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[Enacted on July 29]

[2010 by the Decree of the Ministry of Knowledge-based Economy.

Amended on July 29, 2010 in part.]

Korean Intellectual Property Office


The Ministry of Knowledge Economy

Partially amended on July 29, 2010 (Law No.143) Partially amended on December 31, 2008 (Law No.53) Partially amended on June 29, 2007 (Law No.404) Partially amended on December 29, 2006 (Law No.384) Partially amended on November 29, 2006 (Law No.376) Partially amended on April 28, 2006 (Law No.337) Partially amended on July 1, 2005 (Law No.284) Partially amended on February 11 2005 (Law No.258) Partially amended on May 1, 2004 (Law No.232) Partially amended on May 12, 2003 (Law No.199) Partially amended on December 27, 2002 (Law No.190) Partially amended on February 28, 2002 (Law No.159)
Partially amended on December 24, 2001 (Law No.146)

National Legal Information Center, The Ministry of Government Legislation

November 15, 2010


[Enacted on July 29]

[2010 by the Decree of the Ministry of Knowledge-based Economy.

Amended on July 29, 2010 in part.

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these Rules is to provide for matters the subject matters and/or items delegated by the Trademark Act and its Enforcement Decree and such other matters for the implementation of the delegated matters. (Amended Feb. 28, 2002, Feb. 11, 2005>

Article 1-2 (Electronically Presented Documents)

Documents to be presented in an electronic document to the Commissioner of the KIPO (Korean Intellectual Property Office) or the President of the IPT (Intellectual Property Tribunal) pursuant to Article 28-3(4) of the Patent Act, mutatis mutandis applied by Article 5 of the Trademark Act (hereinafter, the "Act".) shall exclude but not limited to the following documents: <Entirely Amended Feb. 11, 2005>
1.Submit report of electronic recording medium;
2. Submit report of attachment of the electronic document;
3. Submit report of documents (specimen, objects, and evidentiary objects);
4. Application for correction of trademark registration
5. Application for correction of the contents for electronization
6. repealed <Dec. 27, 2002>
7. repealed <May 12, 2003> [Entirely amended Feb. 28, 2002]

Article 1-3 (Documents subject to Notification by Electronic Documents)

Unless otherwise provided by laws and/or regulations, the Commissioner of KIPO, President of the IPT, the presiding administrative patent judge, an administrative patent judge, the chief examiner, or an examiner may notice or deliver every document by means of information communication network to a person having reported its intention to the use of electronic documents under Article 28-4(1) of the Patent Act mutatis mutandis applied by Article 5 of the Act who desires to receive notice or delivery by means of electronic documents. <Amended Feb.

11, 2005>

[Entirely amended Mar. 12, 2003]

Article 1-4 (Language Used for Documentation)

(1) Documents to be submitted for KIPO or IPT shall be prepared in Korean except for those specified in Paragraph (2) hereof. (2) Documents that are submitted in English such as but not limited to the following; power of attorney, certificate of nationality or documents concerning priority rights shall be accompanied by their Korean-translated version.

[This Article is newly inserted Feb. 11, 2005.]

Article 1-5 (Submission of Attached Documents Prepared in Electronic Image)

(1) Any person who will submit electronic documents while performing procedures in relation with trademark may submit the attached documents prepared in electronic image.
(2) The Commissioner of KIPO, President of the IPT, or the presiding administrative patent
judge, when it finds it necessary to confirm the contents due to illegibility of the electronic image presented under Paragraph (1) hereof, may the order applicant for trademark registration, applicant for trial, opponent to a trademark registration or persons perfoming the procedures in relation with trademark (hereinafterhereinafter referred to, as, "Various Applicants") or their agents to submit any relevant documents in writing within the prescribed period.

[This Article is newly inserted Jul. 29, 2010]

Article 2 (Rejection of invalid application documents)

(1) Except as those specifically provided otherwise by laws or regulations, the Commissioner of KIPO or President of the IPT shall not consider as lawful those documents, specimens and other objects (hereinafter in this Article, "Application Documents, etc."), submitted in connection with application for trademark registration, opposition to trademark registration, application for renewal of trademark registration term, application to register the reclassification of goods, application for supplementary registration of designated goods, or a trial under Article 9, 25, 43, 46-2, 47, or 79 of the Act, or Article 140 of the Patent Act mutatis mutandis applied by Article 77 of the Act which fall under any of the following: <Amended Oct. 30, 1992; Dec. 31, 1993; Feb. 23, 1998; Dec. 31, 1998; Jun. 30, 2001; Feb. 28, 2002; May 12, 2003; Feb. 11, 2005; Jul. 1, 2005; Dec.

29, 2006; Dec. 31, 2008; and Jul. 29, 2010.>

1. Application or the category of the document is obscure;
2. Incomplete name of the persons (or company name in case of a corporate entity) who perform the procedures such as but not limited to application for renewal of trademark registration term or trademark registration, or lack of applicant's code ([if no applicant's code, name or address (in case of a corporate entity, the company name or location of its business place.)]);
3. If not prepared in Korean;
4. repealed. <Jun 30, 2001>
5. If in the application for registration for reclassification of goods, there are no goods indicated for conversion and registration .
6. A person who has neither a residential nor business address in the Republic of Korea and submitted the Application Documents, etc. without being represented by the trademark administrator under the provision of Article 5(1) of the Patent Act mutatis mutandis applied by Article 5 of the Act;
7. The documents have not been submitted within the term set forth by this Act or any decree thereof;
8. The document is an application for renewal of term which is not allowed to renew under this
Act or any decree thereof;
9. The document is an application for renewal of term which is submitted after expiration of the period for filing notice of opposition for the Amendment of Reasons for an Opposition to a Trademark Registration under Article 26 of the Act, the term for application for a trial under Article 70-2 or 70-3 of the Act, or the term designated by Commissioner of KIPO, President of the IPT, the presiding administrative patent judge, or an examiner;
10. Documents submitted in connection with a procedure required for trademark after such procedure was terminated;
11. Too obscure to accept are application for registration on comprehensive delegation, application
for registration amendment on comprehensive delegation, application for registration withdrawal on comprehensive delegation (Applied mutatis mutandis are Form 3 - Application for Registration on Comprehensive Delegation, Application for Registration Amendment on Comprehensive Delegation, or Application for Registration Withdrawal on Comprehensive Delegation, all as attachment to the Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act.), report on limited invocation of comprehensive delegation (Applied mutatis mutandis is Form 2 - Report concerning Agent, as attachment to the Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act.), Form 4 - Application for Granting Applicant's Code as attachment, or documents in case where applicant's code needs to be granted by the power of the authority;
12. Application for trademark registration or other documents submitted in the electronic recording medium such as information network, floppy disk or optical disk has not been prepared by means of KIPO website or any software provided by KIPO, or any document submitted in the form of electronic document and read as incapable of being processed under the computer information processing system;
13. Repealed. <Dec. 31, 2008>
14. Repealed. <Jul. 29, 2010>
15. Application for renewal of registration under the Trademark Act, the right of which has expired under Article 64, Section 2 paragraph 1 of the Act.
15-2. Documents required to be submitted in accordance with provision of Article 3, Section 2 (2) of the Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act, which is mutatis mutandis applied by Article
36, have not been submitted within prescribed period.
15-3. Documents are not prepared for each case in violation of the provision of Article 2 of the
Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act, which is mutatis mutandis applied by Article 36;
16. Documents required to be submitted under the provision of Article 8 of the Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act, which is mutatis mutandis applied by Article 36, have not been submitted within the prescribed period without duly stating its explanation; or
17. A person who is not entitled to practice procedures for the relevant trademark and submitted documents in relation to such procedures.
(2) The Commissioner of KIPO, or President of the IPT, in order to reject Application
Documents, etc. that appears to be unlawful under Paragraph (1), shall sent a notice to Various Applicants indicating the purpose and reason of the return of the Application Documents, etc. with an explanation stated therein; provided that, in case of Paragraph (1)16, they shall instantly return the Application Documents, etc., indicating the reason for the return. <Amended Jun.30,

2001; May 12, 2003; Jul. 29, 2010>

(3) If Various Applicants recieves the notice under Paragraph (2) desires to state their explanation, they shall submit Form 1 - Explanation Letter, as attachment within the explanation period, and, if desiring to have the Application Documents, etc. returned before the expiry of the explanation period, they shall submit to Commissioner of KIPO or President of the IPT the request for the return of documents (Applied mutatis mutandis is Form 8 - Request for Documents Return, as attachment to the Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act.). <Newly inserted Jun. 30, 2001; Feb. 11, 2005; and Dec. 29, 2006>
(4) Commissioner of KIPO or President of the IPT shall, upon receiving the request for the return of documents under the latter part of Paragraph (3), return the Application Documents, etc. without delay. <Newly inserted Jun. 30, 2001>
(5) In case where the Applicants fail to submit the request letter for return or explanatory letter within the period for the explanation, or the explanation provided is deemed groundless, the Commissioner of KIPO or President of the IPT shall return the Application Documents, etc. without delay. <Newly inserted Jun. 30, 2001>

Article 2-2 (Repealed) <Dec. 31, 1998>

Article 3 (Report of agreement result)

(1) The person who files report of an application for trademark registration for goods upon the agreement between relevant applicants under Article 8(4) of the Act shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO a report on change of proprietary status (Applied mutatis mutandis is Form 20 - Report on Change of Proprietary Status, as attachment to the Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act. The same hereinafter provided.) on which each of all the competing applicants shall enter his/her name and provide signature or seal impression, attaching thereto all of the following documents: <Amended Dec. 31, 1998; Feb. 11, 2005; Dec. 29, 2006; and Dec. 31,


1. one (1) copy of document verifying the existence of agreement; and
2. one (1) copy of document verifying the right of agency, in case in the event that an agent performs the procedures.
(2) When submitting the report under the provision of Paragraph 1, such procedures as agreed
upon with respect to the completed application shall be taken simultaneously.
(3) When in the conduct of the lottery under the latter part of Article 8(2) of the Act, the Commissioner of KIPO shall ensure that three (3) or more of examiners are present therein and the result thereof are notified in writing to each competitor.
(4) The provisions of Paragraph (1) through (3) shall be applied mutatis mutandis to the case where two (2) or more reports of change of applicant with respect to the identical application for trademark registration are in competition on the same day under Article 12(1) of the Act.

<Amended Jun. 30, 2001>

Article 4 (Application, etc)

(1) Any person who intends to file an application for trademark registration under Article 9(1) of the Act shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO the appended Form 2- Application for Trademark Registration, attaching thereto all of the following documents: <Amended Jun. 29,


1. one (1) copy of trademark specimen;
2. one (1) copy of commentary on trademark (limited to trademark registration consisting of color(s) or combination thereof, hologram trademark, motion trademark and otherwise visually recognizable trademark.);
3. each copy of the Articles of Incorporation and summary thereof containing matters and/or subjects regarding use of collective mark (limited to application for registration of collective mark and collective mark with geographical indication.);
4. one (1) written instrument verifying operation of business (limited to application for business emblem); and
5. one (1) copy of document verifying the right of agency, in the event that an agent practices the procedures.
(2) The summary under Paragraph (1)3 shall comply with appended Form 3. <Newly inserted

Jul.1, 2005; and Dec. 29, 2006>

(3) In addition to the documents set forth in Paragraph (1), the applicant may submit to the
Commissioner of KIPO any documents or objects set forth below: <Amended Jun. 29, 2007>
1. commentary on colored trade mark (excluding trademark consisting of color(s) or combination thereof) or three-dimensional trademark;
2. commentary on the designated goods;
3. commentary containing Korean translation or transliteration of the trademark to register; or
4. videotapes, or electronic recording medium such as CD-ROM, and optical disc containing
video clip displaying the characteristic of the specimen. (limited to hologram trademark, motion trademark and other visually recognizable trademark).
(4) In case where the trademark sought to be registered falls under Article 6(2) of the Act, the applicant may, in addition to the documents set forth in Paragraph (1), submit to the Commissioner of KIPO the following matters and/or subjects together with each one (1) copy of documents verifying the matters/and or subjects and evidence. <Amended Jun. 30, 2001>
1. the trademark used;
2. duration of use;
3. geographical area in which it is used;
4. production, processing, proof or sales volume of designated goods with the mark;
5. method and frequency of its use; and
6. any verification of use of the mark other than those set forth in Item 1 through 5 herein.
(5) In case where the trademark sought to be registered falls under Article 8(5) of the Act, the applicant may, in addition to the documents set forth in Paragraph (1), submit to the Commissioner of KIPO the following matters together with each one (1) copy of documents verifying the matters and/or subjects and evidence. <Newly inserted, Jun. 30, 2001>
1. trademark registration number of the registered trademark was either extinguished or renounced or finally adjudged as cancelled due to expiry of the term of trademark right;
2. trademark and designated goods of the registered trademark was either extinguished or
renounced or finally adjudged as cancelled due to expiry of the term of trademark right;
3. date on which the trademark right was either extinguished or renounced or finally adjudged as cancelled; and
4. evidence of the fact that the applicant has instituted a trial for the cancellation on any grounds provided by Article 73(1)3 of the Act.
(6) A person who requests registration of his collective mark with geographical indication shall,
in addition to the documents set forth in Paragraph (1), attach the documents indicating the matters and/or subjects set forth below together with documents verifying such matters: <Newly inserted Jul. 1, 2005>
1. specific quality, reputation and other characteristics of the goods;
2. inherent relationship of geographical environment to specific quality, reputation and other characteristics of the goods;
3. area subject to geographical indication and appropriateness thereof;
4. the fact that the company which has applied for registration of collective mark with geographical indication consists only of those business or operation is to produce, manufacture or process the goods that will use geographical indication;
5. the fact that it went through consultation with relevant local government units in order to file application for collective mark registration with geographical indication (except for application of a collective mark registration with geographical indication with respect to geographical
indication of a foreign country); and
6. the fact that it is being protected under geographical indication in the country of origin (limited to the case for the application of collective mark registration with geographical indication with respect to geographical indication of a foreign country).
(7) In connection with application for collective mark registration with geographical indication, the applicant may, in addition to the documents set forth in Paragraph (1) and (6), submit to the Commissioner of KIPO the following matters or objects together with one (1) copy of documents indicating the following and documents verifying the matters and/or subjects. <Newly inserted Jul.

1, 2005>

1. the status of production, manufacturing, processing and distribution of goods subject to geographical indication (based on classification of the whole region, applicants, status of each member, and major production area of goods of the same type); and
2. the fact that in the relevant region the appellant has eligibility or capability to represent those who are engaged in manufacturing, processing and distribution of goods subject to geographical indication.

Article 5 (Specification of trademark specimen, etc)

(1) The specimen of the trademark under Article 4(1)1 shall be made of sturdy paper material, each vertical and horizontal side is less than eight (8) centimeters, presenting the trademark with material which do not allow be discolored or faded. <Amended Dec. 30, 1995; Jun. 30, 2001; and Jun. 29, 2007>
(2) The specimen representing the trademark under Paragraph (1) shall be either electronic copy of the original or impression or print-out using rubber, copper or zinc board, featuring a clear presentation. <Amended Jul. 1, 2005>

Article 5-2 (Preparation of Specimen, etc)

(1) With respect to trademark specimens under Article 4(1)1, the specimens of colored trademark shall be prepared in a drawing or colored photograph with the same color of the trademark, and as well as the specimens of 3-dimensional shape trademark, hologram trademark, motion trademark and other visually recognizable trademark shall be prepared in less than five (5) pieces of plans or photographs adequately representing the characteristics of the relevant trademark.
(2) With respect to trademark specimens under Paragraph (1), specimens of 3-dimensional shape trademark, hologram trademark, motion trademark and other visually recognizable trademark may be composed by single or plural sides of the relevant trademark, and specimens of motion trademark may be composed of plans or photographs containing a still image captured at a certain moment or a number of still images.
(3) Upon finding that the trademark represented by trademark specimens under Paragraph (1) and
(2) is unclear, the Commissioner of KIPO may demand submission of commentary on the
relevant trademark, granting a reasonable period and, in case of hologram trademark, motion trademark and other visually recognizable trademark, may demand video tape or electronic recording medium under Article 4(3)4. <Entirely amended Jun. 29, 2007.>

Article 5-3 (Request of the Procedural Supplement , etc)

(1) The Commissioner of KIPO, in order to require the applicants to supplement the procedure in connection with application for trademark registration under Article 9-2(2), shall notify the applicant for trademark registration of the written request of the procedural supplement indicating the following:
1. trademark registration application number;
2. classification of goods;
3. name and address of applicant for trademark registration (or corporate name and location of business place, in case of a corporate entity.);
4. if the applicant for trademark registration is represented by an agent, name and address of the
agent (or corporate name, location of business place, and name of the assigned patent agent, in case the agent is a corporate entity.); and
5. other matters that are relevant to support or supplement the requirements.
(2) In the event that the person who received a request to supplement the requirements in connection with his/her application for trademark registration under Article 9-2(2) expects to have his/herapplication for trademark registration be returned before the expiry of the period to submit the supplement, he/she shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO a written request for the return of documents. <Amended Feb. 11, 2005; and Dec. 29, 2006>
(3) Any person who intends to supplement his application for trademark registration under Article
9-2(3) shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO the appended Form 4 - Supplementation, attaching thereto the following documents: <Amended Jul. 1, 2005; and Dec. 29, 2006>
1. one (1) copy of trademark specimen (except in case of supplementing trademark specimen);
2. application form prepared in Korean (except when it has not been prepared in Korean.); and
3. one (1) copy of document verifying the right of agency, in the event that the agent performs the procedure.
(4) The provisions of Paragraph (1) up until paragraph (3) shall be applied mutatis mutandis to the application for supplementary registration of designated goods.

[This Article is newly inserted, Jun. 30, 2001]

Article 6 (Classification of goods, etc)

(1) The classification of goods with respect to the former part of Article 10(1) of the Act shall be in accordance with Table 1. Specific goods belonging to each class under Table 1 shall be determined and publicly announced by the Commissioner of KIPO. <Amended Nov. 29, 2006;

and Jun. 29, 2007>

(2) The classification of services where a mark is used shall be in accordance with Table 2. Specific services belonging to each class under Table 2 shall be determined and publicly announced by the Commissioner of KIPO. <Amended Nov. 29, 2006>
(3) Any person who intends to indicate that both goods and services be joined in one (1) application under the latter part of Article 10(1) of the Act shall include all relevant goods and services in the appended Form 2- Application for Trademark Registration and submit it to the Commissioner of KIPO. <Newly inserted Jun. 29, 2007>

Article 6-2 (Report on the Assignment of Applicants)

The report on change of applicant under Article 12(1) of the Act may be completed solely by assignor or by assignee if any of the following documents that are defined by Article 11(1)(b) of the Trademark Law Treaty is attached to such report. <Amended Feb. 11, 2005>
1. Certificate of transfer or transfer deed prepared in the international standard form (only those translated into Korean) as provided for by the Regulations under the Trademark Law Treaty; or
2. A photocopy or excerpt or the contract verifying the change of applicant (only those notarized or certified by a public authority)

[This Article newly inserted Jun. 30, 2001.]

Article 7 (Partial transfer of application)

(1) An assignee of partial application for trademark registration under Article 12(2) of the Act shall submit the Form 2 - Application for Trademark Registration to the Commissioner of KIPO, attaching thereto documents set forth in Article 4(1) as well as documents set forth below:

<Amended Jun. 30, 2001; Jul. 1, 2005; Dec. 29, 2006; and Jun. 29, 2007>

1. one (1) copy of the Report of Change of Applicant due to partial transfer; and
2. one (1) copy of a document verifying the cause for partial transfer;
3. repealed<Jun. 30, 2001>
(2) An assignee of partial application for trademark registration under Article 12(2) of the Act shall correct the original application for trademark registration.

[Entirely amended Dec. 31, 1998]

Article 8 (Documents attached to the report of applicants' change of application for business emblem registration)

(1) Any person who intends to obtain the transfer of application for business emblem registration under proviso statement of Article 12(7) shall submit the report of change of proprietary relationship to the Commissioner of KIPO, attaching thereto documents set forth below:

<Amended Dec. 31, 1998; Feb. 11, 2005; Dec. 29, 2006>

1. one (1) copy of the documents verifying that the relevant application for business emblem registration is transferred together with the business; and
2. repealed. <Jun. 30, 2001>
3. one (1) copy of the document verifying the right of agency, in in the event that the agent performs the procedure.
(2) Any person who intends to obtain the assignment of application for business emblem
registration under proviso statement of Article 12(8) shall submit the report of the change of proprietary relationship to the Commissioner of KIPO, attaching thereto documents set forth below: <Amended Dec. 31, 1998; Feb. 11, 2005; Dec. 29, 2006>
1. one (1) copy of the documents verifying that the relevant application for trademark registration is transferred together with the business related to the emblem under the main part of Article 7(1)3 of the Act; and
2. repealed <Jun. 30, 2001>
3. one (1) copy of a document verifying the right of agency, in case of taking procedures through an agent.

Article 9 (Written request for permission for transfer of collective mark registration application)

Any person who intends to file a request asking permission for the transfer of collective mark registration application or a request asking permission for the transfer of collective mark rights shall submit as attachment Form 5- Request for Permission for Transfer to the Commissioner of KIPO, attaching thereto documents set forth below:

<Amended Dec. 31, 1998; Feb. 28, 2002; Feb. 11, 2005; Jul. 1, 2005; and Dec. 29, 2006>

1. Repealed. <Feb. 28, 2002>
2. one (1) copy of a document verifying merger of corporations;
3. one (1) copy of the Articles of Incorporation of the existing company after the merger;
3-2. one (1) copy of document indicating or certifying that the existing company after merger is eligible for collective mark registration under Article 3-2 of the Act and that contents of its Articles of Incorporation concerning the use of collective mark in order to maintain substantial identity before and after the merger; and
4. one (1) copy of a document verifying the right of agency, in in the event that the agent performs the procedure.

Article 10 (Amendment of documents or submission of amended articles of incorporation)

(1) Any person who intends to make amendment (Except for amendment of international application under Article 2 (2) of "Protocol relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks" (hereinafter referred to as, the "Protocol".) (hereinafter
referred to as, the "International Application".)) under Article 13 through 15 of the Act, or who intends to submit the Amended Articles of Incorporation under Article 17-2 of the Act, shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO or President of the IPT the appended Form 4 - Supplementation, attaching thereto the following documents; provided that no person who intends to correct the fee subject to Article 13 (3) shall be required to submit the said Form 4 - Supplementation. <Amended Dec. 29, 2006>
1. one (1) copy of a document verifying the contents to be supplemented (only when said
Supplementation is submitted.);
2. each one (1) copya of amended Articles of Incorporation and the summary thereof (only when submission report on Amended Articles of Incorporation is submitted.); and
3. one (1) copy of a document verifying the right of agency, in the event that an agent performs the procedure.
(2) The summary of Articles of Incorporation under Paragraph (1)2 shall be submitted in the
appended Form 3. <Amended Dec. 29, 2006> [Entirely amended Jul 1, 2005]

Article 10-2 (Rejection of Amendment)

(1) The decision whether or not to reject or refuse the amendment under Article 17(1) or (4) of the Act shall be made in a written instrument indicating matters and or objects set forth below:

<Amended Jun. 30, 2001; and Dec. 27, 2002>

1. trademark registration application number [or international registration number, in case of international application for trademark registration under Article 86-14(3) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as, "international application for trademark registration".);
2. classification of goods;
3. name and address of the applicant for trademark registration (or company name and location of business place, in case of a corporate entity.);
4. name and address of agent if applicant for trademark registration is represented by an agent;
5. Decision summary and reason for the reject; and
6. Year, month and date of the decision for the reject.
(2) The decision whether or not to reject or refuse the amendment under Article 17(1) or (4) of the Act shall be applicable mutatis mutandis by Article 49(2) of the Act shall be made in a written instrument indicating matters and/or subjects set forth below: <Newly inserted Jun. 30,


1. application number of registration of the reclassification of goods;
2. classification of goods;
3. name and address of the applicant for registration of the reclassification of goods (or company name and location of business place, in case of a corporate entity.);
4. name and address or location of business place of agent if applicant for registration of the reclassification of goods is represented by an agent (and, if the agent is a patent legal entity, the name and address of the business and the name of the designated patent agent);

[This Article is newly inserted Feb. 23, 1998]

Article 11 (Divided application)

(1) A person who intends to file a divided application under Article 18(1) of the Act shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO the appended Form 2 -Application for Trademark Registration, attaching thereto the documents set forth in Article 4(1) (except for subparagraph 1).

<Amended Dec. 31, 1998; Jun 30, 2001; Jul. 1, 2005; and Dec. 29, 2006; and Jun. 29, 2007>

(2) A person who intends to file a divided application under Article 18(1) of the Act shall supplement the original application for trademark registration concurrently with the divided application under the provision of Paragraph (1).
(3) Paragraph (2) through (7) of Article 4 shall be applied mutatis mutandis to divided application. <Newly inserted Jul. 1, 2005>

Article 12 (Conversion of application)

(1) Any person who intends to convert his application between application for trademark registration, application for service mark registration, or application for collective mark registration (excluding an application to register a collective mark for a geographic indication), or a person who intends to convert his application for additional registration of designated goods into an application for trademark registration shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO the appended Form 2 -Application for Trademark Registration, attaching thereto the documents set forth in Article 4(1) (except for subparagraph 1). <Amended Jun. 29, 2007; and Jul. 29, 2010>
(2) Article (2) up until Article (7) shall be applied mutatis mutandis to divided application.

<Newly inserted Jul. 1, 2005> [Entirely amended Dec. 31, 1998]

Article 12-2 (Submission of Documents Verifying Priority Right)

Documents under Article 20(4) shall be submitted in Document Submission Report (Applied mutatis mutandis is Form 13 - Document Submission Report appended to Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act.) In this case, the following documents shall be attached thereto: <Amended Dec. 29, 2006>
1. one (1) copy of translated version of the document verifying the priority right; and
2. one (1) copy of a document verifying the right of agency, in the event that an agent practices the procedure.

[This Article is newly inserted Feb. 11, 2005]

Article 13 (Repealed)<Jul. 29, 2010>

Article 13-2 (The Provision of Information regarding Application for Trademark


(1) A person who intends to provide information under Article 22(3) of the Act shall submit Information Submission Report (Applied mutatis mutandis is Form 23 - Information Submission Report appended to the Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act) to the Commissioner of KIPO.

<Amended Dec. 29, 2006>

(2) In cases of agency, any documents verifying the right of agency shall be attached to the form under Paragraph (1).

[This Article is newly inserted on Feb. 23, 1998]

Article 13-3 (Cancellation of Designation of a Specialized Searching Agency, etc)

(1) The criteria for the cancellation of designation of a specialized searching agency and suspension of business thereof under Article 22-3(3) of the Act shall be in accordance with Table 3.
(2) The Commissioner of KIPO shall, when cancelling the designation of specialized searching agency as the case may be, publicly notify the said cancellation.

[This Article is newly inserted on Jun. 23, 1998]

Article 14 (Opinion letter)

A person who intends to submit a letter of opinion under Article 23(2), 46(2) or 48(2) (including cases subject to mutatis mutandis application under Article 81(1) of the Act) shall submit appended Form 1 - Opinion Letter to the Commissioner of KIPO, President of the IPT, or the presiding administrative patent judge, attaching thereto the documents set forth below:

<Amended Jun. 30, 2001; Dec. 29, 2006; and Jul. 29, 2010>

1. one (1) copy of a document verifying the contents of the opinion; and
2. one (1) copy of a document verifying the right of agency, in the event that an agent practices the procedure

[Entirely amended Dec. 31, 1998]

Article 14-2 (Date of Publication of Application for Trademark Registration)

The date on which the Trademark Gazette for the publication of trademark registration stating the purpose of publication of the relevant application for trademark registration is issued shall deemed to be the date of publication of application for trademark registration.

[This Article newly inserted Feb. 23, 1998.]

Article 14-3 (Opposition to Trademark Registration, etc)

(1) A person who shall cause an opposition to trademark registration under the provision of Article 25(2) of the Act shall submit appended Form 6 - Opposition Letter to the Commissioner of KIPO, attaching thereto the documents set forth below:

<Amended Feb. 28, 2002; May 12, 2003; and Dec. 29, 2006>

1. Repealed <Feb. 28, 2002>
2. one (1) copy of a document verifying matters of opposition to trademark registration; and
3. one (1) copy of a document verifying the right of agency, in the event that an agent performs the procedure.
(2) A person who intends to supplement an opposition to trademark registration under the provision of Article 26 of the Act shall submit appended Form 4 - Supplementation Letter to the Commissioner of KIPO, attaching thereto the documents set forth below: <Newly inserted Feb.

28, 2002; and Dec. 29, 2006>

1. one (1) copy of a document verifying the contents of the supplementary; and
2. one (1) copy of a document verifying the right of agency, in the event that an agent performs the procedure.
(3) A person who intends to submit an answer to opposition to trademark registration under the
provision of Article 27(1) of the Act shall submit appended Form 1 - Answer Letter to the
Commissioner of KIPO, attaching thereto the documents set forth below: <Amended Feb. 28,

2002; and Dec. 29, 2006>

1. repealed <Feb. 28, 2002>
2. one (1) copy of a document verifying matters of answer; and
3. one (1) copy of a document verifying the right of agency, in the event that an agent performs the procedure.
(4) A person who intends to submit an opinion to opposition to trademark registration under
Paragraph (3) or a person who intends to re-answer to such opinion shall submit appended Form
1 - Answer Letter to the Commissioner of KIPO, attaching thereto the documents set forth below: <Newly inserted Feb. 28, 2002; and Dec. 29, 2006>
1. one (1) copy of a document verifying the contents of the opinion (contents of reply); and
2. one (1) copy of a document verifying the right of agency, in the event that an agent performs the procedure.

[Entirely amended Dec. 31, 1998]

Article 14-4 (Letter of Decision on the Opposition to Trademark Registration)

Decision on opposition to trademark registration under Article 27(2) of the Act shall be made in
a written instrument containing matters and/or subjects set forth below: <Amended Jun. 30,


1. application number for trademark registration and publication number of application for trademark registration (or international registration number and publication number of international application for trademark registration, in case of international application for trademark registration)
2. classification of goods;
3. name and address of the applicant for trademark registration and applicant for opposition to trademark registration (or company name and location of business place, in case of a corporate entity.);
4. name and address or location of business place of agent if applicant for trademark registration or applicant for opposition to trademark registration is represented by an agent (and, if the agent is a patent legal entity, the name and address of the business and the name of the designated patent agent);
5. summary of the decision and the reasons for such decision; and
6. year, month and date of the decision on the opposition. [This Article newly inserted Feb. 23, 1998]

Article 14-5 (Notice of Reason for Reject, etc)

(1) An examiner, when making a decision or sending a notice regarding any of matters set forth below, shall report the same to the Commissioner of KIPO and prepare a written decision or notice, on which to print his/her name with seal impressed:
(Amended Jun. 30, 2001; and Jul. 29, 2010)
1. decision to reject supplementation under Article 17(1) or (4) of the Act;
2. notice of reason for the rejection under Article 23(2), Article 46-4(2) or Article 48(2) (including the cases applicable mutatis mutandis by Article 81(1) of the Act);
3. decision for publication of application under Article 24(1) of the Act; or
4. decision on the objection to application for trademark registration under Article 27(2) of the Act.
(2) An examiner, when making a decision on whether to register trademark in response to application for trademark registration, shall report it to the Commissioner of KIPO and prepare a written decision in rejecting trademark registration or a written decision granting trademark registration, on which to indicate matters set forth below and print his/her name with seal impressed: <Amended Jun. 30, 2001>
1. application number for trademark registration and publication number of application for trademark registration (or international registration number and publication number of international application for trademark registration, in case of international application for trademark registration. Publication number of application for trademark registration and
publication number of international application for trademark registration shall be applicable only when publication of such application has been made.)
2. classification of goods;
3. name and address of the applicant for trademark registration and applicant for opposition to trademark registration (or company name and location of business place, in case of a corporate entity.);
4. name and address or location of business place of agent if applicant for trademark registration or applicant for opposition to trademark registration is represented by an agent (and, if the agent is a patent legal entity, the name and address of the business and the name of the designated patent agent);
5. year, month and date of publication of application, if any, or year, month and date of notice of reason of its rejection;
6. summary of the decision and the reasons for such decision; and
7. year, month and date of the decision.
(3) An examiner, when making a decision on whether to grant registration in response to the application for conversion of classification of goods, shall report it to the Commissioner of KIPO and prepare a written decision of rejection or a written decision granting registration, on which to indicate matters set forth below and print his/her name with seal impressed: <Newly inserted Jun. 30, 2001>
1. application number for conversion of classification of goods;
2. classification of goods;
3. name and address of the applicant for conversion of classification of goods (or company name and location of business place, in case of a corporate entity.);
4. name and address or location of business place of agent if applicant for conversion of classification of goods is represented by an agent (and, if the agent is a patent legal entity, the name and address of the business and the name of the designated patent agent);
5. year, month and date of notice of reason for rejection (only when a written decision of rejection is prepared);
6. summary of the decision and the reasons for such decision; and
7. year, month and date of the decision.
(4) Paragraph (4) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the supplementary registration of designated goods. <Amended Jul. 29, 2010>

[This Article newly inserted Feb. 23, 1998]

Article 14-6 (Abandonment of Some of Designated Goods)

Any person who intends to abandon some of designated goods under Article 34-2(1) of the Act shall indicate the claim on payment notice (Applied mutatis mutandis is Form 16 - Payment
Notice appended to the Enforcement Rules of Patent Registration Order) and submit Abandonment Notice (Applied mutatis mutandis is Form 12 - Abandonment Notice appended to the Enforcement Rules of Patent Registration Order) to the Commissioner of the KIPO when submitting notice of payment of registration fees. <Amended Feb. 28, 2002; Feb. 11, 2005; and Dec. 29, 2006)>

[This Article newly inserted Jun. 30, 2001]

Article 14-7 (Revival of an Application for Trademark Registration by Supplementary or

Additional Payment of Trademark Registration Fees)

Any person who intends to make supplementary or make-up payment of fees under Article 36-3 of the Act shall indicate the purport on Form 16 - Payment Notice appended to the Enforcement Rules of Patent Registration Order and submit it to the Commissioner of the KIPO, attaching thereto the documents set forth below: <Amended May 12, 2003; and Jul. 29, 2010>
1. one (1) copy of a document verifying the fact that the applicant failed to pay the registration fees within the payment period or fail to meet up the shortage within make-up period due to a cause for which the applicant shall not be accountable;
2. one (1) copy of a document verifying the right of agency, in the event that an agent performs the procedure.

[This Article newly inserted Jun. 30, 2001.]


(1) When an establishment of a trademark has been registered under Article 40(1), the Commissioner of KIPO shall issue to the owner of the trademark et al, a trademark registration certificate falling under any of the following, depending upon contents of such established registration: <Amended Apr. 28, 2006; and Dec. 29, 2006>
1. trademark registration certificate, in Form 7 as appended;
2. service mark registration certificate, in Form 8 as appended;
3. trademark / service mark registration certificate, in Form 9 as appended;
4. collective mark registration certificate, in Form 10 as appended;
5. collective mark geographic indication registration certificate, in Form 11 as appended; or
6. business mark registration certificate, in Form 12 as appended.
(2) Upon application from a person who has succeeded trademark, due to the assignment or otherwise under Article 54 of the Act, the Commissioner of KIPO may issue any of the certificates set forth in Paragraph (1). <Newly inserted Apr. 28, 2006>
(3) When registering renewal of the term of trademark right under Article 42(2) of the Act, or registering additional designated goods under Article 47(1) of the Act, or issuing corrected trademark registration certificate under Article 40(2) of the Act, the Commissioner of KIPO shall enter such matters in appended Form 13 - Parenthesis for Registration Matter, impress seal
thereon, and therefore issue as such and compiled together with the relevant trademark registration certificate. <Amended Jun. 30, 2001; Apr. 28, 2006; and Dec. 29, 2006>

Article 15-2 (Issuance of Portable Trademark Registration Certificate)

(1) Upon application from the owner of the trademark right, owner of the service mark right, owner of the trademark / service mark right, owner of the collective mark right or owner of the business mark right (hereinafter referred to as, the "owner of the trademark et al."), the Commissioner of KIPO may issue a certificate falling under any of the following (hereinafter referred to as, "portable registration certificate"): <Amended Dec. 29, 2006>
1. portable trademark registration certificate, in Form 14 as appended;
2. portable service mark registration certificate, in Form 15 as appended;
3. portable trademark / service mark registration certificate, in Form 16 as appended;
4. portable collective mark registration certificate, in Form 17 as appended;
5. portable collective mark geographic indication registration certificate, in Form 18 as appended;
6. portable business mark registration certificate, in Form 19 as appended.
(2) If a portable registration certificate fails to conform with the original record of trademark registration or other documents, the Commissioner of KIPO shall, either upon application by the owner of trademark right et al, or upon its own initiative, reclaim the portable registration certificate and reissue after correction thereof or issue a new portable registration certificate. In the reissuance of the portable registration certificate as corrected, matters so corrected shall be described with the seal in the parenthesis for matters for registration before being issued.

[This Article newly issued Apr. 28, 2006]

Article 15-3 (Re-issuance of Trademark Registration Certificate,

Upon application from owner of the trademark right, for the reissuance of a lost or damaged registration certificate or portable registration certificate, the Commissioner of KIPO may reissue said certificate.

[This Article newly issued Apr. 28, 2006]

Article 16 (Application for renewal of term of trademark right etc.)

Any person who intends to apply for the renewal of term of the trademark right shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO Form 16 - Payment Notice appended to the Enforcement Rules of the Patent Registration Order. In this connection, one (1) copy of a document verifying the right of agency shall be attached thereto, in the event that an agent performs the procedure

[Entirely amended Jul. 29, 2010]

Article 17 (Repealed)<Jul. 29, 2010>

Article 17-2 (Application for Reclassification of Goods,. )

(1) Any person who intends to apply for reclassification of goods under Article 46-2(2) of the Act shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO appended Form 20 - Application for Reclassification of Goods. <Amended Dec. 29, 2006>
(2) Upon receiving the application for reclassification of goods under Paragraph (1), the Commissioner of KIPO shall grant the proper number to application for reclassification of goods (hereinafter referred to as, "application number for reclassification of goods) and shall notify applicant of the Response Letter of Application Number for Reclassification of Goods, which states the application number and the date on which application for reclassification of goods is filed to the applicant for reclassification of goods.
(3) Any person who intends to withdraw application for reclassification of goods under Article
46-2(2) of the Act shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO a letter of withdrawal (Applied mutatis mutandis is Form 12 - Withdrawal Letter appended to the Enforcement Rules of the Patent Registration Order. <Amended Feb. 11, 2005; Dec. 29, 2006>
(4) In case of performing the procedures for application for reclassification of goods and withdrawal thereof through an agent, document verifying the right of agency shall be attached to the Forms under Paragraph (1) and (3).

[This Article newly issued Jun. 30, 2001.]

Article 17-3 (repealed)<Jul. 29, 2010>

Article 18 (Application for supplementary registration of designated goods etc.)

(1) Any person who intends to apply for the supplementary registration of designated goods shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO appended Form 2 - Application for Trademark Registration, attaching thereto the documents set forth below: <Amended, Dec. 31, 1998; Jun. 30, 2001; Jul.

1, 2005; and Dec. 29, 2006>

1. Repealed. < Dec. 31, 1998>
2. Repealed. < Jul. 1, 2005>
3. one (1) copy of a document verifying that business was actually operated (only in connection with application for supplementary registration of the designated business);
4. every copy of the amended articles of incorporation and the summary thereof containing
matters related to the use of collective mark (only in connection with application for collective mark registration; application for collective mark registration for geographical indication, or application for supplementary registration of designated goods concerning such collective mark
right); and
5. one (1) copy of document verifying the right of agency, in the event that an agent performs the procedure.
(2) Repealed. <Jul. 1, 2005>
(3) Article (2) up until Article (7) shall be applied mutatis mutandis to application for supplementary registration of designated goods. <Amended Jun. 30, 2001; and Jul. 1, 2005>

Article 19 (Repealed)<Feb. 23, 1998>

Article 20 (Written request for trial)

(1) Any person who intends to request for a trial opposes and/or challenges against the decision of rejection under Article 70-2 of the Act and any person who intends to request for trial opposing the decision to reject an amendment under Article 70-3 of the Act shall submit to the President of the IPT written request for trial (Applied mutatis mutandis is Form 31 - Request for Trial appended to the Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act. The same hereinafter provided.)

<Amended Feb. 28, 2002; and Dec. 29, 2006>

(2) Any person who intends to request for a trial under Article 70-2, 72, 72-2, and 73 up until
Article 75 of the Act shall submit a written request for a trial to the President of the IPT.

<Amended Jun 30, 2001; and May 12, 2003; Feb. 11, 2005; and Dec. 29, 2006>

[Entirely amended Feb. 23, 1998]



(Repealed)<Feb. 23, 1998>



(Request for an appeal)

Any person who intends to request for an appeal l under Article 83 of the Act shall submit a written request for retrial to the President of the IPT. <Amended Dec. 29, 2006>

[Entirely amended Feb. 28, 2002]

Article 23 (Appointment of agent for international application etc.)

(1) In the event where any person performs the procedures for international application reports the appointment of agent or where an agent reports the appointment of subagent, the person shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO appended Form 21 - Report on Agent, attaching thereto the documents verifying the contents of the report. <Amended Feb. 11, 2005; Jul. 1, 2005; and Dec. 29, 2006>
(2) In the event where any person who performs the procedures for international application reports the dismissal of agent or where an agent reports the dismissal of subagent, the person shall submit appended Form 21 - Report on Agent to the Commissioner of KIPO. <Amended

Dec. 29, 2006>

(3) In the event where an agent or a sub-agent of any person who performs the procedures for international application reports the resignation, the agent or sub-agent shall submit appended Form 21 - Report on Agent to the Commissioner of KIPO. <Amended Dec. 29, 2006>

[Entirely amended Dec. 27, 2002]

Article 23-2 (Appointment of Representative for International Application etc.)

(1) In the event where any person who performs the procedures for international application reports the appointment of representative, the person shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO appended Form 21 - Report on Representative, attaching thereto the documents verifying the contents of the report. <Amended Dec. 29, 2006>
(2) In the event where any person who performs the procedures for international application reports the dismissal of representative, the person shall submit appended Form 21 - Report on Representative to the Commissioner of KIPO. <Amended Dec. 29, 2006>
(3) In the event where a representative of any person who performs the procedures for international application reports a resignation, the representative shall submit appended Form 21 - Report on Representative to the Commissioner of KIPO. <Amended Dec. 29, 2006>

[This Article is newly inserted Dec. 27, 2010]

Article 23-3 (Repealed)<Jul. 29, 2010> Article 24 (Joint applicants' entitlement)

"The requirements as prescribed by the ordinance of the Ministry of Knowledge-based Economy" under Article 86-3(2) of the Act shall refer to the following requirements: <Amended Dec. 31,


1. Any person who intends to file a joint international application shall fall under any of the subparagraph of Article 86-3(2) of the Act.
2. The persons shall have jointly filed the basic application under Article 86-4(2)4 or jointly owned the trademark right concerning basic application under the same subparagraph.

[This Article is newly inserted Jun. 30, 200]

Article 25 (Language for international application)

The language as prescribed by ordinance of the Ministry of Knowledge-based Economy" under
Article 86-4(1) of the Act shall refer to English language. <Amended Dec. 29, 2006> [This Article is newly inserted Jun. 30, 2001]

Article 26 (Filing international application)

(1) The international application under Article 86-4(1) of the Act shall be filed using the appended Form 23 - International Application. <Amended Dec. 29, 2006>
(2) "Documents required for international application" under 86-4(1) of the Act shall refer to
Form 24 - Submission Report Including International Application. <Amended Dec. 29, 2006> [Entirely amended Dec. 27, 2002]

Article 27 (Request for a subsequent designation)

Request for a subsequent designation under Article 86-6(1) of the Act shall be submitted using the appended Form 25 - Request for a Subsequent Designation. <Amended Dec. 29, 2006>

[Entirely amended Jul 1, 2005]

Article 28 (Application for renewal of the term of international registration)

The renewal of the term of international registration under Article 86-7(2) of the Act shall be applied using the appended Form 26 - Application for Renewal of the Term of International Registration. <Amended Dec. 29, 2006>

[Entirely amended Jul 1, 2005]

Article 29 (Application to change of holder's name of international registration)

The change of holder's namer of an international registration under Article 86-8(2) of the Act shall be applied using the appended Form 27 - Application to Change Ownership of International Registration. <Amended Dec. 29, 2006>

[Entirely amended Jul 1, 2005]

Article 29-2 (Submission of Documents Necessary for International Application)

The international application under Article 26(1), the request for a subsequent designation under Article 27, application for renewal of the term of international registration under Article 28, and application to change the ownership of international registration under Article 29 shall be submitted to the Commissioner of KIPO as attachment to the appended Form 24 - Submission Report Including International Application. <Amended Dec. 29, 2006>

[This Article is newly inserted Jul. 1, 2005]

Article 30 (Submission of substitute document for international application, etc.)

(1) In the event that the documents set forth in any of the following items are not been prepared in accordance with that prescribed in the Act, Enforcement Decree thereof, or these
Rules, the Commissioner of KIPO may, by granting a period, order the applicant or aspirant to submit substitute document; provided therefore that if the defect of such documents cannot be cured, the Commissioner shall return the documents to the applicant or aspirantproviding the reason for such return:
1. international application;
2. request for a subsequent designation;
3. application for renewal of the term of international registration; or
4. application to change the ownership of international registration.
(2) Any person who has been ordered to produce substitute document under Paragraph (1) shall within the prescribed period submit to the Commissioner of KIPO the appended Form 24 - Submission Report Including International Application, attaching thereto the following documents:

<Amended Dec. 29, 2006>

1. one (1) copy of a substitute document executed in English; and
2. one (1) copy of a document verifying the right of agency, in the event that an agent performs the procedure for international application.

[This Article is newly inserted Jun. 30, 2001.]

Article 30-2 (Submission of aSupplement upon Notice of Defect from International Bureau) Any person who intends to produce opinion or a supplement upon receipt of the notice of defect from the International Bureau under Article 2(1) of the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (hereinafter referred to as the, "International Bureau") by the operation of Article 11 up until Article 13 of the Common Regulations under said Protocol (hereinafter referred to as the, "Common Regulations".) shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO the appended Form 24 - Submission Report Including International Application, attaching thereto the opinion letter prepared in English language.

<Amended Feb. 11, 2005; and Dec. 29, 2006> [This Article is newly inserted May 1, 2004]

Article 30-3 (Amendment to the International Application)

Any person who intends to amend the international application under Article 13 of the Act shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO or President of the IPT appended Form 24 - Submission Report Including International Application, attaching thereto the following documents: <Amended Dec. 29, 2006>
1. one (1) copy of a document verifying the contents amended; and
2. one (1) copy of a document verifying the right of agency, in case the event that an agent performs the procedures.

[This Article is newly inserted Jul. 1, 2005.]

Article 30-4 (Withdrawal of the International Application, etc.)

(1) Any applicant for international application may, before the application or request submitted under Article 29-2 and the International Bureau is thereby notified, withdraw the international application, request for a subsequent designation, application for renewal of the term of international registration, or application to change ownership of international registration.
(2) Any person who intends to withdraw under Paragraph (1) shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO appended Form 28 - Withdrawal Report Including International Application.
(Amended Dec. 29, 2006)
(3) In performing the procedures under Paragraph (1), documents verifying the right of agency shall be attached to the Withdrawal Report under Paragraph (2).

[This Article is newly inserted Jul. 1, 2005.]

Article 31 (Period for submission of articles of incorporation concerning a collective mark)

"Within the period prescribed by the ordinance of the Ministry of Knowledge-based Economy" under Article 86-16(3) of the Act shall refer to the earlier date of its international registration under main part of Article 86-14(2) of the Act (or the later designated date under the proviso statement of the same paragraph, if the Republic of Korea is designated later.), or within three (3) months from receipt of the order of amendment under Article 13 of the Act. <Amended Jul.

1, 2005; and Dec. 31, 2008>

[This Article is newly inserted Jun. 30, 2001]

Article 31-2 (Domestic Application by International Application as Substitute)

Any person who intends to apply for a domestic application by international application as substitute under Article 86-17(4) shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO appended Form 30 - Domestic Application by Substitute.

[This Article is newly inserted Jun. 29, 2007]

Article 32 (Submission of amendment to international application for trademark or submission of articles of incorporation, etc.)

(1) Any person who intends to amend international application for trademark under Article 13 up until Article 15 and 86-19 of the Act shall submit the Articles of Incorporation, under Article 16(3) of the Act or submit Amended Articles of Incorporation under Article 17-2 of the Act and submit to the Commissioner of KIPO appended Form 29 - Letter of Amendment to International Application for Trademark or Submission Report, attaching thereto the documents set forth below; provided that any person who intends to amend the fees, asin the case falling under
Subparagraph 3 of Article 13, shall not be required to submit Letter of Amendment. <Amended

Dec. 29, 2006>

1. one (1) copy of a document verifying the amended contents (only when Letter of Amendment to International Application for Trademark or Submission Report is submitted);
2. each one (1) copy of the Articles of Incorporation and summary thereof indicating matters concerning use of a collective mark (only when submitting submission report containing Articles of Incorporation in connection with application for collective mark registration or collective mark registration for geographical indication);
3. A copy of the purpose to register collective mark registration for geographical indication and document verifying that it conforms to definition of geographical indication (only when submitting submission report containing articles of incorporation in connection with application for collective mark registration for geographical indication);
4. A copy of the Amended Articles of Incorporation and the summary thereof (only when submission report of Amended Articles of Incorporation is submitted); and
5. one (1) copy of document verifying the right of agency, in the event that an agent performs the procedures.
(2) The summary of Articles of Incorporation under Paragraph(1)2 shall be submitted in appended Form 3. <Amended Dec. 29, 2006>

[Entirely amended Jul 1, 2005]

Article 33 (Period for submission of documents concerning special rules with filing application)

"Within the period prescribed by the ordinance of the Ministry of Knowledge-based Economy" under Article 86-23(1) shall be within three (3) months from the date of its international registration under main part of Article 86-14(2) of the Act (or the later designated date under the proviso statement within the same paragraph, if the Republic of Korea is designated later.).

<Amended Dec. 31, 2008; and Jul. 29, 2010> [This Article is newly inserted Jun. 30, 2001]

Article 34 (Decision period for publication of an application, etc.)

(1) "Within the period prescribed by the ordinance of the Ministry of Knowledge-based Economy" under Article 86-25 of the Act shall be within fourteen (14) months from the date on which the notice of territorial extension under Article 3-3 of the Protocol (hereinafter referred to as the, the "Territorial Extension") is made by International Bureau [In cases where the International Bureau, after making notice of Territorial Extension, sends a notice to correct items and/or subject matters which is recorded with the international registry under Article 28(2) of the Common Regulations, for such matters, shall be the date on which the notice to correct is
made.] <Amended May 1, 2004; Jun. 29, 2007; and Dec. 31, 2008>
(2) "Within the period prescribed by ordinance of the Ministry of Knowledge-based Economy" under Article 86-27(1) of the Act shall be within fourteen (14) months from the date on which the notice of Territorial Extension is made by International Bureau (In case where the International Bureau, after making notice of Territorial Extension, sends a notice to correct items or subject matters recorded with the international registry under Article 28(2) of the Common Regulations, for such matters, shall be the date on which the notice to correct is made.)

<Amended Dec. 31, 2008; and Jul. 29, 2010> [This Article is newly inserted Jun. 30.]


(1) Any person who intends to file reapplication for trademark registration which falls under any of the subparagraphs of Article 86-41 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as, the "reapplication".) shall submit to the Commissioner of KIPO appended Form 2 - Application for Trademark Registration, attaching thereto the following documents: <Amended Jul. 1, 2005; and Dec. 29,


1. one (1) copy of a trademark specimen;
2. each one (1) copy of the Articles of Incorporation and summary thereof indicating matters concerning use of a collective mark (only when submitting application for collective mark registration or collective mark registration for geographical indication); and
3. one (1) copy of a document verifying the right of agency, in the event that an agent performs the procedures.
(2) (3) Paragraph (2) until (7) of Article 4 shall be applied mutatis mutandis to application for trademark registration by reapplication. <Amended Jul. 1, 2005>

[This Article is newly inserted Jun. 30, 2001]

Article 36 (Provisions subject to mutatis mutandis application)

Regarding the application, request and other procedures for trademark registration applied mutatis mutandis shall be Article 1-2, 2, 3, 5, 5-2 until 5-4, 6 until Article 9, 9-3 until 9-7, 9-9, 10, 12,
13-3, 14 until 19, 20-2, 24, 26, 27, 34, 36, 37-2, 39, 51, 58, 60 until 69, 73, 120 and 120-2 until 120-6 of the Enforcement Rules of Trademark Act; With respect to the review in response to opposition to trademark registration applied mutatis mutandis shall be Article 58, 63, 68 and
69 of the Enforcement Rules of Trademark Act.
In the following cases,: under Article 1-2, Subparagraph 2(ii) of said Rules, "applicant for patent
/ trial requester" shall be regarded as "challenger / trial requester"; under proviso of Article 5(2) of the same Rule, "application for patent" as "application for trademark registration, application for supplementary registration of designated goods, and application for registration of
reclassification of goods"; "domestic document submission of international patent application" as "submission of the first opinion letter, request for supplementation or application to renew designated period"; "request for trial / request for retrial" as "challenging to trademark registration (including challenging to supplementary registration of designated goods. The same hereinafter.) / request for trial / request for retrial; "application for patent" as "application for trademark registration, application for supplementary registration of designated goods, and application for registration of reclassification of goods"; "documents under Article 203 of the Act" as "the first opinion letter, request for supplementation or application to renew designated period"; "request for trial" as "challenge to trademark registration / request for trial"; under Article 9(1)1 of the same Rule, "applicant" as "applicant or applicant for registration of reclassification of goods"; under Article 9(1)9 of the same Rule, "requester for trial / requested for trial and trial participant" as "challenger / challengee / requester for trial"; under Article 9-4(3) of the same Rule, "electronic document" as electronic document (excluding electronic document relating to international application)"; under Article 11(1)9 of the same Rule, "the period allowed for filing a request for trial under Article 132-3 of the Act" as "the period allowed for filing a request for trial against trial concerning decision of reject under Article 70-2 of the Act and decision to reject supplementation under Article 70-3 of the Act"; under Article 12(3) of the same Rule, "trial concerning patent" as "application for registration of reclassification of goods / challenging to trademark registration / trial"; "trial number" as "application number for registration of reclassification of goods / number for challenging to trademark registration / trial number"; under Article 51(1)1 of the same Rule, "Article 50(2) or (4)" as "Article 15(2)"; under Article 51(1)2, "Article 50-2(1) or (4)" as "Article 15-2(1)"; under Article 51(1)3, "Article 50-3" as "Article
15-3"; under Article 73(2) of the same Rule, "trial concerning decision to reject patent under Article 132-3 of the Act" as "trial concerning decision to reject under Article 70-2 of the Act and trial concerning decision to reject supplementation under Article 70-3 of the Act". <Amended Jul. 29, 2010>

[Entirely amended Jun. 29, 2007]

Article 37 (Use of international standard form under regulations under trademark law treaty) In the filing of applications / reports / requests pursuant to the Act, Decree and these Rules, the international standard forms (only when translated into Korean language) under Regulations under Trademark Law Treaty may be used in addition to the forms provided in these Rules. <Amended Feb. 11, 2005>

[This Article is newly inserted June 30, 2001.]

Addendum <No,. 143, Jul. 29, 2010>

These Rules shall take effect on the date of its promulgation.

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