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National Human Rights Commission of Korea - Complaint Summaries

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Recommendation of emergency relief [2002] KRNHRC 10 (1 December 2002)

Recommendation of emergency relief

In case that it is found highly probable that conduct violating human rights
continues after receiving a complaint, and if it is found likely that the damages
may not be recoverable if a proper measure is not taken immediately, the
Commission may issue a recommendation, upon receiving a request from the
petitioner or victim or by the Commission's ex officio power under the
provision of Article 48 of the Commission Act, to the respondent or the head
of the agency or entity against whom a complaint is filed to give an emergency
relief prior to making a decision on the complaint. Accordingly, the Commission
issued recommendations of emergency relief for three cases including
(1) a recommendation to make a suggestion for suspending the sentence of an
inmate with AIDS in Jinju Prison,
(2) a recommendation to suspend the mandatory deportation order for Korean-Chinese
immigrants, and
(3) a recommendation to suspend the mandatory deportation order for a Russian
expatriate worker as of the end of December 2002.

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