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The Supreme People's Court of Vietnam: Benchbook Online

You are here:  AsianLII >> Databases >> The Supreme People's Court of Vietnam: Benchbook Online >> 7.2.1. Disputes under jurisdiction of the People’s Courts

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7.2.1. Disputes under jurisdiction of the People’s Courts

Related legal documents
  • CPC (Item 4 of Article 25 )
  • CPC (Item 2 of Article 29 )

  • Main tasks and practical skills:
    The Judge should determine the type of the dispute on intellectual property under jurisdiction of the People’s Court; specifically as follows:

    • Civil disputes on intellectual property right or technology transfer (Item 4 of Article 25 of the CPC).
    • Business or commercial disputes on intellectual property or technology transfer among individuals or organizations for profit-making purposes (Item 2 of Article 29 of the CPC).