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The Supreme People's Court of Vietnam: Benchbook Online

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1.3.8. Post-trial tasks

Related legal documents
  • CPC (From Article 240 to Article 255)

  • Main tasks and practical skills:

    • After the pronouncement of the judgment, any amendment or supplement to the judgment shall not be allowed except in cases where a spelling error or error in data caused by mistake or wrong calculation is discovered. Such amendment or supplement must be made in accordance with Article 240 of the CPC.
    • Within three working days from the date of conclusion of the trial, the Court shall provide excerpts of the judgment to the litigants, body or organization initiating a legal action.
    • Within ten working days from the date of pronouncement of the judgment, the Court shall deliver or forward the judgment to the litigants, body or organization initiating a legal action and to the Procuracy of the same level.
    • If the litigant has lodged an appeal in accordance with Article 245 and Item 1 of Article 244 of  the CPC, and the Court has checked the appeal in accordance with Article 246 of the CPC; or there is a protest by the Procuracy as provided by Articles 250, 251 and 252 of the CPC, the Court shall give the notification to the appellant so that he or she shall pay an appellate court fee deposit if the appellant is not exempt from court fee or court fee deposit and the Court must notify the Procuracy of the same level and relevant litigants of the appeal in writing.
    • Where the appellant fails to pay a court fee deposit for appellate hearing within the time limit stipulated in Item 2 of Article 248 of the CPC, the appeal shall be deemed to have been revoked, except for a proper reason.
    • Within five working days from the expiry of the time limit for the appeal or protest, if the appellant is not obliged to pay a court fee deposit for appellate hearing or the appellant has submitted a receipt of payment of a court fee deposit to the Court of first instance, the Court of first instance must deliver the case file, the appeal or protest, and attached documents and evidence to the Court of Appeal.