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National Human Rights Commission of Korea - Complaint Summaries

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Investigation and Remedies for Discrimination against Disability [2003] KRNHRC 9 (1 January 2003)

Investigation and Remedies for Discrimination against Disability

Discrimination against disability means "any act of exclusion, discrimination,
or unfavorable treatment of a particular person in employment or education on
the grounds of disability." The scope of prohibitions against discrimination on
grounds of disability includes
(1) employment (including recruitment, appointments, training, assignment of tasks,
promotions, payment of wages, and payment of commodities other than wages, age,
retirement, and dismissals, etc.),
(2) supply or use of goods, services, transportation, commercial facilities, land,
and residential facilities, and
(3) use of educational facilities or vocational training institutions.
All acts which bring disadvantages to the disabled or acts of exclusion, discrimination,
and unfavorable treatment of the disabled without reasonable grounds, such as refusing
the same treatment to the disabled as to non disabled in the above mentioned
three categories can be considered discriminatory acts.

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