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The Supreme People's Court of Vietnam: Benchbook Online

You are here:  AsianLII >> Databases >> The Supreme People's Court of Vietnam: Benchbook Online >> 5.2.3. Questioning at the trial.

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5.2.3. Questioning at the trial.

Main tasks and practical skills:

   The appellate trial shall be conducted using the same procedures as the trial of first instance. Before considering the appeal or protest, a member of the Trial Panel shall present the brief of the content of the administrative case, decision of the judgment of first instance, and content of the appeal or protest.

  • During questioning, the Trial Panel shall question the appellants first, and the others later. If both the petitioner and petitioned lodge appeals, the Trial Panel shall question the petitioner first, and the petitioned later.
  • Order of questioning shall be conducted in the same way as the trial of first instance.