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The Supreme People's Court of Vietnam: Benchbook Online

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1.1. System of the People’s Courts

Related legal documents
  • Constitution 1992 (amended and supplemented in 2001)
  • Law on Organization of People’s Courts 2002
  • Ordinance on Organization of Military Tribunals 2002
  • Other relevant legal documents

  •  Main tasks and practical skills:

    • According to Article 2 of the 2002 Law on Organization of the People’s Courts, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has the following courts:
    • The Supreme People’s Court;
    • The People’s Courts of provinces and cities directly under central authority;
    • The People’s Courts of districts, prefectures, towns or cities under the provinces;
      The Military Tribunals;
    • Other tribunals specified by law.

    Under special circumstances, the National Assembly shall decide to establish certain special tribunals.