DIRECTIVE No. 11/2004/CT-TTg of March 30, 2004 stepping up the reorganization and renovation of State enterprises in the spirit of the resolutions of the 3rd and 9th plenums of the Party Central Committee (the IXth Congress) and organizing the implementation of the State Enterprise Law In order to step up the reorganization, renovation, development, and raising the efficiency of, State enterprises in the spirit of the resolutions of the 3rd and 9th plenums of the Party Central Committee (the IXth Congress) and to organize the implementation of the State Enterprise Law passed by the XIth National Assembly at its 4th session, the Prime Minister instructs ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Government-attached agencies, provincial/municipal People's Committees and State corporations to well perform some tasks, including the dissemination of the above-said resolutions and State Enterprise Law and its guiding documents, the elaboration of documents specifying some contents of the State Enterprise Law, etc.,- (Summary) |