervision of cash flow and/or ability to pay;
ト 資金の運用又は調達
(g) Investing and/or raising of funds;
チ 利子率又は外国為替レートに係るリスク管理
(h) Management of interest and/or exchange rate risks;
リ 製造、購買、物流又はマーケティングに係る支援
(i) Assistance in the fields of production, purchase, distribution, and/or marketing;
ヌ 従業員の雇用、配置又は教育
(j) Recruitment, assignment and/or training of employees;
ル 従業員の給与、保険等に関する事務
(k) Affairs concerning remuneration, insurance, etc. of employees;
ヲ 広告宣伝(リに掲げるマーケティングに係る支援を除く。)
(l) Advertisement (excluding assistance in the field of marketing listed in (i)).
(2) In cases where a corporation
continuously maintains staff and equipment that are ready to provide
services for a foreign affiliate
upon request at any time, it shall be
noted that maintaining this state of readiness itself is deemed to be
the provision of services.
(3) In examining whether the
activities set forth in (1) that are performed by a corporation for a
foreign affiliate are deemed
to be the provision of services, it shall
be noted that the following activities do not have economic or
commercial value for the
foreign affiliate:
イ 法人が国外関連者に対し、非関連者が当該国外関連者に行う役務の提供又は
(a) In cases where the corporation
performs for the foreign affiliate activities that duplicate the
services provided by a non-affiliate
for the foreign affiliate or
activities set forth in (1) that are performed by the foreign affiliate
itself, the duplicate activities
(excluding cases where it is deemed
that such duplication is only temporary or the duplication is undertaken
to reduce the risk
of a wrong business decision);
ロ 国外関連者に対し株主としての地位を有する法人が、専ら自らのために行う株主としての法令上の権利の行使又は義務の履行に係る活動(以下「株主活動」という。)で、例えば次に掲げるもの
(b) Such activities as follows that
relate to the exercise of right or performance of obligation under laws
and regulations and
which a corporation holding a status as a
shareholder of a foreign affiliate performs solely on its own behalf as a
(hereinafter referred to as "shareholder activities"):
(イ) 親会社が実施する株主総会の開催や株式の発行など、親会社が遵守すべき法令に基づいて行う活動
a. Activities performed by the
parent company under laws and regulations that it is obligated to
follow, such as the holding
of shareholders meetings and issuing of
(ロ) 親会社が金融商品取引法に基づく有価証券報告書等を作成するための活動
b. Activities performed by the
parent company to prepare a securities report and other reports based on
the Financial Instruments
and Exchange Act.
(注) 親会社が子会社等に対して行う特定の業務に係る企画、緊急時の管理、技術的助言、日々の経営に関する支援等は、株主としての地位を有する者が専ら株主として自らのために行うものとは認められないことから、株主活動には該当しない。
(Note) Activities such as planning
for specific business, administration in an emergency, technical advice
and assistance concerning
daily management provided by the parent
company for its subsidiary companies, etc. shall not fall under the
category of shareholder
activities, because it cannot be deemed that
such activities are performed by a person holding a status as a
shareholder solely
on his/her own behalf as a shareholder.
Activities that the parent company
performs for the purpose of maintaining the investment in its subsidiary
companies, etc. and
which have economic or commercial value for the
subsidiary companies, etc. shall be deemed to be the provision of
(4) The treatment set forth in (1) to
(3) shall be applied mutatis mutandis with regard to activities
performed by a foreign affiliate
for a corporation.
(5) In examining whether or not the
consideration that a corporation shall pay to a foreign affiliate for
the provision of services
is appropriate, the corporation shall be
required to present or submit documents containing the details of the
services that it
received from the foreign affiliate.
In this case, where the actual
circumstances relating to the provision of the services cannot be
confirmed, it shall be noted that
the application of the provisions such
as Article 66-4, paragraph (3) of the ASMT is to be considered.
(Examination of Service Provision Transactions through Methods other than Those Prescribed in ASMT Directive 66-4(6)-5)
(1) In cases where none of the
methods prescribed in ASMT Directive 66-4(6)-5 are applicable to the
provision of services provided
by a corporation to its foreign affiliate
that are incidental to the original business activities of the
corporation or the foreign
affiliate, whether or not the consideration
for providing the services is appropriate shall be examined, assuming
that the gross
cost for providing the services is an arm's length price.
In this case, the services incidental
to the original business activities mean the services provided
incidentally or related to
the original business activities of the
corporation or the foreign affiliate not mainly engaged in the provision
of services; e.g.,
a corporation that imports products from its foreign
subsidiary company provides technical guidance regarding the
facilities of the foreign subsidiary company.
The gross cost for the provision of
services includes, as a rule, not only direct expenses relating to the
provision of the services
but also indirect expenses, such as the
general and administrative expenses of the department in charge or any
assisting department,
calculated in accordance with reasonable
allocation standards.
(注) 本来の業務に付随した役務提供に該当するかどうかは、原則として、当該役務提供の目的等により判断するのであるが、次に掲げる場合には、本文の取扱いは適用しない。
(Note) As a rule, whether the
provision of services is incidental to the original business is judged
on the basis of the purpose
of the provision of the services.
Nevertheless, the treatment set forth in the main clause shall not apply
in the following cases:
イ 役務提供に要した費用が、法人又は国外関連者の当該役務提供を行った事業年度の原価又は費用の額の相当部分を占める場合
(a) In cases where the cost
incurred for the provision of the services accounts for a considerable
portion of the amount of costs
or expenses of the corporation or the
foreign affiliate for the business year during which the services are
ロ 役務提供を行う際に無形資産を使用する場合等当該役務提供の対価の額を当該役務提供の総原価とすることが相当ではないと認められる場合
(b) In cases where it is deemed
inappropriate to treat the consideration for the provision of the
services as the gross cost therefor,
such as cases where intangible
property is used for providing the services.
(2) In examining the provision of
services other than those set forth in (1) that a corporation provides
its foreign affiliate,
in cases where none of the methods prescribed in
ASMT Directive 66-4(6)-5 is applicable and the following requirements
are all
met, whether or not the consideration for providing the services
is appropriate shall be examined with the same method as set forth
イ 役務の内容が次に掲げる業務のいずれかに該当すること。
(a) The content of the services falls under any of the following business:
(イ) 予算の作成又は管理
a. Budgeting or budgetary control;
(ロ) 会計、税務又は法務
b. Accounting, taxes, or legal services;
(ハ) 債権の管理又は回収
c. Credit management or collections;
(ニ) 情報通信システムの運用、保守又は管理
d. Operation, maintenance, or management of computer networks;
(ホ) キャッシュフロー又は支払能力の管理
e. Supervision of cash flow or ability to pay;
(ヘ) 資金の運用又は調達(事務処理上の手続に限る。)
f. Investing or procurement of funds (limited to administrative procedures);
(ト) 従業員の雇用、配置又は教育
g. Recruitment, assignment, or training of employees;
(チ) 従業員の給与、保険等に関する事務
h. Affairs concerning remuneration, insurance, etc. of employees;
(リ) 広告宣伝(2-9(1)リに掲げるマーケティングに係る支援を除く。)
i. Advertisement (excluding assistance in the field of marketing listed in 2-9(1)-(i));
(ヌ) その他一般事務管理
j. Other general administration;
ロ 当該役務提供が法人又は国外関連者の事業活動の重要な部分に関連していないこと。
(b) The provision of the services
is not related to a significant part of the business activities of the
corporation or the foreign
ハ 当該役務提供に要した費用が法人又は国外関連者の当該役務提供を行った事業年度の原価又は費用の額の相当部分を占めていないこと。
(c) The cost incurred for the
provision of the services does not account for a considerable portion of
the amount of costs or
expenses of the corporation or the foreign
affiliate for the business year during which the services are provided;
ニ 当該役務提供を行う際に自己の無形資産を使用していないこと。
(d) The corporation's own intangible property is not used to provide the services;
ホ 当該役務提供に関連する直接費及び間接費の計算が、当該役務提供に係る従事者の従事割合や使用資産の使用割合等、合理的な配分割合によっていること。
(e) Direct and indirect expenses
relating to the provision of the services are calculated in accordance
with reasonable allocation
rates, such as the rate of staff engaged in
the provision of the services and the rate of the use of assets
(Intangible Property to Consider in Examinations)
2-11 調査において無形資産が法人又は国外関連者の所得にどの程度寄与しているかを検討するに当たっては、例えば、次に掲げる重要な価値を有し所得の源泉となるものを総合的に勘案することに留意する。
2-11 When assessing, in examinations,
how intangible property contributes to the income of a corporation or a
foreign affiliate,
assets such as the following that have material
value and serve as a source of income shall be comprehensively
イ 技術革新を要因として形成される特許権、営業秘密等
(a) Patent rights and trade secrets derived from technical innovation;
ロ 従業員等が経営、営業、生産、研究開発、販売促進等の企業活動における経験等を通じて形成したノウハウ等
(b) Know-how derived from
experience of employees and other human resources through business
activities such as management, trade
operations, production, research
and development, and sales promotion.
ハ 生産工程、交渉手順及び開発、販売、資金調達等に係る取引網等
(c) Production processes, negotiation procedures, and development, distribution, and financing networks.
When determining whether the
intangible property of the corporation or the foreign affiliate serves
as a source of income, in
cases, for instance, where it is possible to
identify a corporation without intangible property serving as a source
of income from
among corporations engaging in the same category of
business as the that involving the transaction with the foreign
affiliate and
that has similar markets and scales of operation, it shall
be noted that a comparison is to be made between the profit margin,
etc. relating to transactions with a foreign affiliate of the
corporation or the foreign affiliate and the profit margin, etc. of
corporation without such intangible property, as well as analyzing the
activities, functions, etc. in relation to the creation
of the
intangible property of the corporation or the foreign affiliate.
(注) 役務提供を行う際に無形資産が使用されている場合の役務提供と無形資産の関係については、2-8(1)の(注)に留意する。
(Note) Regarding the relationship
between the provision of services and intangible property in cases where
intangible property is
used for providing the services, the Note of
2-8(1) shall be noted.
(Contribution to the Creation, Maintenance or Development of Intangible Property)
2-12 無形資産の使用許諾取引等について調査を行う場合には、無形資産の法的な所有関係のみならず、無形資産を形成、維持又は発展(以下「形成等」という。)させるための活動において法人又は国外関連者の行った貢献の程度も勘案する必要があることに留意する。
2-12 When examining licensing
transactions of intangible property, it shall be noted that not only the
legal ownership of the intangible
property but also the degree of
contribution of a corporation or a foreign affiliate to the activities
for the creation, maintenance
or development of the intangible property
(hereafter referred to as the "creation, etc.") needs to be taken into
When assessing the degree of the
contribution to the creation, etc. of intangible property, the functions
that the corporation or
the foreign affiliate performed, in such
processes as decision making, provision of services, bearing of costs,
and risk management,
shall be taken into account comprehensively.
In this case, it shall be noted that
the degree of contribution is to be assessed as low when the corporation
or the foreign affiliate
merely bears the cost of the creation, etc. of
the intangible property that is highly expected to be a source of
(Licensing Transaction of Intangible Property)
2-13 法人又は国外関連者のいずれか一方が保有する無形資産を他方が使用し
2-13 In cases where either a
corporation or a foreign affiliate is using the intangible property
owned by the other party without
an agreement concerning its use, it
shall be noted that the arm's length price relating to this transaction
is to be determined,
assuming that there is a licensing transaction of
the intangible property, except when it is deemed that there has been a
The commencement date of the
licensing transaction shall be determined properly from among the dates
when the intangible property
was provided, the use thereof started or
any profit was recorded through the use thereof, by considering examples
of transactions
between non-affiliates.
(Cost Contribution Arrangement)
2-14 費用分担契約とは、特定の無形資産を開発する等の共通の目的を有する
2-14 A Cost Contribution Arrangement
(hereinafter referred to as "CCA") means a contract to share the cost
required for the activities
necessary for the achievement of a common
purpose, such as the development of specific intangible property
(hereinafter referred
to as "activities such as research and
development"), between contracting parties (hereinafter referred to as
and to obtain the share of the outcome yielded from
the activities such as research and development in accordance with the
of the total amount of expected benefit (hereinafter referred
to as the "expected proportion of benefit") of the profit that is
expected to increase or the cost that is expected to decrease
(hereinafter referred to as the "expected benefit") for each participant
by the new outcome yielded from the activities such as research and
development. For instance, the following falls under a CCA:
a contract
to share the cost required for the development of the manufacturing
technology for new products between a corporation
and a foreign
affiliate, using the expected proportion of benefit calculated on the
basis of the expected benefit that would be
enjoyed by the corporation
and the foreign affiliate through the sale of the new products to be
manufactured by using the manufacturing
technology, and to obtain the
share of the new intangible property yielded from the development of the
manufacturing technology
in accordance with the cost to be shared by
each of them.
(Treatment of CCA)
2-15 法人が国外関連者との間で締結した費用分担契約に基づく費用の分担
2-15 Cost contributions (including
adjustment of the amount of cost contributions) and acquisition of
shares based on a CCA concluded
between a corporation and a foreign
affiliate shall fall under transactions with a foreign affiliate, and in
cases where the corporation's
expected proportion of benefit under the
CCA is recognized as excessive compared with the proper expected
proportion of benefit
for the corporation (meaning the proportion
calculated based on examinations as prescribed in 2-16 and 2-18), it
shall be noted
that from out of the total cost borne by the corporation,
the amount borne for the part of the proportion that is excessive shall
not be included in the amount of deductible expenses as it exceeds the
arm's length price.
(注) 法人が分担した費用については、法人税に関する法令の規定に基づいて処
(Note) The cost shared by a
corporation shall be treated in accordance with the provisions of the
laws and regulations concerning
corporation tax. Therefore, for
instance, in cases where there are entertainment expenses, etc.
prescribed in Article 61-4, paragraph
(3) of the ASMT in the cost
required for the activities such as research and development, the amount
of entertainment expenses,
etc. shared by the corporation based on the
proper expected proportion of benefit shall be treated in accordance
with the provisions
of ASMT Directive 61-4(1)-23-(1) ("Method of
Expenditure of Entertainment Expenses, etc."). Therefore, it shall be
noted that the
amount of non-deductible expenses under paragraph (1) of
the same Article is to be calculated based on the amount of
expenses, etc. shared by the corporation.
(Points to Note in Relation to CCA)
2-16 法人が国外関連者との間で費用分担契約を締結している場合には、次のような点に留意の上、法人の費用分担額等の適否を検討する。
2-16 In cases where a corporation
concluded a CCA with a foreign affiliate, whether or not the amount of
cost contribution of the
corporation is appropriate shall be examined,
taking the following points into account:
イ 研究開発等の活動の範囲が明確に定められているか。また、その内容が具体的かつ詳細に定められているか。
(a) Whether the range of the
activities such as research and development is clearly defined and the
content is provided for specifically
and in detail;
ロ 研究開発等の活動から生じる成果を自ら使用するなど、すべての参加者が直接的に便益を享受することが見込まれているか。
(b) Whether all participants are
expected to enjoy the benefit directly by using the outcome yielded from
the activities such
as research and development for themselves;
ハ 各参加者が分担すべき費用の額は、研究開発等の活動に要した費用の合計額を、適正に見積もった予測便益割合に基づいて配分することにより、決定されているか。
(c) Whether the amount of cost to
be shared by each participant has been determined by allocating the
total amount of cost required
for the activities such as research and
development, based on the expected proportion of benefit, which has been
properly estimated;
ニ 予測便益を直接的に見積もることが困難である場合、予測便益の算定に、各参加者が享受する研究開発等の活動から生じる成果から得る便益の程度を推測するに足りる合理的な基準(売上高、売上総利益、営業利益、製造又は販売の数量等)が用いられているか。
(d) In cases where it is difficult
to estimate the expected benefit directly, whether the standard (sales
amount, gross profit,
operating income, volume of production or sales,
etc.) used for the calculation of the expected benefit is reasonable
enough for
assuming the degree of benefit obtained by each participant
from the outcome yielded from the activities such as research and
ホ 予測便益割合は、その算定の基礎となった基準の変動に応じて見直されているか。
(e) Whether the expected proportion
of benefit is reviewed in accordance with the fluctuation of the
standard used to calculate
へ 予測便益割合と実現便益割合(研究開発等の活動から生じた成果によって各
(f) Whether it has been examined if
each participant's expected benefit was estimated properly, when there
are significant deviations
between the expected proportion of benefit
and the realized proportion of benefit (meaning the proportion of
increased profit or
decreased costs for each participant (hereinafter
referred to as the "realized benefit") based on the outcome yielded from
activities such as research and development, to the total of the
realized benefit for each participant);
ト 新規加入又は脱退があった場合、それまでの研究開発等の活動を通じて形成された無形資産等がある場合には、その加入又は脱退が生じた時点でその無形資産等の価値を評価し、その無形資産等に対する持分の適正な対価の授受が行われているか。
(g) In cases where there is a new
entry in an active CCA or a withdrawal and there is intangible property,
etc. created through
the past activities such as research and
development, whether the intangible property, etc. is evaluated at the
time of the new
entry or the withdrawal, and whether the proper
consideration for the intangible property, etc. is paid or received
among the participants
in proportion to the share of the intangible
property, etc..
(Use of Existing Intangible Property under a CCA)
2-17 参加者の保有する既存の無形資産(当該費用分担契約を通じて取得・開
2-17 In cases where existing
intangible property owned by a participant (meaning any assets other
than the intangible property acquired/developed
through the CCA; the
same shall apply hereafter) is used for the activities such as research
and development under the CCA, it
shall be noted that it is required to
examine whether the participant who owns the existing intangible
property has received the
arm's length royalty or that the cost shared
has been calculated assuming that such an amount has been shared by the
except when the intangible property is recognized to have
been transferred to the other participants.
(注) 法人が研究開発等の活動において自ら開発行為等を行っている場合や国外
(Note) In cases where a corporation
conducts development activities, etc. by itself in relation to the
activities such as research
and development, or the realized benefit of a
participant that is a foreign affiliate significantly exceeds the
expected benefit,
it is required to examine whether the existing
intangible property owned by the corporation is used for the activities
such as
research and development; in cases where the use is recognized,
it shall be noted that the examination set forth in the main clause
to be conducted.
(Documents to Be Inspected at the Time of Examination on CCA)
2-18 調査においては、2-4に掲げる書類等から国外関連取引の実態を的確
2-18 While information on the actual
circumstances of a transaction with a foreign affiliate is to be
accurately obtained from the
documents listed in 2-4 in examinations,
when conducting an examination on a CCA, it shall be determined whether
or not there is
any problem under transfer pricing taxation by
requesting the presentation not only of documents of the CCA (including
the attached
documents stating the scope/content of the activities such
as research and development) but also of mainly the following documents:
(1) Documents prepared at the time of concluding the CCA:
イ 参加者の名称、所在地、資本関係及び事業内容等を記載した書類等
(a) Documents stating the name, address, capital relations, the details of business and other information of the participants;
ロ 参加者が契約締結に至るまでの交渉・協議の経緯を記載した書類等
(b) Documents stating the details
of negotiation/consultation leading to the conclusion of an agreement
made by the participants;
ハ 予測便益割合の算定方法及びそれを用いることとした理由を記載した書類等
(c) Documents stating the method of calculating the expected proportion of benefit and the reason to use such a method;
ニ 費用分担額及び予測便益の算定に用いる会計基準を記載した書類等
(d) Documents stating the accounting standard used for calculating the amount of the cost shared and expected benefit;
ホ 予測便益割合と実現便益割合とが乖離した場合における費用分担額の調整に関する細目を記載した書類等
(e) Documents stating the details
of the adjustment of the amount of cost shared in cases where there are
deviations between the
expected proportion of benefit and the realized
proportion of benefit;
ヘ 新規加入又は脱退があった場合の無形資産等の価値の算定に関する細目を記載した書類等
(f) Documents stating the details
of valuation of the intangible property, etc. in cases where there is a
new entry in an active
CCA or a withdrawal;
ト 契約条件の変更並びに費用分担契約の改定又は終了に関する細目を記載した書類等
(g) Documents stating the details
in relation to the modification of contractual terms and conditions, the
revision, or termination
of the CCA.
(2) Documents prepared after the conclusion of the CCA:
イ 各参加者が研究開発等の活動のために要した費用の総額及びその内訳並びに各参加者の費用分担額及びその計算過程を記載した書類等
(a) Documents stating the total
amount of the cost and its breakdown required for activities such as
research and development,
as well as the amount of the cost shared by
each participant and the process of its calculation;
ロ 研究開発等の活動に関する予測便益割合と実現便益割合との乖離の程度を記載した書類等
(b) Documents stating the extent of
the deviations between the expected and realized proportions of benefit
in relation to activities
such as research and development;
ハ 研究開発等の活動を通じて形成された無形資産等に対する各参加者の持分の異動状況(研究開発等の活動を通じて形成された無形資産等の価値の算定方法を含む。)を記載した書類等
(c) Documents stating the changes
in the share of each participant for the intangible property, etc.
created through activities
such as research and development (including
the method of valuation of the intangible property, etc. created through
such as research and development);
ニ 新規加入又は脱退があった場合の事情の詳細を記載した書類等
(d) Documents stating the details of any new entry or withdrawal.
(3) Other documents:
イ 既存の無形資産を研究開発等の活動に使用した場合における当該既存の無形資産の内容及び使用料に相当する金額の算定に関する細目を記載した書類等
(a) Documents stating the content
of the existing intangible property and the details of the calculation
of royalties in cases
where the existing intangible property is used in
activities such as research and development;
ロ 研究開発等の活動から生じる成果を利用することが予定されている者で、費用分担契約に参加しない者の名称、所在地等を記載した書類等
(b) Documents stating the name,
address and other information of persons who are scheduled to make use
of the outcome yielded
from activities such as research and development,
but who will not participate in the CCA.
(Contribution to Foreign Affiliates)
2-19 調査において、次に掲げるような事実が認められた場合には、措置法第66条の4第3項の規定の適用があることに留意する。
2-19 In cases where the following
facts are recognized in examinations, it shall be noted that the
provisions of Article 66-4, paragraph
(3) of the ASMT are to be applied:
イ 法人が国外関連者に対して資産の販売、金銭の貸付け、役務の提供その他の
(a) In cases where the corporation
carries out a sale of assets, lending, provision of services, etc.
(hereinafter referred to
as the "sale of assets, etc.") with a foreign
affiliate and where the corporation does not record the profit from the
sale of assets,
etc., when the sale of assets, etc. falls under a
donation or the conveyance of money or any other assets or economic
benefit at
no charge;
ロ 法人が国外関連者から資産の販売等に係る対価の支払を受ける場合において、当該法人が当該国外関連者から支払を受けるべき金額のうち当該国外関連者に実質的に資産の贈与又は経済的な利益の無償の供与をしたと認められる金額があるとき
(b) In cases where the corporation
receives payment of a consideration from a foreign affiliate for the
sale of assets, etc.,
when the amount that the corporation is to receive
from the foreign affiliate includes an amount that is found to be a
donation of assets or the conveyance of an economic benefit
to the foreign affiliate at no charge;
ハ 法人が国外関連者に資産の販売等に係る対価の支払を行う場合において、当該法人が当該国外関連者に支払う金額のうち当該国外関連者に金銭その他の資産又は経済的な利益の贈与又は無償の供与をしたと認められる金額があるとき
(c) In cases where the corporation
pays a consideration for the sale of assets, etc. to a foreign
affiliate, the amount that the
corporation is to pay to the foreign
affiliate includes an amount that is found to be a donation or the
conveyance of money or
any other assets or economic benefit at no
(注) 法人が国外関連者に対して財政上の支援等を行う目的で国外関連取引に係
(Note) In cases where a corporation
sets or changes transaction prices for transactions with a foreign
affiliate for the purpose
of providing financial support, etc. for a
foreign affiliate, it shall be noted that the provisions of Article
66-4, paragraph
(3) shall not be applied when the support, etc. has
reasonable grounds as prescribed in CTA Directive 9-4-2 ("Regarding
Loans Without
Interest for Reconstructing a Subsidiary, etc.").
(Points to Note Concerning the Transfer of Money for Price Adjustment, etc.)
In cases where a corporation
changes the amount of consideration for transactions with a foreign
affiliate already conducted nominally
for the purpose of price
adjustment, it shall be examined whether the changes fall under the
adjustment of transaction prices based
on reasonable grounds.
In cases where the changes are made
by paying money to a foreign affiliate or by recording the cost, etc.
(hereinafter referred
to as "payment and recording"), whether the
payment and recording is based on reasonable grounds shall be examined
by comprehensively
considering the reasons for the payment and
recording, the details of prior agreement, the method of the calculation
and the grounds
thereof, the date on which the payment and recording
was determined and the date on which the payment and recording was made.
it is recognized as a result of the examination that the payment and
recording is based on reasonable grounds, the changes shall
be deemed
to be the adjustment of transaction prices.
If it is not recognized that the
payment and recording is based on reasonable grounds, it shall be
examined whether the provisions
of Article 66-4, paragraph (3) of the
ASMT shall be applied to the payment and recording.
(Consideration Calculated by Foreign Tax Authority)
2-21 独立企業間価格は我が国の法令に基づき計算されるのであるから、外国
2-21 It shall be noted that since
arm's length prices are determined in accordance with the laws and
regulations of Japan, the consideration
for a transaction with a foreign
affiliate calculated by a foreign tax authority for the purpose of
taxation corresponding to transfer
pricing taxation on a foreign
affiliate is not necessarily an arm's length price (excluding cases
where a mutual agreement has
been reached).
(Relationship with Request for an APA)
(1) It shall be noted that an examination is not interrupted by a request for an APA.
(2) Documents (excluding those
concerning the facts) received from the corporation that filed an
application for an APA (hereinafter
referred to as the "APA applicant")
for the APA review may not be used for the examination unless the
corporation gives consent
to the use of such materials.
(Transfer Pricing Taxation and Classification of Domestic/Foreign Source Income)
2-23 調査に当たり、移転価格税制とともに法第69条第1項((外国税額の
2-23 In cases where the provisions of
Article 69, paragraph (1) ("Credit for Foreign Tax") of the Act are
applied together with
transfer pricing taxation in examinations, it
shall be noted that calculation of the creditable amount of foreign tax
in the same paragraph is to be made after the judgment of
whether the increased income through the application of transfer pricing
taxation is of domestic source or foreign source by applying the
provisions of Article 138 ("Domestic Source Income") through to
140 ("Details of Scope of Domestic Source Income") inclusive of the Act.
(Relationship with Thin Capitalization Taxation)
2-24 調査に当たり、移転価格税制とともに措置法第66条の5((国外支配
2-24 In cases where the provisions of
Article 66-5 ("Special Provisions for Taxation on Interest on
Liabilities, etc. Payable to
Foreign Controlling Shareholders, etc.") of
the ASMT are applied together with transfer pricing taxation in
examinations, it shall
be noted that the portion of the "interest on
liabilities" that exceeds the arm's length price may not be included
when calculating
the "interest on liabilities" prescribed in paragraph
(1) of the same Article.
(Relationship with Withholding Income Tax)
2-25 調査の結果、法人が国外関連者に対して支払った利子又は使用料について、法人税の課税上独立企業間価格との差額が生ずる場合であっても、源泉所得税の対象となる利子又は使用料の額には影響しないことに留意する。
2-25 In cases where, as a result of
an examination, any difference is identified, for the purpose of levying
of the corporation
tax, between the amount of the interest or royalty
paid by a corporation to a foreign affiliate and the arm's length price,
shall be noted that such difference does not affect the amount of
the interest or royalty subject to withholding income tax.
Also it shall be noted that, under some tax treaties, the reduced tax rate is not applicable to such differences.
(Relationship with Consumption Tax)
2-26 移転価格税制は法人税法その他法人税に関する法令の適用を定めたものであり、調査に当たり同税制が適用された場合であっても、消費税の計算には影響しないことに留意する。
2-26 Transfer pricing taxation covers
the application of the Act and other laws related to Corporation Tax.
Therefore, it shall
be noted that the calculation of consumption tax is
not affected by the application of such taxation in examinations.
第3章 独立企業間価格の算定等における留意点
Chapter 3. Points to Note in Determining the Arm's Length Price
(Method for Adjusting Differences)
3-1 国外関連取引と比較対象取引との差異について調整を行う場合には、例えば次に掲げる場合に応じ、それぞれ次に定める方法により行うことができることに留意する。
3-1 In adjusting for the differences
between a transaction with a foreign affiliate and a comparable
transaction, the adjustment
may be made by applying the method described
below according to the circumstances of each case.
It shall be noted that an
adjustment is to be made for differences if it is objectively clear that
the differences would have
an impact on the calculation of the
consideration prescribed in Article 66-4, paragraph (2), item (i), (a)
of the ASMT or the normal
profit margin prescribed in (b) and (c) of the
same item, or on the calculation of the percentage prescribed in
Article 39-12,
paragraph (8), item (ii) and item (iii) of the Order for
Enforcement of the ASMT (the same shall apply to the methods listed in
Article 66-4, paragraph (2), item (ii), (a) of the ASMT):
(1)貿易条件について、一方の取引がFOB(本船渡し)であり、他方の取引がCIF(運賃、保険料込み渡し)である場合 比較対象取引の対価の額に運賃及び保険料相当額を加減算する方法
(1) In cases where the trade terms of
one transaction is FOB (free on board)-based and the other transaction
is CIF (cost, insurance,
and freight)-based, an amount equal to freight
and insurance is added to or deducted from the consideration for the
(2)決済条件における手形一覧後の期間について、国外関連取引と比較対象取引に差異がある場合 手形一覧から決済までの期間の差に係る金利相当額を比較対象取引の対価の額に加減算する方法
(2) In cases where there is a
difference between the transaction with a foreign affiliate and the
comparable transaction with respect
to the period after sight for the
bill under the payment terms, an amount equal to the interest that
accrues during the period
between sight and settlement is added to or
deducted from the consideration for the comparable transaction.
(3)比較対象取引に係る契約条件に取引数量に応じた値引き、割戻し等がある場合 国外関連取引の取引数量を比較対象取引の値引き、割戻し等の条件に当てはめた場合における比較対象取引の対価の額を用いる方法
(3) In cases where any discount or
rebate in accordance with the quantity of the transaction is specified
in the trade terms for
the comparable transaction, the consideration
resulting from the application of the terms, such as a discount or
rebate for the
comparable transaction, to the quantity of the
transaction with a foreign affiliate is used.
引及び比較対象取引の当事者が当該機能又はリスクに関し支払った費用の額により測定できると認められる場合 当該費用の額が当該国外関連取引及び比較対象
(4) In cases where there is any
difference regarding functions or risks, and the extent of such
functions or risks is considered
measurable by the amount of expenses
incurred by the parties of the transaction with a foreign affiliate and
the comparable transaction,
such difference is adjusted using the
percentage of the amount of the expenses to the total sales or cost of
sales relating to
the transaction with a foreign affiliate and the
comparable transaction.
(Selection of Comparable Transactions for Transactions With a Foreign Affiliate Involving the Use of Intangible Property)
3-2 措置法通達66の4(2)-3の規定の適用において、法人又は国外関連者が無形資産の使用を伴う国外関連取引を行っている場合には、比較対象取引の選定に当たり、無形資産の種類、対象範囲、利用態様等の類似性について検討することに留意する。
3-2 In cases where, when applying the
provisions of ASMT Directive 66-4(2)-3, a corporation or a foreign
affiliate engages in a
transactions with a foreign affiliate involving
the use of intangible property, it shall be noted that the similarity of
property in terms of type, scope, mode of use, etc. shall be
considered when selecting comparable transactions.
(Determining the Arm's Length Price for Plural Comparable Transactions)
3-3 措置法通達66の4(2)-3に規定する諸要素に照らしてその類似性の程度が同等に高いと認められる複数の比較対象取引がある場合の独立企業間価格の算定に当たっては、それらの取引に係る価格又は利益率等の平均値を用いることができることに留意する。
3-3 In determining the arm's length
price, where plural comparable transactions are very similar to
transactions with a foreign
affiliate in reference to factors prescribed
in ASMT Directive 66-4(2)-3, it shall be noted that the mean of prices
or profit margin,
etc. derived from those comparable transactions may be
(Treatment of Common Expenses in the Profit Split Method)
3-4 利益分割法の適用に当たり、法人又は国外関連者の売上原価、販売費及び
(4)-1に規定する分割対象利益をいう。以下同じ。) を計算することに留意する。
3-4 When applying the profit split
method, in cases where any cost of sales, and selling, general and
administrative expenses incurred
in connection both with transactions
with a foreign affiliate, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "common
expenses" in 3-4) are included
in such cost and expenses of a
corporation or a foreign affiliate, it shall be noted that the profit to
be split (meaning the profit
to be split prescribed in ASMT Directive
66-4(4)-1; the same shall apply hereinafter) derived from the
transactions with a foreign
affiliate is to be calculated by dividing
the cost and expenses in accordance with the proportion of reasonable
factors, according
to the form of the individual transaction. The
reasonableness of these factors, such as sales, cost of sales, value of
assets used
for the transactions, number of employees involved in the
transactions, etc., shall be regarded in light of the content of both
types of transactions and the nature of such expenses.
なお、分割要因(分割対象利益の配分に用いる要因をいう。) の計算を費用の額に基いて行う場合にも、共通費用については上記に準じて計算することに留意する。
It shall be noted that the common
expenses are also calculated based on the above method when calculating
the factors for split
(meaning factors to be used for allocating the
profit to be split) based on the amount of the expenses.
(Treatment of Residual Profit Split Method)
3-5 措置法通達66の4(4)-5に規定する残余利益分割法の適用に当た
3-5 When applying the residual profit
split method prescribed in ASMT Directive 66-4(4)-5, it shall be noted
that the "amount of
profit ordinarily gained from transactions among
non-affiliates who do not possess substantial intangible property" out
of the
profit to be split is to be calculated based on profit indices,
such as the ratio of operating income to the value of business assets
to the sales of a corporation (excluding a corporation that possesses
any significant intangible property) that is engaged in
the same
category of business as that involved in the transaction with the
foreign affiliate and is similar in market size or scale
of operation to
the foreign affiliate.
(Selling, General and Administrative Expenses in Applying the Transactional Net Margin Method)
3-6 取引単位営業利益法により独立企業間価格を算定する場合の「国外関連取引に係る棚卸資産の販売のために要した販売費及び一般管理費」には、その販売に直接に要した費用のほか、間接に要した費用が含まれることに留意する。
3-6 In determining the arm's length
price using the transactional net margin method, it shall be noted that
"selling, general and
administrative expenses for selling the inventory
assets related to a transaction with the foreign affiliate" shall
contain the
direct and/or indirect costs required for the selling.
In cases where there are costs
arising from both transactions with a foreign affiliate, etc., the costs
shall be divided according
to a reasonable ratio of factors, in light
of the content of both types of transactions and the nature of such
expenses, for example,
sales, cost of sales, value of assets used for
the transactions, number of employees involved in the transactions,
etc., according
to the form of the individual transaction.
(Points to Note Concerning the Treatment of Taxation by Estimation)
(1) When applying the method listed
in Article 39-12, paragraph (12), item (i) of the Order for Enforcement
of the ASMT, it shall
be noted that the provisions of ASMT Directive
66-4(4)-1 to 66-4(4)-5 inclusive are to apply mutatis mutandis, and that
the operating
income or corresponding sum (hereinafter referred to as
"operating income") derived from business involving transactions with a
foreign affiliate according to the financial statements describing the
consolidated assets and profit and loss situation of the
business group
to which a corporation and foreign affiliates belong (hereinafter
referred to as "consolidated financial statements")
are, in principle,
to be allocated to the corporation and the foreign affiliates by
splitting it according to the factors prescribed
in the same item.
(注) 連結財務諸表等において国外関連取引に係る事業に係る営業利益等が他の事業に係る営業利益等と区分されていない場合には、当該国外関連取引に係る事業を含む事業に係る営業利益等に以下のロのイに対する割合を乗じて計算した金額を法人への配分額とすることができる。
(Note) In cases where the operating
income derived from business involving transactions with a foreign
affiliate according to consolidated
financial statements is not
separated from operating income derived from other business, the amount
calculated by multiplying the
operating income derived from business
including the business related to transactions with a foreign affiliate
by the proportion
of (b) to (a) below may be allocated to the
イ 当該国外関連取引に係る事業を含む事業に係る営業利益等の発生に企業集団が寄与した程度を推測するに足りる要因
(a) Factors sufficient to estimate
the degree of the contribution of the business group to the generation
of operating income
from business including the business related to
transactions with a foreign affiliate;
ロ イのうち当該国外関連取引に係る事業に係るものとして法人が寄与した程度を推測するに足りる要因
(b) Factors among those set forth
in (a) that are sufficient to estimate the degree of the contribution of
the corporation through
the business related to transactions with a
foreign affiliate.
(2) It shall be noted that when
applying the method listed in Article 39-12, paragraph (12), item (iv)
of the Order for Enforcement
of the ASMT, ASMT Directive 66-4(5)-1 shall
apply mutatis mutandis.
第4章 国外移転所得金額等の取扱い
Chapter 4. Treatment of Income Transferred Overseas
(Points to Note Concerning the Treatment of Refund of Income Transferred Overseas)
4-1 措置法通達66の4(8)-2に規定する書面を提出した法人が、当該書
4-1 In cases where a corporation that
submitted the document prescribed in ASMT Directive 66-4(8)-2 has
received all or part of
the refund stated in the document after the
scheduled date, it shall be judged whether the application of the
provisions of ASMT
Directive 66-4(8)-2 is appropriate after examining if
there are any reasonable grounds for receiving the refund after the
(注) 措置法通達66の4(8)-2に規定する書面の様式に関し、法人から照会があった場合には、「国外移転所得金額の返還に関する届出書」(別紙様式1)を用いて差し支えない旨法人に回答する。
(Note) In cases where a corporation
inquires about the form of the document prescribed in ASMT Directive
66-4(8)-2, the corporation
shall be informed that it may use an
"Application for Refund of Income Transferred Overseas" (Form 1).
(Treatment of Refund of Income Transferred Overseas for Corresponding Adjustment)
4-2 外国税務当局が国外関連者に対して移転価格税制に相当する制度に基づき
4-2 In cases where a foreign tax
authority has imposed tax on a foreign affiliate under a system
corresponding to transfer pricing
taxation, it shall be noted that if a
corporation whose taxable income has been reduced by reason of a
corresponding adjustment
based on a mutual agreement, has refunded all
or part of the amount thus reduced to the foreign affiliate, the
refunded amount
shall not be included in the amount of deductible
(Treatment of Amounts to Be Refunded to Foreign Affiliates for Corresponding Adjustment)
4-3 相互協議の合意に基づく対応的調整により減額更正を行う場合において、
4-3 In cases where taxable income has
been reduced by reason of a corresponding adjustment based on a mutual
agreement, when a corporation
is to refund all or part of the amount
thus reduced to a foreign affiliate within a reasonable period and the
corporation has filed
a request for correction to a tax return pursuant
to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special
for the Enforcement of Tax Treaties ("Special Measures for
Correction in the Case of an Agreement Based on a Tax Treaty Concerning
the Amount of Compensation for Transactions") and has submitted a
document containing the following particulars (using a "Notification
Refund upon Corresponding Adjustment" (Form 7)) to the competent
District Director (or the competent Regional Commissioner in
the case of
a corporation of which the RTB Large Enterprise Examination Division is
in charge), it shall be noted that the amount
to be refunded is treated
as an account payable to the foreign affiliate:
イ 法人名
(a) Corporation name;
ロ 納税地
(b) Place of tax payment;
ハ 代表者名
(c) Name of representative;
ニ 国外関連者名及び所在地
(d) Name and location of foreign affiliate;
ホ 返還する予定の日
(e) Scheduled date of refund;
ヘ 返還する金額(外貨建取引の場合は、外国通貨の金額を併記する。)
(f) Amount of refund (together with the amount in foreign currency in the case of transactions in foreign currencies);
ト 返還方法
(g) Method of refund
(注) 外貨建ての取引につき返還することとして届け出る金額は、基本通達13
(Note) The amount to be reported as
being refunded in respect to a transaction in a foreign currency shall
be the yen equivalent
calculated in accordance with the provisions of
CTA Directive 13-2-1-2 ("Transactions in Foreign Currencies and Yen
by the Accrual Calculation Method"). The difference between
this amount and the yen equivalent converted by using the foreign
buying and selling rate on the day of the refund shall be
included in gross profit or deductible expense for the business year
including the day of the refund.
第5章 事前確認手続
Chapter 5. Advance Pricing Arrangements (APAs)
(APA Policy)
5-1 事前確認が移転価格税制に係る法人の予測可能性を確保し、当該税制の適正・円滑な執行を図るための手続であることを踏まえ、我が国の課税権の確保に十分配意しつつ、事案の複雑性・重要性に応じたメリハリのある事前確認審査を的確・迅速に行う。
5-1 In light of the fact that APAs
are intended to ensure the predictability of transfer pricing taxation
for corporations and to
assist the proper and smooth enforcement
thereof, APA reviews shall be conducted in a balanced, accurate, and
swift manner according
to the complexity and importance of each case,
while giving due consideration to ensuring the taxation rights of Japan.
Corporations shall also be eligible
for appropriate pre-filing consultations in order to improve their
convenience and to expedite
APA procedures.
(Filing Requests for an APA)
にあっては、所轄国税局長 (沖縄国税事務所長を含む。) とする。以下同じ。) は、
(1) In cases where a corporation
files a request for an APA relating to all or some of its transactions
with a foreign affiliate,
the competent District Director (or the
competent Regional Commissioner of the Regional Taxation Bureaus
(hereinafter referred
to as "RTB Commissioner") (including the Regional
Commissioner of the Okinawa Regional Taxation Office) in the case of a
of which the RTB Large Enterprise Examination Division is in
charge under the Ministerial Ordinance to Provide for the Scope of
Affairs under the Jurisdiction of the Large Enterprise Examination and
Criminal Investigation Department, etc. (Ordinance of the
Ministry of
Finance No.49 of 1949); the same shall apply hereinafter) shall receive
the request.
(2) An applicant shall file a request
for an APA by submitting a "Request for an APA regarding the TPM" (Form
2) (hereinafter referred
to as an "APA request") by country of each
foreign affiliate with the competent District Director of the
corporation's place for
tax payment, by the day prior to the first day
of the first business year of the business years for which APAs are to
be requested
(hereinafter referred to as the "business years subject to
the APA"). The APA request shall contain the business years subject to
the APA, foreign affiliates, transactions with a foreign affiliate that
are subject to the APA (hereinafter referred to as "transactions
to the APA") and the TPM.
(注) 確認対象事業年度のうち最初の事業年度開始の日の前日が、日曜日、国民
(Note) When the day prior to the
first day of the first business year of the business years subject to
the APA falls upon any of
a Sunday, a national holiday or any other
holiday prescribed in the Act on National Holidays (Act No. 178 of
1948), or a day prescribed
in Article 2, paragraph (2) ("Exception to
the Due Date") of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on General Rules
for National
Taxes, a request for the APA shall be filed by submitting
an APA request by the next day of any of these days.
(3) The APA request shall be filed in
duplicate (or in triplicate when a mutual agreement is requested) in
the case of a corporation
of which the RTB Large Enterprise Examination
Division is in charge, or in triplicate (or in quadruplicate when a
mutual agreement
is requested) in the case of all other corporations
(hereinafter the same shall apply in 5-3, 5-8, and 5-9).
(Documents to Be Attached)
(1) The competent District Director shall ask an APA applicant to submit the following documents with the APA request:
イ 確認対象取引及び当該確認対象取引を行う組織等の概要を記載した資料
(a) Documents stating the outline
of the transactions subject to the APA and organizations conducting the
transactions subject
to the APA;
ロ 事前確認を求めようとする独立企業間価格の算定方法等及びそれが最も合理的であることの説明を記載した資料
(b) Documents stating the TPM for
which the applicant intends to receive the APA and the specific details
thereof, and an explanation
as to why the TPM is the most reasonable;
ハ 事前確認を行い、かつ、事前確認を継続する上で前提となる重要な事業上又は経済上の諸条件に関する資料
(c) Documents stating business or economic circumstances that will be critical assumptions for the APA and its continuation;
ニ 確認対象取引における取引及び資金の流れ、確認対象取引に使用される通貨の種類等確認対象取引の詳細を記載した資料
(d) Documents providing a detailed
explanation of the transactions subject to APA, including cash flow and
currencies involved;
ホ 確認対象取引に係る国外関連者(以下「当該国外関連者」という。)と確認申出法人との直接若しくは間接の資本関係又は実質的支配関係に関する資料
(e) Documents regarding direct or
indirect capital relations or relations under substantial control
between the foreign affiliate
pertaining to the transactions subject to
the APA (hereafter referred to as the "applicable foreign affiliate")
and the APA applicant;
へ 確認対象取引において確認申出法人及び当該国外関連者が果たす機能に関する資料
(f) Documents regarding the
functions performed by the APA applicant and the applicable foreign
affiliate in the transactions
subject to the APA;
ト 確認申出法人及び当該国外関連者の過去3事業年度分の営業及び経理の状況
(g) Operational and accounting
information for the prior three business years of the APA applicant and
the applicable foreign
affiliate (or alternate information, such as
future business plans and business projections, in cases where the
transactions subject
to the APA relate to a new business or a new
product and data for the prior three business years is not available);
チ 当該国外関連者について、その所在地国で移転価格に係る調査、不服申立て、訴訟等が行われている場合には、その概要及び過去の課税状況を記載した資料
(h) Documents stating any transfer
pricing examinations, appeals, lawsuits,, etc. pertaining to the
applicable foreign affiliate,
and details of past taxation in its
リ 事前確認の申出に係る独立企業間価格の算定方法等を確認対象事業年度前3事業年度に適用した場合の結果等確認申出法人が申し出た独立企業間価格の算定方法等を具体的に説明するために必要な資料
(i) Documents required for
describing in detail the TPM applied for by the APA applicant, such as
the results of applying the
TPM pertaining to the request for the APA to
the three business years prior to the business years subject to the
ヌ その他事前確認に当たり必要な資料
(j) Other reference documents required for the APA.
(注) ト及びリに掲げる資料については、確認対象取引に係る製品のライフサイ
(Note) In addition to the documents
listed in (g) and (i), the RTB division in charge shall require the APA
applicant to submit
documents for the further two previous business
years if it is deemed that a proper APA review cannot be conducted by
using the
documents for only three business years, when considering
factors such as the lifecycle of the products involved in the
subject to the APA.
(2) In cases where an APA applicant
fails to attach the documents listed in (1) to the APA request, the
applicant shall be notified
to the effect that the APA regarding the TPM
cannot be made in accordance with the provisions of 5-15(4) and
5-15(5), but if it
is deemed that the APA applicant fails to attach part
of the documents listed in (1) due to reasonable grounds, the RTB
in charge may suspend the notification for a period no longer
than the length of time deemed to be ordinarily required for preparing
the documents (hereinafter referred to as the "submission grace
In this case, the RTB division in
charge shall specify the submission grace period to the APA applicant
and explain whether or
not the APA review will be deferred during that
(Translated Documents to be Attached)
5-4 確認申出書に添付された資料のうち、外国語で記載されたものについては、日本語訳を添付するよう求める。
5-4 An APA applicant shall be
requested to submit Japanese translations if any of the attached
documents are written in foreign
(Revision of APA Requests)
5-5 署法人課税部門(税務署の法人税の事務を所掌する部門をいう。以下同
5-5 The Corporation Taxation Group of
the Tax Office (meaning the group in charge of corporation tax; the
same shall apply hereinafter)
or the RTB Large Enterprise Examination
Division shall check the content of the APA request and documents
prescribed in 5-3. In
the case where there are any misstatements or
deficiencies, the APA applicant shall be asked to revise the APA
(Forwarding of APA Requests, etc.)
5-6 署法人課税部門は、収受した確認申出書2部(確認申出法人が相互協議を求めている場合には、3部)を、局法人課税課に速やかに送付し、局法人課税課は、うち1部(確認申出法人が相互協議を求めている場合には、2部)を国税庁課税部法人課税課に、速やかに送付する。
5-6 The Corporation Taxation Group of
the Tax Office shall promptly forward two sets of the APA request
received (or three sets
if the APA applicant requests a mutual
agreement) to the RTB Corporation Taxation Division, and the RTB
Corporation Taxation Division
shall promptly forward one set of these
(or two sets if the APA applicant requests a mutual agreement) to the
NTA Corporation Taxation
The RTB Large Enterprise Examination
Division shall promptly forward one set of the APA request received (or
two sets if the APA
applicant requests a mutual agreement) to the Large
Enterprise Examination Division of the Large Enterprise Examination and
Investigation Department of the NTA.
If the APA applicant requests a
mutual agreement, the NTA division in charge shall forward one set of
the APA request to the NTA
Office for Mutual Agreements.
(Business Years Subject to an APA)
5-7 確認対象事業年度は、原則として3事業年度から5事業年度とする。
5-7 Business years subject to an APA are, in principle, from three to five business years.
(Amendments to Requests for an APA)
5-8 確認申出法人から事前確認の申出の修正に係る書類の提出があった場合には、署法人課税部門又は局調査課は、5-5及び5-6の規定に準じて処理を行う。
5-8 In cases where an APA applicant
submits documents pertaining to amendments to the filed request for the
APA, the Corporation
Taxation Group of the Tax Office or the RTB Large
Enterprise Examination Division shall process the request in accordance
the provisions of 5-5 and 5-6.
(Withdrawal of Requests for an APA)
5-9 確認申出法人から事前確認の申出の取下書の提出があった場合には、署法人課税部門又は局調査課は、5-5及び5-6の規定に準じて処理を行う。
5-9 In cases where an APA applicant
submits statements pertaining to the withdrawal of the filed request for
the APA, the Corporation
Taxation Group of the Tax Office or the RTB
Large Enterprise Examination Division shall process the statements in
accordance with
the provisions of 5-5 and 5-6.
(Pre-filing Consultations)
(1) The RTB division in charge shall accede to requests from corporations for a pre-filing consultation.
On receiving notice from the RTB
division-in-charge, the NTA division in charge (including the NTA Office
for Mutual Agreements
in the case of consultations regarding an APA
accompanied with a mutual agreement; the same shall apply in (2)) shall,
in principle,
attend such consultations.
(2) Taking into account that
pre-filing consultations are intended to help make APA procedures more
convenient for corporations
and to expedite APA procedures, the RTB
division in charge (including the NTA division in charge involved in
pre-filing consultations)
shall pay attention to the following points
when meeting with corporations for pre-filing consultations in order to
the processing of requests by applicants for APAs and to
facilitate APA reviews after their requests:
イ 確認申出書の添付資料の作成要領、提出期限など、事前確認手続に必要な事項を事前相談時に十分に説明する。
(a) Matters necessary for APA
procedures, including guidelines on the preparation of the attached
documents submitted with an
APA request and the deadline for submission,
shall be properly explained at the time of a pre-filing consultation;
ロ 相談対象の国外関連取引の内容を的確に把握し、事前確認の申出を行うかどうか、どのような申出を行うかについて当該法人が適切に判断できるよう必要な情報の提供に努める。
(b) Efforts shall be made to
provide the information required in order to correctly ascertain the
details of the transactions
with a foreign affiliate that are the
subject of the consultation, and to enable the corporation concerned to
make an appropriate
judgment as to whether to apply for an APA and what
kind of application to make.
(3) At a pre-filing consultation, the
RTB division in charge shall discuss issues and information that fall
within the scope of
the documents presented or submitted by the
corporation requesting the consultation.
In cases where documents required
in accordance with the content of the pre-filing consultation are not
presented or submitted,
explanation shall be given to the corporation to
the effect that a proper pre-filing consultation cannot be held.
(4) In cases where, at a pre-filing
consultation set forth in (1), an APA applicant seeks consultation
concerning the attachment
of the documents prescribed in 5-3 and it is
deemed that it is unable to attach part of the documents by the deadline
for submission
of the APA request due to reasonable grounds, it shall
be treated in accordance with the provisions of 5-3(2).
(APA Review)
5-11 局担当課は、確認申出法人から事前確認の申出があった場合には、次により事前確認審査を行う。
5-11 The RTB division in charge shall review requests for an APA in the following manner:
(1) The RTB division in charge shall
commence the APA review promptly upon receipt of a request for an APA,
and shall conduct the
review in a balanced manner appropriate to the
complexity and difficulty of the case, while endeavoring to process the
correctly and swiftly.
The NTA division in charge shall additionally be involved in APA reviews as necessary.
As the cooperation of APA
applicants is essential to the swift processing of APA reviews, a better
understanding by APA applicants
of the importance of such cooperation
shall be promoted.
(2) The RTB division in charge shall,
in principle, perform APA reviews in accordance with the provisions of
2-1 and 2-2, and as
otherwise prescribed in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.
It shall be noted that APA reviews do not constitute an examination for the assessment of Corporation Tax.
(3) In cases where documents other
than those prescribed in 5-3 are found to be required for an APA review,
the RTB division in
charge shall explain this to the APA applicant and
request it to submit such documents.
In order to expedite the APA review
process, the RTB division in charge shall set a deadline for the
submission of such documents
that is deemed reasonable in view of the
circumstances of the APA applicant, in light of the period ordinarily
required to prepare
such documents.
(4) The RTB division in charge may
request an APA applicant to amend its requests in cases where the
division concludes that the
TPM applied for is not the most reasonable.
(5) The NTA division in charge shall
request the RTB division in charge to report on the status of APA
review processes as necessary.
(Mutual Agreements Relating to APAs)
(1) In cases where an APA applicant
has not filed a request for a mutual agreement for the APA, the RTB
division in charge shall
provide information required by the APA
applicant to appropriately decide what kind of request to make, from the
viewpoint of enabling
it to avoid double taxation and ensuring
predictability. If it is confirmed that the applicant intends to request
an APA accompanied
with a mutual agreement, the RTB division in charge
shall recommend that the applicant file a request for a mutual
(2) In cases where it is recognized
that a corporation or a foreign affiliate held a pre-filing consultation
or filed a request
for an APA with a foreign tax authority, the RTB
division in charge shall recommend the corporation to promptly request a
consultation or to file a request for an APA to the Japanese
tax authority as well.
(3) In cases where an APA applicant
requests a mutual agreement for the APA, the RTB division in charge
shall request the APA applicant
to file, in addition to an APA request,
an Application for Mutual Agreement prescribed in the "Commissioner's
Directive on Mutual
Agreement Procedures" ("Administrative Guidelines")
issued on June 25, 2001 (Document ID: Office for Mutual Agreements 1-39,
(Coordination among the RTB or NTA division in charge and the NTA Office for Mutual Agreements)
5-13 確認申出法人が事前確認について相互協議を求める場合には、局担当課、庁担当課及び庁相互協議室は、必要に応じ協議を行う。
5-13 In cases where an APA applicant
requests a mutual agreement for the APA, the RTB division in charge, the
NTA division in charge
and the NTA Office for Mutual Agreements shall
consult with each other as necessary.
In this case, after completing its
APA review, the RTB division in charge shall present its opinions on the
request for the APA
to the NTA Office for Mutual Agreements via the NTA
division in charge. The NTA Office for Mutual Agreements shall forward
results of the mutual agreement for the APA to the RTB division in
charge via the NTA division in charge.
(In Cases where an APA and the Performance of the APA Process are not appropriate)
5-14 事前確認審査に当たっては、移転価格税制の適正・円滑な執行を図る観点から、それぞれ(1)又は(2)に定めるところにより適切に対応することに留意する。
5-14 When conducting APA reviews,
cases shall be appropriately handled as prescribed in (1) or (2)
respectively in order to ensure
the proper and smooth enforcement of
transfer pricing taxation.
(1) In cases such as the following
where an APA is deemed inappropriate, the RTB division in charge shall,
after consultation with
the NTA division in charge (including the NTA
Office for Mutual Agreements in the case of an APA accompanied with a
mutual agreement),
request the APA applicant to correct the APA request.
In cases where the applicant fails to make such a correction,
shall be given to the applicant to the effect that the APA
cannot be made.
In the case where the content of a
pre-filing consultation falls under (a) below, the details above shall
be explained to the
corporation requesting the pre-filing consultation:
イ 非関連者間では通常行われない形態の取引を確認対象とすること等により、経済上の合理的な理由なく我が国での租税負担が軽減されることとなると認められる場合
(a) In cases where it is found that
the burden of tax in Japan would be reduced without reasonable economic
grounds as a result
of covering transactions in a form not ordinarily
undertaken among non-affiliates as the subject of the APA;
ロ 確認申出法人が、事前確認審査に必要な情報を提供しない等、当該確認申出法人から協力が得られないことにより、事前確認に支障が生じている場合
(b) In cases where the APA
applicant fails to submit information necessary for the APA review or to
otherwise provide necessary
cooperation, and the APA process is
(2) In cases such as the following
where commencement or continuation of an APA review is deemed
inappropriate, the RTB division
in charge shall, after consultation with
the NTA division in charge (including the NTA Office for Mutual
Agreements in the case
of an APA accompanied with a mutual agreement),
provide an explanation to the APA applicant to the effect that the APA
will be deferred until such time that the APA review can be
commenced or recommenced:
イ 確認申出法人から、移転価格税制に基づく更正等に係る取引と同様の取引を確認対象とする申出がなされている場合において、当該更正等に係る不服申立ての裁決若しくは決定又は裁判の確定を待って事前確認審査を行う必要があると認められるとき。
(a) In cases where, because the APA
applicant has filed a request for an APA in respect to transactions
similar to those involving
reassessment based on transfer pricing
taxation, it is necessary to conduct an APA review, after a tribunal or
court decision regard
to the underlying reassessment;
ロ 確認申出法人から、確認対象取引以外の国外関連取引に係る事前確認の申出及び相互協議の申立てがなされている場合において、当該相互協議の合意を待って当該確認対象取引に係る事前確認審査を行う必要があると認められるとき。
(b) In cases where, because the APA
applicant has filed a request for another APA and a request for a
mutual agreement in respect
to transactions with a foreign affiliate
other than transactions subject to the APA, it is necessary to conduct
an APA review for
the transactions subject to the APA, following the
mutual agreement;
ハ 5-3トかっこ書きに規定する将来の事業計画、事業予測の資料等のみでは事業活動の実態を把握できないため、確認対象取引に係る取引実績が得られるのを待って事前確認審査を行う必要があると認められるとき。
(c) In cases where it is necessary
to conduct an APA review, after having obtained the actual results of
transactions subject
to the APA, because it is impossible to ascertain
the actual circumstances of business activities, such as future business
and business projections prescribed in the parenthesized clause
to 5-3(g), from the documents alone.
(Notification of Results of an APA Review)
(1) In cases where the RTB division
in charge receives, with regard to a request subject to a mutual
agreement, notification of
the results of the mutual agreement from the
NTA Office for Mutual Agreements via the NTA division in charge, the RTB
in charge shall promptly notify the competent District
Director to the effect that the APA has been made based on the results
the agreement after the request has been suitably processed, by such
means as requesting the APA applicant to correct the request
to the results of the agreement.
(2) In cases where the RTB division
in charge receives, with regard to a request subject to a mutual
agreement, notification that
a mutual agreement had not been reached
from the NTA Office for Mutual Agreements via the NTA division in
charge, the RTB division
in charge shall ask the opinion of the APA
applicant regarding whether to withdraw the request for the APA or to
seek the APA without
a mutual agreement, and then promptly process the
request in accordance with the provisions of 5-9, 5-15(3), or 5-15(4).
(3) In cases where the RTB division
in charge concludes after an APA review that the TPM applied for by the
corporation is the most
reasonable and no request has been filed for a
mutual agreement, the RTB division in charge shall promptly inform the
District Director that the APA regarding the TPM has been
(4) In cases where the RTB division
in charge concludes after an APA review that the TPM applied for by the
corporation is not the
most reasonable, where the APA applicant fails to
attach documents prescribed in 5-3, where the applicant does not submit
the documents
set forth in 5-11(3), or where it is judged that the APA
cannot be made in accordance with the provisions of 5-14(1), the RTB
in charge shall, after consultation with the NTA division in
charge (including the NTA Office for Mutual Agreements in the case
of a
request for an APA accompanied with a mutual agreement), promptly
inform the competent District Director that the APA regarding
the TPM
cannot be made.
(5) The competent District Director
shall, upon receipt of the notice set forth in 5-15(1), 5-15(3), or
5-15(4) from the RTB division
in charge, promptly send a notice for or
against the APA, using Form 3 ("Notification of an APA Regarding
Transfer Pricing Methodologies
to Determine the Arm's Length Price") or
Form 4 ("Notification That an APA Regarding Transfer Pricing
Methodologies to Determine
the Arm's Length Price Cannot Be Made"), as
applicable, to the applicant for APA.
(Effect of an APA)
5-16 所轄税務署長は、5-15(5)の事前確認する旨の通知を受けた法人
5-16 In cases where a corporation
that has received a notice for the APA set forth in 5-15(5) (hereinafter
referred to as a "confirmed
corporation") files tax returns complying
with the content of the APA for the business years subject to the APA,
the competent
District Director shall treat the confirmed transactions
with a foreign affiliate (hereinafter referred to as "confirmed
as having been conducted at the arm's length price.
In cases where any of the business
years subject to the APA have already elapsed at the time of the APA, it
shall be noted that
an amended return form, which the confirmed
corporation submits so as to make the tax returns filed for the business
years subject
to the APA comply with the content of the APA, is not
treated as corresponding to a "tax return filed with the knowledge that a
reassessment should be made" prescribed in Article 65, paragraph (5)
("Additional Taxes for Deficient Returns") of the Act on General
for National Taxes.
(Submission of Reports)
5-17 所轄税務署長は、確認法人に対し、確認取引に係る各事業年度(以下「確認事業年度」という。)の確定申告書の提出期限又は所轄税務署長があらかじめ定める期間内に、次の事項を記載した報告書を提出するよう求める。
5-17 The competent District Director
shall request confirmed corporations to submit reports with the
following information no later
than the prescribed due date for filing
final return forms for each business year relating to the confirmed
transactions (hereinafter
referred to as "confirmed business year") or
within the period specified in advance by the competent District
The reports shall be filed in
duplicate in the case of corporations of which the RTB Large Enterprise
Examination Division is
in charge, and in triplicate in the case of all
other corporations:
イ 確認法人が事前確認の内容に適合した申告を行っていることの説明
(a) Statement that the confirmed corporation files tax returns complying with the content of the APA;
ロ 確認取引に係る確認法人及び当該国外関連者の損益 (事前確認の内容により局担当課が必要と認める場合に限る。)
(b) Profit or loss data of the
confirmed corporation and the applicable foreign affiliate related to
the confirmed transactions
(limited to cases where the RTB division in
charge deems it necessary, taking the content of the APA into account);
ハ 事前確認の前提となった重要な事業上又は経済上の諸条件の変動の有無に関する説明
(c) Statement of fluctuations, if any, of material business or economic circumstances that the APA assumes;
ニ 確認取引の結果が事前確認の内容に適合しなかった場合に、確認法人が行った5-19に規定する価格の調整の説明
(d) Statement of price adjustments
made by the confirmed corporation as prescribed in 5-19 in cases where
the results of the confirmed
transactions do not comply with the content
of the APA;
ホ 確認事業年度に係る確認法人及び当該国外関連者の財務状況
(e) Financial and accounting data
for the confirmed corporation and the applicable foreign affiliate for
the confirmed business
ヘ その他確認法人が事前確認の内容に適合した申告を行っているかどうかを検討する上で参考となる事項
(f) Other relevant information that
helps the tax authorities determine whether the confirmed corporation
filed tax returns complying
with the content of the APA.
(Treatment of Reports)
(1) In cases where the report
prescribed in 5-17 is submitted by a confirmed corporation, the report
shall be processed by the Corporation
Taxation Group of the Tax Office
or the RTB Large Enterprise Examination Division in accordance with the
provisions of 5-5 or 5-6.
(2) The RTB division in charge shall
evaluate the report submitted, etc. to determine whether the confirmed
corporation complies
with the content of the APA.
It shall be noted that reviews of
the report, etc. correspond to examinations for corporation tax, and
this shall be explained
to the confirmed corporation by the RTB division
in charge when reviewing the report, etc..
In cases where it is found as a
result of the review that a tax return filed does not comply with the
content of the APA and the
amount of income has been understated, the
RTB division in charge shall explain to the confirmed corporation the
results of the
review and that the confirmed corporation is required to
submit an amended return form.
(注) 局担当課による報告書等の検討のための確認法人への臨場又は上記事実の
(Note) In cases where the confirmed
corporation voluntarily submits an amended return form pursuant to the
provisions of 5-19(2)(b)
due to detection of an understatement before it
is deemed that the confirmed corporation knew of the review of the
report, etc.
by the RTB division in charge, on account of its visit to
the confirmed corporation for the purpose of reviewing the report, etc.
or its indication of such an understatement, the submission of the
amended return form is not treated as corresponding to a "tax
filed with the knowledge that a reassessment should be made" prescribed
in Article 65, paragraph (5) ("Additional Taxes
for Deficient Returns")
of the Act on General Rules for National Taxes.
The judgment as to whether a tax
return corresponds to a "tax return filed with the knowledge that a
reassessment should be made"
is made on the basis of "Treatment of
Additional Taxes for Deficient Returns and Additional Taxes for Omitted
Returns and Returns
After the Due Date (Administrative Guidelines)"
issued on July 3, 2000 (Document ID: Corporation Taxation Division 2-9,
(3) The RTB division in charge shall
report the results of the review of the report, etc. to the NTA division
in charge as required,
and forward the results to the NTA Office for
Mutual Agreements via the NTA division in charge in cases where a mutual
was reached.
(Compensating Adjustments)
(1) In cases where a confirmed
corporation makes any adjustments required to comply with the content of
the APA in its final settlement
of accounts, the competent District
Director shall regard such adjustments as legitimate transactions for
the purpose of transfer
(2) The RTB division in charge shall
request the confirmed corporation to make compensating adjustments
relating to the APA (hereinafter
referred to as "compensating
adjustments") as follows, in accordance with the categories listed as
イ 確認法人は、確認事業年度に係る確定申告前に、確定決算が事前確認の内容に適合していないことにより、所得金額が過少となることが判明した場合には、申告調整により所得金額を修正する。
(a) Before filing the final return
for the confirmed business years, the confirmed corporation shall
correct the taxable income
on its final return form, in cases where it
turns out that the income is understated due to an inconsistency between
the actual
transaction and the results of applying the confirmed TPM
ロ 確認法人は、確認事業年度に係る確定申告後に、確定申告が事前確認の内容に適合していないことにより、所得金額が過少となっていたことが判明した場合には、速やかに修正申告書を提出する。
(b) After filing a final return for
the confirmed business years, the confirmed corporation shall promptly
submit an amended return
form in cases where it turns out that the
income was understated in the final return form due to an inconsistency
between the actual
transaction and the results of applying the confirmed
ハ 確認法人は、確認事業年度に係る確定申告前に、確定決算が相互協議の合意が成立した事前確認の内容に適合していないことにより、所得金額が過大となることが判明した場合には、補償調整に係る相互協議の合意内容に従い、申告調整により所得金額を修正することができる。
(c) In cases where a mutual
agreement covers the APA (bilateral APA), before filing the final return
for the confirmed business
years, the confirmed corporation may correct
the taxable income on its final return form based on the mutual
agreement concerning
compensating adjustments, if it turns out that the
income was overstated due to an inconsistency between the actual
and the results of applying the confirmed TPM after the
closing date for financial statements.
ニ 確認法人は、確認事業年度に係る確定申告後に、確定申告が相互協議の合意
(d) In cases where a mutual
agreement covers the APA (bilateral APA), after filing a final return
for the confirmed business years,
the confirmed corporation may file a
request for reassessment for the tax return as prescribed in Article 7,
paragraph (1) of the
Act on Special Provisions for the Enforcement of
Tax Treaties based on the mutual agreement concerning compensating
if it turns out that the income was overstated in the
return form due to an inconsistency between the actual transaction and
results of applying the confirmed TPM.
(Revisions to an APA)
5-20 確認法人から、確認事業年度のうちのいずれかの事業年度において、事前確認を継続する上で前提となる重要な事業上又は経済上の諸条件等について事情の変更が生じたことにより改定の申出がなされた場合には、5-1から5-19までの規定に準じて所要の処理を行う。
5-20 In cases where a request for
revision is filed by a confirmed corporation because there arises a
situation that causes material
differences to business or economic
circumstances essential to the continuation of the APA in any of the
confirmed business years,
the competent District Director shall process
it in accordance with the relevant provisions of 5-1 to 5-19 inclusive.
(Cancellation of an APA)
(1) In cases where one of the
conditions (a) through (c) below applies, the RTB division in charge
shall inform the competent District
Director of the cancellation of the
APA on one of the business years (or consolidated business years in
cases where they are applicable)
subsequent to the business year in
which the condition is met ,and the APA on the confirmed business years
when condition (d) applies:
イ 確認法人が5-20に規定する事情が生じたにもかかわらず事前確認の改定の申出を行わなかった場合
(a) In cases where the confirmed
corporation does not submit the request for revisions to the APA even
when material differences
arise as prescribed in 5-20;
ロ 確認法人が事前確認の内容に適合した申告を行わなかった場合
(b) In cases where the confirmed corporation fails to comply with the content of the APA in its tax returns;
ハ 確認法人が5-17に規定する報告書を提出しなかった場合又は報告書に重大な誤りがあった場合
(c) In cases where the confirmed
corporation fails to submit the report prescribed in 5-17, or the report
contains material errors;
ニ 事前確認の基礎とした事実関係が真実でない場合又は申出の内容に重大な誤りがあった場合
(d) In cases where any of the facts
based on which the APA was made are revealed to be false, or the
request for the APA contains
material errors.
(2) Before forwarding a notice
relating to cancellation as prescribed in (1), the RTB division in
charge shall consult with the
NTA division in charge where necessary.
(3) In cases where there are any
grounds for cancellation of an APA covered by a mutual agreement as
prescribed in (1), the RTB
division in charge shall consult with the NTA
Office for Mutual Agreements via the NTA division in charge, and inform
the competent
District Director of the cancellation of the APA, after
receiving a notification of another mutual agreement that cancels the
mutual agreement relating to the APA.
(4) The competent District Director
shall, upon receipt of a notice from the RTB division in charge, cancel
the APA by sending a
"Notification of Cancellation of an APA of Transfer
Pricing Methodologies to Determine the Arm's Length Price (Form 5)" to
confirmed corporation.
(Renewal of an APA)
5-22 確認法人から事前確認の更新の申出がなされた場合には、5-1から5-21までの規定に準じて所要の処理を行う。
5-22 In cases where a confirmed
corporation files a request for the renewal of its APA, the request
shall be processed in accordance
with the provisions of 5-1 to 5-21
(Transitional Treatment --- Period for Applying Revised Directive Relating to Requests for an APA, etc.)
The provisions of 5-2(2) and 5-22
after the revision by this Directive shall apply to requests for an APA
for the first business
year subject to the APA (meaning the first
business year out of the business years for which the APA is to be
requested; the same
shall apply hereinafter) that starts on November 1,
2009 or after; and a request for an APA for the first business year
to the APA that starts between November 1, 2008 and October 31,
2009 (excluding requests for the renewal of an APA) shall be filed
submitting an APA request by country of each foreign affiliate with the
competent District Director of the corporation's place
for tax payment,
by the day when eight months elapse from the next day of the due date
for filing a final return form for the business
year immediately prior
to the first business year subject to the APA (or in cases where the due
date is postponed under the provisions
of Article 75-2 ("Special
Provisions for Postponement of Due Date of Final Return") of the Act,
from the next day of the postponed
due date).
With regard to requests for an APA
(excluding requests for the renewal of an APA) for the first business
year subject to the APA
that starts prior to November 1, 2008 and
requests for the renewal of an APA for the first business year subject
to the APA that
starts prior to November 1, 2009, the provisions then in
force shall remain
applicable.(注) 上記の8月を経過する日が、日曜日、国民の祝日に関する法律(昭和23年法律第178号)に規定する休日その他一般の休日
(Note) When the day eight months
elapse as mentioned above falls upon any of a Sunday, a national holiday
or any other holiday prescribed
in the Act on National Holidays (Act
No. 178 of 1948), or a day prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (2)
("Exception to the Due Date")
of the Order for Enforcement of the Act on
General Rules for National Taxes, a request for an APA shall be filed
by submitting
an APA request by the next day of any of these days.
(Mutatis Mutandis Application of the TPM to Business Years Prior to the Business Years Subject to an APA)
5-23 確認申出法人から確認対象事業年度における独立企業間価格の算定方法
5-23 In cases where an APA applicant
has the intention to apply the TPM for the business years subject to the
APA to business years
(or consolidated business years when they are
applicable; hereinafter the same shall apply in 5-23) prior to the
business years
subject to the APA, and when its request for the APA is
accompanied with a request for a mutual agreement and the confirmed TPM
is regarded as the most reasonable even for business years prior to the
business years subject to the APA, the request shall be
processed in
accordance with the provisions of 5-15, 5-16, 5-19, and 5-21.
(Mutatis Mutandis Application to Transactions between the Head Office and Branch Offices)
5-24 法施行令第176条第1項第7号に掲げる事業を行う法人の我が国に所
5-24 In cases where a foreign tax
authority in the country where the head office of a corporation is
located requests the commencement
of a mutual agreement based on a
request corresponding to the APA, with respect to transactions between
the head office or branch
offices of the corporation in foreign
countries and a branch office in Japan that conducts businesses listed
in Article 176, paragraph
(1), item (vii) of the Order for Enforcement
of the Act, and the branch office in Japan makes a request similar to a
request for
an APA, necessary measures shall be taken in accordance with
the provisions of 5-1 to 5-23 inclusive.
(Treatment of Corporation's Entry into Consolidated-Corporation Group)
(1) In cases where an APA applicant
becomes a member of a consolidated-corporation group and the corporation
(hereinafter referred
to as the "newly consolidated corporation")
continues to file a request for the APA, the competent District Director
of the relevant
consolidated parent corporation's place for tax payment
shall request the consolidated parent corporation to promptly submit
"Application of Continuation of the APA after Entry into
Consolidated-Corporation Group" (Form 6).
The application shall be filed in
duplicate (or in triplicate if the consolidated parent corporation
requests a mutual agreement)
in the case of corporations of which the
RTB Large Enterprise Examination Division is in charge, or in triplicate
(or in quadruplicate
if the consolidated parent corporation requests a
mutual agreement) in the case of all other corporations.
(2) In cases where the consolidated
parent corporation set forth in (1) submits Form 6 to the competent
District Director of its
place for tax payment, the District Director
shall send a copy of the Form to the competent District Director who
governs the district
where the relevant newly consolidated corporation's
head office or principle office is located. The Corporation Taxation
of the Tax Office or the RTB Large Enterprise Examination Division
shall handle the case in accordance with the provisions of 5-5
and 5-6.
In cases where the corporation
requests a mutual agreement, the NTA divisions in charge shall send a
copy of the Form to the NTA
Office for Mutual Agreements.
(3) In cases where the consolidated
parent corporation set forth in (1) submits Form 6 as prescribed in (1),
the Commissioner's
Directive on OTPCC 5-1 to 5-25 inclusive shall apply
to an APA concerning the relevant newly consolidated corporation,
that the request prescribed in the Commissioner's Directive on
OTPCC 5-2 has been filed from the consolidated parent corporation
the competent District Director of its place for tax payment.