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National Human Rights Commission of Korea - Complaint Summaries

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Investigations and Remedies for Discrimination on the Grounds of Disabilities [2008] KRNHRC 11 (1 January 2008)

Investigations and Remedies for Discrimination on the Grounds of Disabilities

Under the National Human Rights Commission Act, disabilities refer to physical,
psychological, or social conditions that might significantly limit the daily or social life of a
person for a long period of time. Discrimination on the grounds of disabilities refer to acts
of favorably treating, excluding, differentiating against or unfavorably treating a person or
a group of people in many areas including employment, without reasonable causes, only
because the person or the group have, have disabilities. Verbal expressions or acts of
ostracizing, humiliating, or humbling people with disabilities or people related to the
disabled in school, facilities, workplace, or community constitute discrimination on the
ground of disability.

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