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National Human Rights Commission of Korea - Complaint Summaries

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In order to secure impartial and efficient procedures for determining refugee status, the following steps were recommended [2006] KRNHRC 8 (1 January 2006)

In order to secure impartial and efficient procedures for determining refugee status, the following steps were recommended:

Procedures for determining refugee status should be more accessible to applicants
and professionalism of application handling should be enhanced, with public
officials in charge of refugee affairs and improvement in the quality of
interpretation to facilitate appropriate communication during interviews;

Legal grounds for institutions to determine refugee status should be prepared--with
preliminary screening institution and the secondary screening institution allowed
to operate independently -- and procedures for determining refugee status should
be improved, ensuring refugee applicants' right to appeal; and

Applicants for refugee status should be granted appropriate legal assistance in the
procedures for determining refugee status.

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