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The Supreme People's Court of Vietnam: Benchbook Online

You are here:  AsianLII >> Databases >> The Supreme People's Court of Vietnam: Benchbook Online >> 2.4.2. List of compensation amounts for damage caused by harm to health

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2.4.2. List of compensation amounts for damage caused by harm to health

  • Compensation for medical expenses to ameliorate health/treat injury?:
    - Cost of renting emergency equipment at the medical facility;
    - Cost ofmedicine and medical equipment or an X-ray, layer-cut scan, ultrasonic scan, test,surgery, blood transfusion or physical therapy, etc. upon instructions of a doctor;
    - Hospital fees;
    - Cost of restoratives, protein transmission, money for fostering or recovering health as instructed by a doctor;
    - Expenses for fitting an artificial leg, arm, eye or for buying a wheelchair, crutch(es) or comestic recovery, etc.
    - Other actual expenses necessary for the victim (if any).
  • Compensation for income of the person suffering damage:
    - Loss of actual income;
    - Reduction in actual income.
  • Compensation for the carer of the person suffering damage:
    - Reasonable expenses include expenses for travelling and accommodation of the carer;
    - Loss on actual income of the carer.
  • Long-term compensation and compensation for alimony:
    - Reasonable expenses paid monthly for maintenance;
    - Expenses for regular and periodical treatments;
    - Reasonable expenses for the regular carer;
    - Alimony for persons who should have been paid by the person suffering from damage.
  • Compensation for mental loss:
    - compensation for mental loss of the victim.